• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog or Vlog.

glog Cappy's 2015 Chocolate BS

It has been several year since I have started a grow log like a newb but I enjoy this time of year starting plants.  My name is Cappy and I first discovered the Seven Pod in a seed trade from Sara R. in Trinidad in 2008.  That year I had a grow log and documented my grow of an extra brainy seven pod and the Brain Strain 7 Pod was born.  Since that time I have shared seeds with anybody and everybody who asked for little more than the cost of shipping.  I did not try to profit or chase the world hottest title, that goes to CARDI and the creator of the seven pod.  I am just a grower of limited means with a closet with a grow light and a backyard in a residential neighborhood.  What I am is proud of my contribution to the pepper community and the opportunity to shared this pepper with the rest of the world.
Last year I received some seeds from a very generous Trinidadian friend here in the states by the name of Judy.  I have dreams on making a chocolate version of my yearly hot sauce BrAiN sTrAiN.  There have been both red and yellow versions in the past so 2015 will be the year of the chocolate BS.  First round of seeds were sown last weekend January 4 and today I have my first seedling so here we go!
Thanks everyone I am great just been away fishing the OBX the past several weeks.  Fishing Oregon Inlet with the Hot Tuna fishing guys every morning doing all we can not to hit the bridge like two of them did.  What an incredible fishing heaven that is truly gods country for a fisherman guy like me.  We caught Yellowfin Tuna down at the Point last week and this week fished the triple zeros and released 2 sailfish 3 White Marlin and 1 Blue Marlin this past weekend.  I have been fishing a BC Boat that is built right there in Manteo NC and stopped by the boat shed where it was built before driving home yesterday.
My plants are alive but neglected having to defend for themselves not getting water except when it rains.  They are pushing some peppers but nothing like the first wave I got in July.  These plants make me thing they might be a one and done and I don't know if I am going to get the second flush next month or not.  I have saved lots of genetics from my grow of the CBS 7 Pods and I know my inbox is full done on purpose.  I have 500 PMs open that I can continue conversations with, just no new people with 0 post that need all this seeds for a grow next year.  Life is good and pepper people are the best thanks for checking on me.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Thanks everyone I am great just been away fishing the OBX the past several weeks.  Fishing Oregon Inlet with the Hot Tuna fishing guys every morning doing all we can not to hit the bridge like two of them did.  What an incredible fishing heaven that is truly gods country for a fisherman guy like me.  We caught Yellowfin Tuna down at the Point last week and this week fished the triple zeros and released 2 sailfish 3 White Marlin and 1 Blue Marlin this past weekend.  I have been fishing a BC Boat that is built right there in Manteo NC and stopped by the boat shed where it was built before driving home yesterday.
My plants are alive but neglected having to defend for themselves not getting water except when it rains.  They are pushing some peppers but nothing like the first wave I got in July.  These plants make me thing they might be a one and done and I don't know if I am going to get the second flush next month or not.  I have saved lots of genetics from my grow of the CBS 7 Pods and I know my inbox is full done on purpose.  I have 500 PMs open that I can continue conversations with, just no new people with 0 post that need all this seeds for a grow next year.  Life is good and pepper people are the best thanks for checking on me.
you were fishing with the Otts?  I fished a couple mullet seasons in florida with jake griffin a few years back.  pretty work man.  glad you finally got to fish that area.  I love it there so much. 
Happy to hear that all is well. Sounds like you're having one helluva blast. Hope your plants give you that one last pull. Really looking forward to your chocolate version of your awesomesauce. Fish On Cappy!
welp sorry to hear about your garden but seems like you are having fun elsewhere!
I'm want some genetics from you, just drop me a pm when you are ready.
Scorched said:
Happy to hear that all is well. Sounds like you're having one helluva blast. Hope your plants give you that one last pull. Really looking forward to your chocolate version of your awesomesauce. Fish On Cappy!
I can't wait till I can get some of his chocolate bs sauce also my mouth is watering just thinking about it!!
Hey guys sorry for not updating the blog lately.  My CBS plants are ripening pods with more consistency since the heavy rains in Charleston a few weeks ago.  We had 28" of rain in a 24 hour period and if you had any leaks you knew about it right away.  Cats and dogs non-stop but the plants got a good flush and I am doing a fresh pods for free beer barter trade with the local brewery in town again this year.  The beer is Brain Squasher and American spicy Pumpkin Stout.  http://www.holycitybrewing.com/beer/brain-squasher  There was just a Zombie pub Crawl featuring this beer and everyone dressed up like zombies and went bar to bar.  All the profits made from the beer sales are donated to a charity.  I have donated pods several years now and this year when I was taking fresh pods up to the brewery I they of course have it on tap but they have some can in six packs with this killer label over in the cooler.  AWESOME! I of course took a case home and haven't touched it yet.  I missed the whole pub crawl this year and heard it was a huge success and everybody loves the beer is the feedback I'm getting.  I just got back from opening weekend in South Dakota pheasant hunting and could not turn down the incredible hunt.  Just beautiful bird almost like a Dr. Seuss animal with the big feathers and radiating colors the roosters have.  Get home last night and I have a package from our resident Pulpiteer with some seeds and a bottle of home tapped pepper infused maple syrup! Putting them on some brussel sprouts tonight for dinner thanks so much Andy!
Wow, beer brewed with BrainStrains? Hot Damn that sounds good! Maybe I should go over and talk to the boys at Dogfish Head lol. That's pretty awesome Cappy.
Great to hear that your plants are still putting out pods. Hope the hunt was a success.
Hey glad to hear that package made it to you!  I hope you enjoyed the syrup - and thanks again for the Brain Strain seeds this season - great genetics on those.  Those plants did well.