salsalady said:What weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of lead? Weight is weight, volume is different. A pound of lead is the size of a pound of buttter? a pound of feathers is....i dunno...two microwaves???? That is the idea anyway~
DWB said:Ideally, I would mix using a milligrams of active per milliliter of carrier type of calculation. Similar to the way nicotine solutions are mixed for eliquids. PG and VG are very different in viscosity but it all works out in the end.
salsalady said:doing a little research on that Qutenza it really $1700???? For 2 patches?????
DWB said:That's what I find. $1700-1800 for two. I hope it's worth the money
b3rnd said:Well if you know the specific gravity of the solvent you can calculate it too. For example Castor oil is similar to Emu oil in that it is harvested from an animal, so might be in the same weight category. Castor oil has a specific gravity of 954,14 kilograms per cubic metre (kg/m³), which can also be written as 954.14 mg/ml. If 954,14 is 92% of the total (with capsaicin) then 100% is 1037,11. Which means you need to add 82,97 mg of capsaicin to a ml of castor oil to get an 8% capsaicin ratio.
Correct me if I'm wrong, math was a long time ago. To guessitmate the specific gravity of the Emu oil you could try weighing a mililiter of the stuff.
Along with emu oil "Goanna oil" is the most popular here in Oz, its been used for hundreds if not thousands of years.salsalady said:Yes. Where do I get emu oil?