• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Capsidadburn 2011 Grow

Thanks Downriver, The beds are 5 x 8 and they are lined with material from a pond liner for the purpose of minimizing the amount of arsenic that may, or maynot leach into the soil. I'm at work so I don't have the link to post about the treated lumber. I'll post it later. Supposedly if left in contact with the soil the arsenic can leach 3 to 6 inches into the soil making that soil permanantly unuseable for growing. What, if any amount winds up in the plant and subsequently our bodies is speculative. Basically it is up to the grower to decide if there is risk or not. The risk drops off drastically as the lumber is aged or even pre washed or left in the rain.

The plumbing is an experiment in bottom feeding and or watering of nutrients and fertilizers. I do not have the resivors yet that will do this. The idea is to fill the resivoir with water and mix up the ferts and pop the valve to gravity feed. The volume nescessary for complete coverage will effect wheather I purchase or fabricate my own tanks.


The beds (2) are filled with last years soil from approx 115 #5 pots and ammended with homegrown compost. The third bed will require new dirt hauled in which I will need with the quantity of pots I have to fill this year. I like to mix my own a bit. I do not have exact measuments but I use Sunshine grow mix and assorted composts available. I still have not checked the local coops for Promix as It is not local for me.


Cheers Mike
The PVC will be used to support some sort of shade structure for August. So much production time is lost due to high heat (95 to 105 F). The shade screens and possibly some mist may help. Another experiment.

Here is the Treated lumber link;

This weeks progress and pics. I finished the second raised bed. Cats were overly appreciative of the new boxes I made for them so I had to shut that down. I used some plastic 1 inch mesh material that I had in the shed. Now it has become lounge furniture. My overwintered Fatalii has produced its first pod. Yea!! They are all blooming good. I've got around 65 chinense's potted up to one gallon. Very windy here today with light showers this morning.

Have a great day everyone, Mike



Chaco bloom C. chacoense
The new garden beds looks great Mike well thought out and good use of last years mix. Are you using new soil in all your container plants or if your even using containers for the other 65 plants? Why doesn't the grass grow in your yard? Sorry for all the questions just that I won't place plants in the part of my yard where the grass is thin. Usually not enough light from a shade tree is all. Nice to see other peoples grow spaces and ideas for the coming season, best of luck.
Thanks PRF, I have really enjoyed making the beds and am dying to make the last one. It will be all new soil in the last bed and somewhere between 300 and 400 plants. Maybe 20 or so are Tomato's, Jetstar, San Marzano, and Hawaiian Pineapple Hybrid.

Last year I had roughly 150 plants and I spent so much time out there that I beat down all if any grass. This year the same will likely happen. I am terrible at yard maintenance. I still work approx. 52 hour weeks so I'm usually more interested in having a beer and being in the back yard when I get home than anything else. My 10 year old daughter is always waiting for me to go out and pot up something. That is nice. Today both she and my 13 year old son helped with the yard some. When I talk about the 65 pots I'm more overwhelmed at what is still in front of me. I bring this on myself though.

I definitely suffer from yard envy of all the growers here.

One of last season's photos
Time for a mid April update. I have potted up the majority of my chinense to 1 gallon. I am still hardening off the remaining seedlings and tomato's. I have a 3rd raised bed now but need to bring in some soil. Here are a few pics;
A young Locato from Pepperlover

Cap 1546 from Rainbow chile seeds (overwintered)

Manzano bloom

Nice photography skills. Backyard pepper paradise Mike, hope you don't hog that swingset all summer long your little girl won't like that. Keep up the great work the raised beds look terrific. Now make some room so we can swing. :P
Thank you very much Buddy.

Thanks Cappy. I'm trying to convince my daughter that the A frame swing needs to be temporarilly converted to a greenhouse in the winter time.

Thank you very much Mmcdermott, there is more purple coming.

Have a good day.

Here is the Treated lumber link;

Hi Mike.

I'm not sure how old the article linked above is, but I'd guess late 90's. :)

If I recall correctly, CCA pressure treated lumber hasn't been sold to "consumers" since 2004. It is still used commercially for building piers, boat docks, retaining walls, etc, but not in homeowners' backyards. It has been replaced with ACQ pressure treated lumber, which is mentioned at the end of the article. ACQ is a MUCH safer product, although opinions are still divided regarding its' use around consumables.

To confirm you're using ACQ, just check the tag (usually stapled to the end) on your treated lumber. If so, perhaps you may be more comfortable with your choice of building material.

Personally, I don't have a problem with ACQ. In fact, I built some raised beds a few years ago and didn't even bother lining them. No ill affects as yet. :cool:

Anyway, boxes look great - can't wait to see the fruits hanging above your labor. :)
Thanks for that clarification DownRiver. You are correct about the lumber I have. And those "opinions" live in my house with me. :)

Good day Mike
Just trucking along i see. I'm no where near a far ahead as most here but i have. Quite a few i recieved from you. But the garden looks good ands I'm jealous. Can't wait for more pics!.
Thanks Txskunk and Mascalzone, TX, glad you got some of those going and good luck with your season and the Crawfish boils.

I just finished filling the 3rd raised bed yesterday evening. Plants are in it and going finially. Back to potting up tonight. I will put up some more pics this weekend.

Here is a late April photo update. First two raised beds are setting pods now with good consistency (overwintered plants). Bloom drop is still lingering some. Great weekend to all, Here are some pics;
Some new C. chinense plants

Little Nubian bloom

Sore throat candy (Little Nubian) Pods will ripen to dark red

Raised bed growth
Hello everybody, was out of town for 3 days to the coast. Very windy and lots of jellyfish on the beach. Had a sitter for my plants one day. Seem to have only lost one plant. I am very thankful for that. Back to the potting up this weekend and more pics. Here is Tiny Samoa.
Cheers Mike

Here is an update for May 10th. My new plants are not as far along as I would prefer but they will make it ok. It is certainly overwhelming. I already feel like I need to be working on my shade screens (for the overwintered plants in raised beds). Its been in the mid ninety's a bunch already. Here are several pics.

Thanks Mike
Yellow 7 pot

Bahama Goat pepper


Yellow Bhut Jolokia

Another Yellow Bhut