chinense carolina reaper almost 2 months later

I just ate a piece of my first Moruga its a friggin flame thrower. I tried a reaper but, the leaf had little flavor and no heat. My latest crop of BTs have ripened but I need to recover from the Moruga first.
This ship has sailed me thinks- people have bought, people believe, and it's time to cull the thread. We'll see the next one THSC, new one that comes out next year. However, I'd put my money on Pepperlover having the hottest. I think, it's called a Douglah or Brown. Then again, the new Douglahx scorpx lighter has got to be good. Really, I don't quite undertstand the need to go hotter. Why can't we make the flavours hotter, me, the Mrs??? lol
I have to agree that there should be some documents, even some research material that consistently puts HP22B In the million club consistently. But im kinda optomistic I dont know Ed from dirt but If he is half the pepper lover that some on here are i dont think he would have even made an anouncement without prior reasearch backing it all up, I wouldent have last thing i need is to be BSing evryone, and pepper joe wouldent be backin him so hard if the record potential wasent there, having said that the review on Pjoes website said that its also verry delish and aromatic not just hot,
but it is lava hot tho.
Pepperlover i think suspects it is a primo and nothing more and lookin at the pics they look similar if not the same, but others say diff flavor and aroma, I personaly think if there hasent been any proof within a year then call it BS, dose anyone agree??
A good, respectful post.

And I agree that to make a claim it should be supported.

That said, I'm also the kind of person that believes that people who have a reputation don't callously risk that hard earned rep with frivolous claims, and I also tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, especially when they've worked hard on something.

I'm not a grower and have no dog in this fight. I'm actually using pepperlover's fantastic Moruga Scorpions in my 4th flavor and they are plenty hot enough - so if there's truly something hotter it's not going to effect me one way or another.

But as I've mentioned before in here, this grower is pretty well known, and as you mentioned has the support of some other reputable folks in the industry, so "wait & see" might be the best course of action.

And if the worst case scenario happens, and this proves to not be the new hottest pepper, shouldn't we also allow the grower the opportunity to be stand up about it an say "hey, sorry, I was wrong"?

That seems like the fair course of action to me