chinense carolina reaper almost 2 months later

Want documentation? Guinness gives it to you, no? I have fresh Moruga and Butch Ts(my own) ATM, soon I will be a walking talking document. Since only 3 Reaper seeds popped and they are many months away that comparison will have to wait....
Walking talking document.......

That term reminds me of an occurence I had while putting together a rather large money laundering case. Had a guy come forward and tell me he could be "a verbal witness" had to inform him that term did not exist, nor could it exist.

He seemed stunned......
I suppose the real question is who is going to send some pods for testing? It is probably best done by the community anyway.
Supposed to have been already seen the pictures of the marketing guy and the creator of the pepper in the lab during the testing, right?

If they are the hottest numbers, why not just release them?
Sir, review post number 1 in this thead.....documentation. That would not include comments on balls, zipppers, or anything else that may spring forth from your vivid imagination.

By keeping a thread on track, we help to streamline discussion not divert it.

That was easy.

well someone's been to Staples.


I guess I don't quite get the vitriol that some have for this particular topic. Haven't there been several other allegedly "hottest pepper in the world" recently? I seem to recall 2 this year.

Hell, that dude Jamie in Wiamea Bay who cries like a little girl in the video owns the domain "" - the Bhut Jolokia isn't the hottest in the world still right? I just googled it & see that the Huffington Post says it's the Moruga Scorpion. Why aren't the folks here who seem so outraged about the Reaper starting topics outraged about Jamie's website / domain name being false advertizing? That seems like an even more blatant ethical violation since his entire company is set up on a domain that's apparently a blatant falsehood. (personally it doesn't bother me - I'm sure he grows very hot peppers, despite the exaggerated reaction in the video)

Which brings up another point - once you get to a certain X-million scovies does it even matter, other than marketing purposes anyway? Demanding documentation for a claim like that seems like a waste of time and energy. I get that a hobbiest wants to grow "the hottest pepper" as part of the epic pissing contest that all hobbiests of all hobbies have (model plane folks want the fastest/biggest/best plane, pumpkin growers want the biggest pumpkins, shrunken head collectors the shrunkenest head, etc) - but if a grower ends up growing the 2nd hottest pepper by (gasp!) 2%, is that really worth getting up in arms about?

I don't get it. Life's way too short. Once you get to a certain number of scoville units it's not like you can taste the difference.

My $.02
well someone's been to Staples.


I guess I don't quite get the vitriol that some have for this particular topic. Haven't there been several other allegedly "hottest pepper in the world" recently? I seem to recall 2 this year.

Hell, that dude Jamie in Wiamea Bay who cries like a little girl in the video owns the domain "" - the Bhut Jolokia isn't the hottest in the world still right? I just googled it & see that the Huffington Post says it's the Moruga Scorpion. Why aren't the folks here who seem so outraged about the Reaper starting topics outraged about Jamie's website / domain name being false advertizing? That seems like an even more blatant ethical violation since his entire company is set up on a domain that's apparently a blatant falsehood. (personally it doesn't bother me - I'm sure he grows very hot peppers, despite the exaggerated reaction in the video)

Which brings up another point - once you get to a certain X-million scovies does it even matter, other than marketing purposes anyway? Demanding documentation for a claim like that seems like a waste of time and energy. I get that a hobbiest wants to grow "the hottest pepper" as part of the epic pissing contest that all hobbiests of all hobbies have (model plane folks want the fastest/biggest/best plane, pumpkin growers want the biggest pumpkins, shrunken head collectors the shrunkenest head, etc) - but if a grower ends up growing the 2nd hottest pepper by (gasp!) 2%, is that really worth getting up in arms about?

I don't get it. Life's way too short. Once you get to a certain number of scoville units it's not like you can taste the difference.

My $.02

I've seen this a couple of times here related to this particular topic. I chalk it up to a backlash related to the heavy duty marketing campaign rather than anything to do with the pepper itself. In the end I don't particularly care because I agree that once you get to a million on the scoville scale you are in the freaking hot range regardless, and some people may want to grow one type over another or prefer the taste of one over the other.