chinense Carolina Reaper and Pepper Stabilization

cycadjungle,  Yep and more test by more growers will show what the hottest pepper really is, but if you like a pepper grow it!!
  Looking more into things, "Under US patent law it is illegal for farmers to save patented seed"  "But seed saving is illegal only if the farmer is saving or re-using patented seed." so just saving seeds from a patented strain would be illegal, but if there is no patent then you could save all the seeds you want.  So I have emailed Ed and asked him for the Patent number of the CR seeds That could clear a lot up more then just our thoughts on it. 
I really think a hotter pepper will be breed, maybe it will be a THP member, and tbh I hope all this talk will get members trying to breed there own supper pepper. :) from looking at breeding it shouldn't be too hard to do and I have all ready thought of about 20 crosses I would like to try.   I breed pigeons for like thirty years and as I'm done with pigeons due to my health it's time to find something else to pay with lol      
Having grown a few peppers and given samples to various people my conclusion is, the Butch T and Brain Strain are very close, they hit hard right away then taper off fast. On the other hand the Moruga Scorpion hits not as hard  but, has a long searing heat that takes longer to subside.  The Carolina Reapers I have been growing so far, don't resemble the pictures in the promos showed. So until the 6 other plants I have growing(thats 6 out of 20 seeds, terrible germ rate!) I will cross my fingers and hope 1 of the 7 plants grows true, then maybe I can compare the heat to others. Seems like a giant publicity campaign tah make bank and thats all(so far).  
Until I see a plant give me true Carolina Reapers I will consider this just another scam, no matter how many people post pics of their wonderful pods online. 
I ordered from ED and Joe so both sources are covered here.
Ocho Cinco said:
So basically what you are saying is that this is a one sided and biased conversation and I should just stay out. That's exactly my point. No one wants to hear anything positive. Personally I believe that there are quite a few of the complainers on here that stand to gain if Pepper Joe and Ed Currie's reputations are damaged and that is why I am largely being ignored. 
I also feel that my posts are very relevant to this conversation or I wouldn't bother posting on here. We are talking about stabilization and pod shape. I am showing that at least the seeds that I have appear stable and have awesome pod shape. How is that not relevant? Wouldn't you say that mmcdermott1 has posted a relevant video that adds to the conversation? I would and I am basically saying the same thing that he is. The only difference is that he posted from a larger commercial growers point of view and I am posting from a small home growers point of view.
It is only fair to post both sides of the story. Correct?
Alright, they have relevance in that your 3 plants came out looking right, but you posted those pictures twice in this thread already, then you come back later ask why you people aren't talking about the pictures you posted of your 3 plants.  It is great that they came out right, but it isn't much of a sample size.  Mike's videos matter because he is growing over 700 times the amount plants than you are. There are tons of examples of correct and incorrect shapes in the community grow, where you already posted your pictures.  Most of the people who posted their pictures there haven't posted them here, let alone posted them twice and then asked why they aren't getting any attention.
What seems irrelevant is that you keep posting about how great Pepper Joe is, which in my mind has very little to do with this topic. It belongs in the vendor vault.  Ed Currie is the one who grew this pepper.  It's like if you were doing a movie review and you kept gushing about how pretty the girl in the ticket booth was, and how she liked your comments that you put on her facebook page later on, and even responded!  Then, you sold the stub to a guy for $50 and it made your day. Ed Currie is the one who has his reputation on the line.
Even if you want to make it about PJ, who are the people posting that stand to gain from damaging Pepper Joe's reputation?  Pepper Joe has a huge customer base of casual growers.  His site is often one of the first that shows up when you buy seeds, and I don't see that changing.  He's great at bringing new people into the hobby with his silly website and positive attitude.  He'll keep drawing those people in. Anyone who is reading this probably trades for most of their seeds anyway, so even if this was about him I doubt it would have much of an effect on his bottom line.
Sorry if I hurt your feelings, I read through the entire thread in one sitting so it seemed like you were being really repetitive and a bit of a shill.  Sometimes it is a bit suspect when a person joins a forum and only posts to talk about how great a particular vendor is.  I've seen it happen on other hobby sites, and I may have judged you as a sockpuppet.  I apologize for being rude.
I have thought about Farmers markets so I am interested in this but also as I like genetics and breeding, and I want to know my rights if I breed something cool.  LOL  I am not a greedy person so even if I breed something cool,  I most likely will never worry about getting it patented, but it's good to know.   
   From Mansanto's website   
When farmers purchase a patented seed variety, they sign an agreement that they will not save and replant seeds produced from the seed they buy from us. More than 275,000 farmers a year buy seed under these agreements in the United States. Other seed companies sell their seed under similar provisions. They understand the basic simplicity of the agreement, which is that a business must be paid for its product. The vast majority of farmers understand and appreciate our research and are willing to pay for our inventions and the value they provide. They don’t think it's fair that some farmers don’t pay.     
Also to get a patent the seeds can't be sold for more then one year before it gets it's first patent, but honestly I can't find anything that says one can't sale crops for profit other then who holds the Patent says you can if there's no signed contract.
 Plant Variety Protection Act of 1970 even says a farmer can save seeds but Monsanto has won in court that farmers can't as they have signed contracts that doesn't allow farmers to save seeds. 
 First, it must be new, in the sense that propagating or harvested material has not been sold or otherwise disposed of for purposes of exploitation for more than one year in the United States, or more than four years in any foreign jurisdiction (or six years in the case of a tree or vine).
Prehensile said:
Having grown a few peppers and given samples to various people my conclusion is, the Butch T and Brain Strain are very close, they hit hard right away then taper off fast. On the other hand the Moruga Scorpion hits not as hard  but, has a long searing heat that takes longer to subside.  The Carolina Reapers I have been growing so far, don't resemble the pictures in the promos showed. So until the 6 other plants I have growing(thats 6 out of 20 seeds, terrible germ rate!) I will cross my fingers and hope 1 of the 7 plants grows true, then maybe I can compare the heat to others. Seems like a giant publicity campaign tah make bank and thats all(so far).  
Until I see a plant give me true Carolina Reapers I will consider this just another scam, no matter how many people post pics of their wonderful pods online. 
I ordered from ED and Joe so both sources are covered here.
Nuf said.
1) the HP22B is a cool and exiting pepper,, I personally haven't growed it even tho I follow all posts closely
2)I personally would only count out the smooth habanero looking pods as being untrue or not stable(many times I have got orange habaneros, from grocery that are boxy, pointed, bonnet,pendant shaped all in the mix,can't say orange habs are unstable can you?
3) I have met Ed down at his retail location I can only speak form what I saw he is a very kind humble man that gives God credit for his success in speaking with him I was quick to pick up that the hot pepper industry is shaddy as i saw Mr Mcdermott mentioned this in his vid, the reality of peppers is very different from what your average THP member percives because his/hers understanding is in part based on posts read of another mans understanding,, Then the most popular or factual argument wins and all gravitate to it but that dose not make that argument True, there are always details and facts missing..I use to read all the details about what variety of peppers I was intrusted in growing from vendor sites and I can say almost all use a bit of sauce smoke and flash to push seeds they say stuff like sweet flavor, easy to grow, pepper is Smokey no need to smoke,, worlds hottest is still touted on all sites selling b jolokia even tho that is old news,,
End of the day other than the business minded folks that wanna sell the next hot thing or the ones that spent hundreds of cents on reaper seed im sure y'all will recover,,,, its just a pepper enjoy the grow heck I might break down and grow hp22b next year..but I have a few crosses of my own to tend to
4)Ed has spent money and time on the reaper and the even cooler thing is all the cancer reaserch he is doing other vendors just sell seeds,peppers, sauce,powders, ex,,few do HpLC tests like he has done with his peppers I don't blame him for wanting to protect his name or for what he charges for the seed he sells,,,if you bought it then you agreed to it,,,I have got seeds from vendors that was not true on a few plants last year about 7 plants this year 2 plants are not true to form 2 different vendors no big deal to me since I'm not a commercial grower and I love to share with everyone that needs a pepper fix,,as much as we share and forgive on here this reaper thing seems to be hard I think marketing and peppers going main stream pissed more people off than anything else,,,,,

members on here worked about getting sued or the folks that lost hundreds of cents on 10 seeds will gladly buying a gallon
Nice words pepperhog, but you sound bias. you are told one thing (stable, color, etc) but grow something different. ¢ per seed is not the issue here. being sold a bill of goods that are junk, and being threatened with a lawsuit for some proprietary mumbo jumbo is something else. no one has a patent or exclusivity to this so called "reaper"... It doesn't exist until that happens. show me this "reaper" strain. on paper. who owns it? no one.

don't sell me a white 1978 Pinto when I bought a blue 2014 Chrysler 300. its not about the money, just the BS big fish in a small pond, pissing contest of something that shouldn't be on the market in the first place.

Like I said the hab lookin pods are def untrue,
In the big picture there are far worse things out there than 10 seeds that = 7 reapers,,2 naga s,, 1 habanero,
I do think that once the potential of the reaper was seen it was rushed to market but I think we know who had a big part in this I'm not saying the name,,, how that for un bias