chinense Carolina Reaper confirmed the world's hottest pepper

mmcdermott1 said:
To the moron that said Ed "bribed"...I guess lots of folks must bribe them. It's not a bribe it's a process. Anyone going for any record can pay to expedite the FACT FINDING. As I said, Guinness doesn't test, they simply gather the results and determine the legitimacy of them and if they meet the guidelines. This isn't unique to Ed.
LMAO I think it's funny someone would pay to expedite the FACT FINDING, that if he didn't pay $10,000 he wouldn't get the Record as soon so what's the Rush?? As I said paying to expedite, I think most people would think is a Bribe. If I went to my city and wanted a permit to do something but Payed someone to expedite the permit wouldn't that be a "bribe"????

I say Genetics don't add up and who would be so concerned to hold the World Record to pay $10,000, I don't live off much more then that per Year, I see it as a wast of money if he would have been the World Record holder ANYHOW.
Creating a hybrid pepper from cross pollinating pepper plants from seeds you can get at ACE Hardware... $7.99

Growing out said hybrids on 5 acres... $452.37

Paying $10,000 for a test to clinch the Guinness title "world's hottest"... Priceless
FACT FINDING mmcdermott1, is all I am trying to do you may not like what I think as as to genetics don't add up IMO or I think paying $10,000 to expedite a record that would be his is IMO Bribing it's my thoughts and I stand behind my thoughts, as you Sure haven't shown any Facts to Prove I am wrong.

On Puckerbutt's web site Scoville: 1.474 million but now the Record is over 1.5 and tested out at 2.2 top???
I think that all of the facts have been presented and are official. If anyone doesn't believe Ed, the people who did the testing or the Guiness World Records people then prove them wrong. Ed has done what he needs to do to prove his point. If anyone has any doubts then the burden of proof is on the person or people making the opposing claim. The burden of proof  is the obligation resting on a party in a trial to produce the evidence that will shift the conclusion away from the default position to one's own position.
I have to admit, I was totally turned off to The Reaper by the way it was hyped and hyped by the official (not mentioning names) snake oil salesman, but after meeting Ed himself, and knowing the credibility of the grower he trusted to grow the most of them this year, AND trying one myself, I can say nothing but congrats.  As for all the hyperbole going on here, I would say, no successful business gives up all their trade secrets, no successful business is not in it for money, and IT IS STILL ONLY PEPPERS PEOPLE!  Give the dude his due and move on.
Oh and for the record, I tried the HP36B and it IS hotter.
(not on Ed's payroll)
I hate when people say someone is "in it for the money."
Well duh. Wouldn't YOU like to do what you love for a living? If you love growing peppers and want to do it for a living so you can give up your other job... you have to be "in it for the money" or you will FAIL and return to hobby status.
Why don't some people understand what a business is?

I applaud people that can turn hobbies into careers and do what they love.
Agreed, Bozz. 
But, there is something to be said about tone and set. 
Personally, I would only do business with one of the two "official" seed sources for the Kackalacky Ripper.   0.02
AND..Congrats to Ed Currie and his team on this accomplishment! 
God bless your work to assist those fighting for their lives.  F*CK Cancer!!!
Just commenting in general... nobody sets out to start a business that loses money or breaks even. A business has to succeed, and make money (duh). It's common sense but some people don't get it and think if their business is their passion they have to suffer, and if they succeed, they are greedy.
Congrats, Ed.
Browning said:
After speaking to Ed recently, I don't think this is correct. He insinuated as if they are packaged different between himself and joe

carolina seed from Ed of course, but joe alwaysgot angry and mentioned ed packaged everything

Myself and Ed Currey with the first 1,000 Seed Packs. A lot of work.
just sayin
"Guiness did their homework and the Hottest is now Ed's Carolina reaper"

I agree with that. just knowing genetics and some other things I am turned off of the Reapers.
Mr Hill, its not a bribe because you can pay the 10k and still be declined. And just because you think its a waste of money doesn't mean he didnt do it for a reason, after just a few seconds of thinking about possible reasons: Longer period of time as #1, because others are trying to beat the record, chance to make more money being #1 because a LOT of people -have- to have the hottest.
In this thread I see kudos given over the achievement, which is a response you would expect from the title, but also people asking about how this thing could have been/was made.
Not everybody has space, funds or time to also get involved and try to make something for "the record".
Therefore the "do it yourself !" type response has zero merit.
If people don't want to answer questions, they have every right to say no, but people with deep interests can be passionate, and persistent.
Isn't that a good thing? Isn't that something that could forge new friendships and perhaps collaboration in the greenhouse to do something new - doesn't have to be hotter, just new (remember all the non superhot folk).
Regards to all,
Naga viper wasn't stable when it made the record. If the reaper is up there than so be it. Another Pepper to grow.

Why would people complaint about seed pricing? Some people have them here and can always give them out free or throw them in with other seed in a trade.

To me this is like trying to win at Super Mario bros. Each time you try to reach the goal without failing.

It's plain simple, you like it? Then grow it. You don't like it? Then don't grow it. It's not like if everyone is being forced to grow it.

I have seed and if I start any it would be just one plant at most just for the heck of it or start a few and give them to friends to grow out.

I expect that Ed payed the10k Expedited fee, so that he could cash in on the holiday Christmas boom, $$ cha ching !
He promotes himself to be an ex-banker after all.
JayT said:
I have to admit, I was totally turned off to The Reaper by the way it was hyped and hyped by the official (not mentioning names) snake oil salesman, but after meeting Ed himself, and knowing the credibility of the grower he trusted to grow the most of them this year, AND trying one myself, I can say nothing but congrats.  As for all the hyperbole going on here, I would say, no successful business gives up all their trade secrets, no successful business is not in it for money, and IT IS STILL ONLY PEPPERS PEOPLE!  Give the dude his due and move on.
Oh and for the record, I tried the HP36B and it IS hotter.
(not on Ed's payroll)
Come on, a new "world's hottest" without drama?  That wouldn't be dignified ;) .
I am curious about the original strains involved in the cross, but also understand potential reasons for secrecy (e.g. minimizing exposure to potential lawsuits), so won't pass judgement on the decision to reveal or not to reveal per se.
However, it seems inevitable that at some point, the next "world's hottest" will be a GMO, and when this happens, I would personally like to be informed.  Currently there aren't any laws regarding disclosure of this kind of information in the US.  So secrecy might be for good reasons, but as a precedent, it makes me uncomfortable.