• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Cartz's 2013-14 Glog - Video update - Waaay overdue

Hey all, I find myself with a couple of free hours and thought I would finally contribute something to the forums that I've been lurking around for the last 12 months.
My motivation for posting a grow log this season is simple - I need to restore some pride. To be blunt, last summer was my first time growing and I sucked pretty hard. I did somehow manage to pull a few pods amidst the carnage of being double teamed by my own stupidity and mother nature, but I'm determined to be more successful this season.
Given that I am still very much a rookie, please don't hesitate to offer any advice or criticism you have if you see me doing anything dumb on here.   
Living in Brisbane (AUS), I wanted to get things off to an early start this season. I purchased my seed stock from a couple of local vendors (JungleRain and the delightfully half-mad folk at The Hippy Seed Company) in early June, together with a couple of small heated propagators. I decided on a 100% jiffy pellet based propagation this year, simply because sitting on my couch with a steaming kettle and a bowl seemed like a cosier option than sitting on the floor up to my wrists in dirt filling up seed cells. 
On 28 June 2013 I planted the following seeds (4 per jiffy):
Biker Billy Jalapeno
Mucho Nacho Jalapeno
Bulgarian Carrot
Aji Lemon
Hot Fish
Super Chilli
Orange Manzano
Scarlet Lantern
Choc Habanero
White Devils Tongue
Bahamian Goat Pepper
Bih Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia x Mayan Red
THSC Naga 7
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
THSC Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate 
7-Pod Primo x Choc Habanero f3
7-Pod Jonah
7-Pod Brainstrain
The jiffys were kept in a heated propagator with all the air vents closed in the dank spare bedroom. I resisted my usual OCD urge to look at them every 5 minutes and only checked on them twice a day to try and keep the temp constant. The $2 thermometer told me it stayed between 28-30 degrees in there. 

Turns out the heated propagator was a good investment as I didn't have to wait nearly as long for some hooks as I did last season (when they just lived in a container under the sink). The next shot was taken 7 days after planting:

It was 10 days after planting, and 4 days after the first hooks came through that I learnt my next lesson - I probably should have taken those jiffys that had sprouted straight out into some light. But I didn't, and they got reeeeaaaally leggy, real fast haha:

10 days after sowing the seeds, and 4 days after the first hooks popped through, I decided to sow some more. There were a few different species I still hadn't planted, plus I was worried about the longevity of a few of the really leggy, pale seedlings. So on 8 July 2013 I planted the following (again 4 seeds per jiffy):
Biker Billy Jalapeno
Mucho Nacho Jalapeno
Aji Lemon
Orange Cobra
De arbol Blood
Naga Morich x Tabasco
Bhut Jolokia
Pimenta de Neyde
7-Pod Jonah x Trinidad Yellow Scotch Bonnet (called a 'Nebru' by THSC)
I had pretty good germination rates for most of this second batch, with most species popping up between 7 and 10 days. However, by 23 July 2013 I decided what the heck and gave a few more of the slower varieties seeds a 24 hour chamomile tea soak before burying them. Interestingly, the only varieties that the soak reduced the germination time of by more then a day were the Moruga (from 9 to 6 days) and the Jonah (from 13 to 7 days). Don't know how typical this is?

Here's a shot of the seedlings warming up in a sunny window taken about 30 July 2013. They are mostly looking pretty good and their will to live seems to have overcome my early negligence in letting them get so leggy. There's already some nice variegation in the first true leaves on the Hot Fish, although I'm sure that's more to do with the quality of JungleRain's seed stock than anything I've done:

It was about the time of this pic that I had to start thinking about giving them some more room to grow. It's still mid-winter so there's no way they were going outside and I didn't have anywhere I could keep their feet warm yet. I started researching grow lights on the forums and was just totally overwhelmed by the amount of tech-jargon and seemingly contradictory information on there. I kinda gave up and just decided that any light would be better then none so I went to the local electrical wholesaler and picked up a couple of 38w fluoro's for only $20 a pop. I thought they were a steal compared to some of the prices I had seen. 1 trip to Bunnings and 2 hours of internet electrical wiring research later I had a very simple, rustic, but (hopefully) workable solution. They sit in the window of my north facing balcony so they get plenty of natural light already, and will hopefully appreciate just a little heat boost from the fluoro's until September when I'll move them outside.


All things considered, my seedlings all seem fairly happy and I THINK I'm off to an ok start for my second season. I should note that I still have 0% germination on the following varieties, which is bit of a downer:
Bhut Jolokia x Mayan Red
Bih Jolokia
Bulgarian Carrot
Any recommendations on how long I should keep them in the propagator until I give up on them?
Well that's about it, apologies for this first Glog entry being retrospective, but I'll be keeping it current now that I've got it up and running.
Thanks for checking out my Glog and please feel free to comment/criticise/enquire... :dance:
Hi Cartz!
You are doing great! Sorry to hear about last years season. The weather can be pretty damaging up there. I am down in Melbourne where it is much easier :)
You are off to a great start this season and all the best. I see you have the same heated propagator from Bunning's as I. They are pretty good. I made the same mistake with my Jalapenos, the first was very leggy. Taking them out and put them on the windowsill from now on ;)
Also you have inspired me to start a Glog. On it now! Cheers!
Best of luck with the season ahead ... Looks like you are off to a good start and some nice varieties on the list. Its probably warm enough for the bigger seedlings to go outside now and just bring them somewhere warm during the night ... 26 degrees C today .. Saves hardening them off in 30 degree heat later on
Mitch_from_OZ said:
Hi Cartz!
You are doing great! Sorry to hear about last years season. The weather can be pretty damaging up there. I am down in Melbourne where it is much easier :)
You are off to a great start this season and all the best. I see you have the same heated propagator from Bunning's as I. They are pretty good. I made the same mistake with my Jalapenos, the first was very leggy. Taking them out and put them on the windowsill from now on ;)
Also you have inspired me to start a Glog. On it now! Cheers!
Hi Mitch, thanks for the encouraging words! When I started growing chilies last year there was no way I would have thought Melbourne would be more conducive to growing than Brisbane...but you are totally right. We might have a slightly longer season up here but our weather has just been totally whack the last couple of years, not to mention the hordes of hungry pests that have so far made a mockery of my attempts to grow as organically as possible :violin:  That said, there are a couple of really successful Brisbane-area growers on this forum so I know it can be done. I will keep at it until I persevere!
Am happy to have contributed to you starting your Glog...especially if it means being able to drool over more pod pron the likes of what you grew last season. Keep at it mate!  
Trippa said:
Best of luck with the season ahead ... Looks like you are off to a good start and some nice varieties on the list. Its probably warm enough for the bigger seedlings to go outside now and just bring them somewhere warm during the night ... 26 degrees C today .. Saves hardening them off in 30 degree heat later on
Cheers Trippa! Although I was actually afraid someone might tell me that...hardening off in the current balmy temps certainly sounds smart but I'm living in fear of them getting mauled by the local mite population before they've had much of a chance to grow and strengthen. You got any advice for keeping the nasties at bay? I was planning monthly sprays of neem and nature's way mite killer - on alternating fortnights. I'd been doing that for my couple of overwinters and they all seem pretty happy and bug free..with my jalapeno and aji lemon even setting and ripening winter pods.    
No mites about at the moment not humid enough ... Aphids are more likely but they are relatively easy to control
Ah good to know mate. In that case I'll put them out for a sunbake right now. Aphids don't worry me - I've been taking out my mite frustrations on any aphids foolish enough to show up. I almost pity them...almost.
Thanks Jamison, hopefully mother nature plays nice and I can have something to show off in a few months! :)  I've started working my way through your Glog but it's going to take me a while haha! Tell me - of all those bonnet strains you planted, which is your favourite purely in terms of taste? I'm pretty happy with my grow list for this season, but am already shortlisting seeds for next year and would love to add some great eating bonnets. Cheers man!   
Cartz said:
Hi Mitch, thanks for the encouraging words! When I started growing chilies last year there was no way I would have thought Melbourne would be more conducive to growing than Brisbane...but you are totally right. We might have a slightly longer season up here but our weather has just been totally whack the last couple of years, not to mention the hordes of hungry pests that have so far made a mockery of my attempts to grow as organically as possible :violin:  That said, there are a couple of really successful Brisbane-area growers on this forum so I know it can be done. I will keep at it until I persevere!
Am happy to have contributed to you starting your Glog...especially if it means being able to drool over more pod pron the likes of what you grew last season. Keep at it mate!  
Cheers Trippa! Although I was actually afraid someone might tell me that...hardening off in the current balmy temps certainly sounds smart but I'm living in fear of them getting mauled by the local mite population before they've had much of a chance to grow and strengthen. You got any advice for keeping the nasties at bay? I was planning monthly sprays of neem and nature's way mite killer - on alternating fortnights. I'd been doing that for my couple of overwinters and they all seem pretty happy and bug free..with my jalapeno and aji lemon even setting and ripening winter pods.    
I do envy the long season you have however. If the weather stays stable you will do very well, your plants look really great already!
In terms of broad mite control by the way its a waste of time using neem on them ... If you want to stay organic buy predatory mites from bugs for bugs or use wettable or lime sulphur (but only if you really have to)
Time for an update and just a quick chat about a few of my plants.
First off, they've all been going really well over the last week and appear to be enjoying the warmer weather now that winter is well and truly on the way out. The few seedlings that copped a bit of a hiding when I broke up their jiffys while potting them up all seem to have recovered and are showing some good growth. I also took Trippa's advice and have been giving them about 30-45 mins outside each morning to try and fast track their hardening off. The winter sun up here is already pretty crazy and by midday has been wilting some of the plants inside closest to the windows. Yikes! I know they're only little but they better toughen up quick.  
A few pics to show their progress:
The first is one of my manzano's. I haven't grown these furry little suckers before but I've heard great things about their table qualities so I'm really looking forward to some poddage. Read somewhere they prefer things a bit cooler so he'll be taking up residence in the most shaded corner of my balcony.

Next up are a couple of my tabasco's. These are already looking like compact little trees. The one on the left has forked already which is pretty cool! For all of my species that I'm growing multiple plants of (most of them, hopefully) I'm planning on topping one of the plants to compare it's growth to the others. Most of my plants from season 1 were too tall and skinny for my liking so fingers crossed I will soon be seeing plenty of plants that are heavily forked. 

Next up, I'm actually more interested in the seedlings in the background, behind the De arbol Blood's - the Kanthari's. These chillies apparently hail from the Kerela region of India and grow very similarly to tabasco's, but with a more black pepperish taste. I LOVE Indian food and my favourite curries are from the Kerela region (maybe not something to admit in THP given that black pepper is used just as much, if not more, than chillies to flavour their curries haha). Anywho, I had to give them a go this year but so far they are looking nothing like the tabascos. They are staying really low to the ground and just spreading out their medium sized leaves, unlike the tabascos who are clumping their very small leaves together and shooting for the roof. Still really interested to check out the mature plants as there's not a heap of info online about them.

Next up are my some of my Hot Fish, Pimenta de Neyde and Biker Billy's



Next up is my lone Scarlet Lantern. This plant is b-e-a-u-tiful. My crappy photography skills do not come close to doing it justice here...and I didn't want to bore you with 10 different angles of it...but wow. This is my go to plant when I just want to look at something to make me smile. It has very large, unique shaped leaves, with a brilliant red/purple colour change starting to show up down the middle of them. It's growing great and you can see it is already shooting out new growth at its nodes. I just wish it had some siblings pop up next to it when it was in the jiffy - am nervous I'm going love this one to death!

Next up are some Butch T's that are looking really robust and healthy, and a garden group shot that shows most of my cute little fellas.


Last photo, showing the stragglers in the propagator that aren't really straggling, just victims of me not having potted them up yet. We've got Nebru's, Choc Hab's, Naga Morich x Tabasco's, Orange Cobra's, THSC Choc Trinidad Scorpions, THSC Naga 7's, 7-Pod Jonah's and Bahamian Goat's. I'll pot them up in the next day or so.

I think that's about all for now folks. I'm still feeling the effects of my weekend. The good news is I survived my bucks party with both of my eyebrows, and some of my dignity, still intact...the bad news is I'm apparently old enough to get 2 day long hangovers! :cheers:
Looking great mate! All your plants are very healthy. Love the manzano's. I grew some the last few years, great taste, nice an juicy :)
Here is a pic of my manzano a couple of years back

didn't get many pods though, 15-20

keep the updates coming!

Cheers Mitch, yep so far so good! :party:
That's a nice looking Manzano...and I didn't realise they had such sexy flowers! I've heard they can take a year to up their production levels, so I think I'll be happy if I can score a dozen or so pods off each one this season!
They do look great. I'm jealous of your temperatures up there! They do like it a little cooler and the second year is supposed to be more productive. Congratulations on the your upcoming wedding, or more fittingly for navigating your way through your bucks party unscathed!
Oh and now I am soaking a bunch of seeds I saved from my manzano to put in dirt tomorrow, love the look of the leaves.
It's almost been a fortnight so it's definitely update time. The plants are all still growing well and are in the process of being hardened off. I've started putting them out on the balcony for some morning sun at about 8am, and bringing them in at about midday. Brisbane is still getting some cold nights (5-10 degrees), but the days are warming up to mid to high 20's and won't be long until we crack the 30's. We've had beautiful sunny days here for quite a few weeks now and the plants have been lapping it up. I'll continue the hardening off for another 2 weeks until I plant out in the 2nd week of September. There are a few fungus gnats buzzing around now but I don't think they are too much of a problem. The only other pests to speak of outside at the moment are a plague of butterflies living in a great big blooming something tree about 3 metres from my balcony. They've been put on notice. 
All in all I'm stoked with how things are going at the moment...I'm miles ahead of where I was last year when I didn't even sow seeds until September.   
Picture time. I did a head count this morning and I currently have 70 plants. A majority of them are potted up in pairs, and I'm planning on leaving them in pairs unless someone wants to educate me as to why that'd be a bad idea...?

A row of tabascos and kantharis

The aji lemon is just killing it at the moment

A row of jals (biker billy and mucho nachos) with a goatsweed in the foreground

This biker billy jal already has some flower buds growing out of its top node at just 7 weeks old...craaaazy!

Happy looking Bahamian goat pepper

Chocolate hab

Naga morich x tabasco. Pretty curious to see what these pods will taste like

Primo x choc hab

Last but not least, a pair of really good looking fataliis 
Nathan, super list and great start, seems time has flown in 16 posts ... now your plants look great and ready for plant out. Mucho success in your plant out and 13/14 grow season … may da pepper Jah bless you with awesome pods!
WalkGood said:
Nathan, super list and great start, seems time has flown in 16 posts ... now your plants look great and ready for plant out. Mucho success in your plant out and 13/14 grow season … may da pepper Jah bless you with awesome pods!
Cheers Ramon! I've only just started working my way through your epic glog, but if I see half as many awesome pods as you I'll consider the season a huge success. 
Mitch_from_OZ said:
Looking great mate! Im very jealous! Here I am down in Melbourne just trying to get some true leases haha! Do the butterflies do any damage?
Haha cheers mate, the weather is just giving me the head start I know I'm going to need. Yeah those dang butterflies drop in ANGRY green caterpillars! I lost a ton of leaves to them last season, but on the plus side they made entertaining treats for the giant St Andrews Cross spider guarding my plants  :twisted:    
I'm well overdue for an update, and my seedlings have been ready for a plant out for the last week or so, but I've just come back from a week out of town and really didn't want to do it until I was home to keep an eye on them. You can kinda tell from this photo how mature most of the plants were getting. Not too many that were really root-bound though, thankfully: 

So straight into it - Cartz's plant out by the numbers:
69 plants
27 varieties
41 pots
300 litres of potting mix
10 coir peat bricks
5 bags of perlite
5 bags of vermiculite
10 kgs of dynamic lifter
500 grams of osmocote controlled release plant food
82 bamboo sticks
1 ball of twine

It got to a sticky 32 degrees here today. Here's a group shot of them cooling off in the late afternoon shade, once all the hard work had been done. There's also a few overwinters huddled together in the back, left hand corner:

This guy is the leader of the biker billy gang. I'm loving his enthusiasm trying to put on some pods already:

Choc Hab:

Super happy fatalii:

Orange Manzano:

7-Pod Primo x Choc Hab:


Pimenta de Neyde:

I've got a few more pics that I'll upload when I get a bump... :)