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Cayenne's Guide to Vermicompost a.k.a. WORMS!!!

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Worms arrived today and I put them in the bin.

Right On!

I had a disaster! I used some compost that I got from the dump as bedding... Well it almost killed all my worms for some reason.
I think it had to do with the Heat as well. I am planning on doing a much bigger better set up like hopefully a Worm factory 360. Once I get it, Im going to start it in my office inside.
Have to be careful with compost as the greens are nitrogen rich and cause heat and release ammonia when decaying.

That is the reason why you find the worms on the bottom of the outside compost bins as the center can reach 140 degrees from decomposition of green materials.

I have read that those layered systems like the 360 are not that great.
Did you read that book I posted on worms by that woman that jokes so much? She is the one who doesn't like those layered bins.
She says the worms plug the valve on the spigot at the bottom and the worms don't always move upward to the bin above where the next food is.
I think the type like I made is the best all around and shredded newspaper is the best bedding.
I went to write CAyennemist I can't figure out the posts - they just say 'mine'

I was just surfing the forums here and thought - ah - I just started raising worms - wonder what I can learn in here

But it's puzzling -does anyone know what happened to the original posts ?

I went to message them but it says they can't accept any more messages.

I believe he redacted the posts in protest against the new extreme growing and cooking sections only being available to those members who have opted to pay for the new extreme memberships for which they were created. I do not know this for certain as he has not apparently stated such in a public post. Unfortunately, this protest has removed a valuable resource he was kind enough to develop for us. What he had put together here led many, including myself, to try vermicomposting. To be honest, I'm almost willing to pay for a month of extreme membership so he can see that it's mostly us extreme members congratulating ourselves on ponying up 3.50 to 10 dollars a month to support the site. However, I doubt that would actually appease him or his concerns.

Take that as an offer. If you're interested, send me a PM and I'll check with THP about how to do it.

Funny I thought I would be bann by now.

Not to worry I am starting a Site, (not a forum) that all this info will be on :P and all the info will be free. there will be an open blog that people can make suggestions. My plan is to make money off my own work with adsense and not off others content.. I am sorry that this info is missing. If anyone has any questions they can email me @ andrewjc@outlook.com and I will do my best to help out.

Once I get the word that my domain has gone through I will do my best to get that URL out to people. Nobody is goning to make money off my Content without MY permission.

Information should be free.
"Sorry" for standing up for what I believe in. And "thanks" for alienating me because I don't like a idea on this "community." I have a valid point and I have heard many other people tell me that they feel the same way.

Maybe I'm not the bad guy I am being made out to be. I hope that this site does well, and that is why I Feel the way I do. Not to Troll back and forth about it.

I wish this site nothing but success, enjoy the coming weekend.
Oh, I understand a bit better.

But I'm not clear on how this ties to Extreme membership. I'm new here - just got into hot chilis this spring- but I have 21 species now - and am seriously thinking of moving in this direction in a business sense too. Might be YEARS before I can turn a dime and deliver 100% great product- might be less heh, BUT I was okay with the extreme membership, I am also okay with pay to be a member and sell in the classifieds. I'm guessing Cayenneman is saying - "hey, I'm putting up VALUABLE information for free, but I have to PAY to see other stuff here at THP" - I can understand that position.

Where is the forum that pays US to post ! lol -

But I can understand THP seeking new revenue services too.

I think what might make MORE sense for THP is to skip the 'paid' membership -because CayenneMan has an okay argument I think, if he's putting out valuable information for free- and his time on his dime ? Why should he have to pay to see other information. BUT it is his choice to post, and it would be THP in the end that would have to say- gee, no one posts anymore, maybe we better cut the class system here.

I think THP MIGHT be better off simply charging for classified insertion - like Ebay. I'd pay- and I'd accept paying.

I am not so sure I'll get anything by paying to be an extreme member either. I CAN use information for distribution resources etc, but I'm pretty resourceful myself, heck - someone came in saying they were going to BUY a worm far for $150 - I have $1 in checking, in ONE DAY- I researched what kind of worms- how to build- and in ONE DAY I had a worm farm - the other day, SURE it took 8 hours of reading and 4 hours of digging for red wigglers- but I almost set up a page to even sell my worms on one of my sites too- all in one day, so Extreme membership probably won't offer me MUCH - but I'll PROBABLY pay just to see what i'm missing.

Information is valuable - Cayenne has a point - AND THP has a point to charge for valuable commercial related information.

I understand BOTH points of view here THP Cayenne- and I bet BOTH - including myself - would like to see some common solution that makes everyone happy.

Probably a good time to start a thread on just how to on one hand respect that people DO offer up a LOT of valuable information here for free- AND on the other hand - might be asked to PAY for access to other valuable information on THP.

I JUST realized- is NHPL ? national Hot Pepper League - hahaha if so - that's killer.

I LOVE challenges - this is a fun challenge on how to bring mutual respect to honoring Cayenneman's sharing of valuable information - AND THP wishing to increase revenue to likely help pay for hosting etc.

I ALWAYS hate when I need medical info and it's $65 to download this paper...

I kind of agree - information should be free- BUT corporate IT lawyers exist - in a perfect world ? I don't even support patents.

I would much rather see the collective of humanity function as one -but we'd need a global media share like the internet to enable THAT to start happening, and I think any chance of an internet is probably 50 years away :)

I'm going to bet the $1 in my checking account that Cayenneman supports wikileaks.

Then again, the reason I only HAVE $1 is because I am a compulsive gambler and keep making bets.

I love the word Vermi- lol

BUT hey- 5 years down the road ? I'll run into someone - maybe an Intellectual Property lawyer making $180k a year- just WAITING to rub it in - and they'll go what do I do- and I'll say- "oh, like in the movie Dumb and Dumber ? I have a worm farm"

They'll get smug

I'll get smugger and tag line it with - I pull in about $380k a year- nice to see you - I'm off to hit every aisle and buy just about any damned product I want here without worrying about the price.

Ok - so maybe I have self esteem issues where I derive self worth by how much money I or others make -

BUT - VERMI ____ <- fill in the blank - my GOD - $20 for 1 POUND of Wigglers ? $20 for 10 pounds of worm castings ? $20 for 1 16 oz bottle of worm farm runoff (juice) ?

BIG BIG MONEY in worms - no kidding.

SOOOOOOO- if I had to put MY two cents into what I've learned about in the last few days ?

CayenneMan ? has offered up information that can help you make far far far FAR FAR more money in worms than peppers.

Unfortunately- I came in at 8:30 PM to see- HAHAHAHAHA and the data was removed at 8 PM - HAHAHA- wait- that's not so funny- in other words- BY STRANGE CHANCE ? I never got to SEE what Cayenneman had up.

AGAIN though, I am resourceful - no 'formal' job ? lands me PLENTY of time to educate and resource- and that I do !

So - I WILL become a VERMIMASTER !

A Knight of the Vermicular Order !

hmm- hahahah I can't resist - that would be a KNIGHT CRAWLER - hahahaha

ok I don't get out much and maybe my humor isn't that funny.

But I said to my wife after she came out and helped me dig up red wigglers - it was like we were 5 years old again - Everyone met their wife at 5 RIGHT ? (jk), was like kids "I GOT ONE - TOUCH IT" lots of wiggling AND GIGGLING - but I said to my wife later - who got me to finally watch Dumb and Dumber - and I DO SAY it's a classic for me now - I said "honey, I pulled a dumb and dumberer move" "oh yeah, what's that ?" "I realized the truth that the business ambition they had to grow worms ? is ACTUALLY A DAMNED GOOD IDEA"

Worms are the SH*T in horticulture now - well castings and juice.

Actually, the SH*T in horticulture IS SH*T - RABBIT MANURE that is -


Maybe if I got some rabbits and gave them worms- jk jk - no - not THAT kind of worms !

But - somewhere in the middle between rabbit crap and worms is my future.

hmmm- doesn't sound so pretty worded that way

But hey- 380k a year ain't bad !

I DO HOPE Cayenneman decides to still share their information - BUT I DO RESPECT their POV - AND I RESPECT THP's position to offer exclusive membership services too.

ME ?

What I would do ?

Is say $10 LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP - access to all.

Now, say THP gets 10,000 members ? that's $100k

that should be fine.

Say they get 100,000 members - that's 1 million

I'd pay $10 for a lifetime membership.

ONCE IN - access to all -

AND you know what ?

It would keep out the RIFF RAFF- those THIEVES who come in and SPAM with "I HAVE A RARE PEPPER- buy seeds now - CASH ONLY ! MUST BE IMMEDIATE BANK TRANSFER" whatever.

In fact- ANY member of THP ? I BET would PAY $10 EASILY for lifetime memerbship.




$10 to POST perhaps !


And charge $0.02 a minute for CHAT - JK JK JK on that !

Hey- 185 IQ doesn't suck so bad sometimes !

But then again -wait- just thought of the effects of the thermohaline belt stopping - nope- yes it can suck.

Hundreds of millions in Europe will die as a result.

The natural gas pipeline coming out of Turkmenistan just cant' keep them warm.
Information should be free.

Personal messages should be private. Do you believe in that? Stop abusing the report button in PMs so the message is sent to the admins and staff, when there is no threat. You are violating the confidence of members just to show us their opinions on memberships. That is not right! They sent you their opinions in confidence.

You may want to think twice before you send a PM to this member.

This is hardly a grow log anymore, locked.
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