Charity Auctions DONE!


eXtreme Business
This Is IT! The last of the charity auctions to help flood victims in Australia. And it's open to INTERNATIONAL BIDDERS on EBAY! FREE SHIPPING...even to an international winner!

There are 2 larger auctions, with a variety of sauces and goodies and 3 smaller auctions. All are set to end in about 8 days (Feb 18th).

Here's the eBay listings-

check out some of the no particular order...these items are divided up into 2 lots of 14 each, some duplicates to each lot-
cajun blend, peri cherry salsa, defcon1, 1498, habby horse, bbq sauce, jalapeno pineapple hs, chipotle hs, spicy girl hs, tropical ghost glaze, honey maple butter, ghost fire hs, alabama jack's superhot seeds, t-shirts, deathmatch mark3 north star datil sauce, cranbery habanero salsa, mango hab hs, bbq seasoning, SW spice mix, fiery trail preserves, maple syrup, raspberry tea.

Small lot auctions-
HBD's Mauvais Sang and AJ's Superhots
Texas Creek Ghost Fire and AJ's Superhots
Candied Habaneros and AJ's Superhots

Thanks to Heartbreaking Dawn's, Alabama Jack, Defcon, Stage Coach Sauces, Gunther's Gourmet, Refining Fire Chiles, Davez Foods, THP member Ela, and Candice from Wildfire Chilli Australia for donations and coordinating the donation monies to the charities.

All the money from these auctions will go to the Lord Mayor's Distress Relief Fund and to the Salvation Army of AU. Free shipping to most countries. If you have a question about shipping to your country, contact me (salsalady) here on THP or use the eBay "aks seller a question" feature.

Please check out the auctions, tell all your family and friends, talk it up here on THP, forward a link to someone who might like to get in on this opportunity, especially international chileheads.





Thanks, B2B, I think the links are fixed now.
thanks Salsalady for all your work and help with this. You truly are a wonderful person.
Hmm the more and more i look at it the more I want to bid on them. Not sure if that is ethical or allowed though?
Well done on organising this and thanks again to all the above mentioned people who have donated products, this couldn't have been done without you all.
thanks Salsalady for all your work and help with this. You truly are a wonderful person.
Hmm the more and more i look at it the more I want to bid on them. Not sure if that is ethical or allowed though?
Well done on organising this and thanks again to all the above mentioned people who have donated products, this couldn't have been done without you all.

Both of you have done a great job putting this together. :clap:

Go ahead Candice, bid all you want. We won't tell. :shh:
Vincent, glad to see you in on this. It's a super opportunity for all our international friends. Thanks for participating! Good Luck!

Pssst, everyone, No bids on the little items yet~~~~ :cool:
This is really wonderful. SL, thank you for getting together this spectacular relief fundraising auction. This is a wonderful way to help out!
Thanks everyone for your participation. It's all for a great cause.

Fair warning, not that it matters because it's an auction...but...

I think I messed up on the price for AJ's seeds and underpriced them when listing the Value of each auction. I'm waiting to hear back from AJ, but don't be surprised if the Value changes. It was my misunderstanding of what he told me.

Anyway, we're about half way through for time. Thanks again everyone.
Way to go Salsalady. :lol:
Keep the bidding going guys. I just forwarded all links to my friends and relatives in USA and over seas.Our Aussie friends need our help, so keep it roll. :lol:

(forum member and charily auction donor.....)

Just a quick shout-out to forum member Ela who donated to the auction 3 unique and valuable items to the eBay lots. She is a person doing what they can to help our mates down under.

All the Best, Ela! Thank you for your donation.
fair warning for VALUE listings-

All of the auctions should be valued at $15 more than what they are listed for. I messed up on what a donor listed for the value of their item. I've tried to edit the eBay listing but it's not taking the edit, will try again later,...

All that matters in the end is the final bid, so... all the best to all the bidders.
Better check your bids. You may not be the high bidder anymore.

...just sayin :whistle:
just sayin'~~~~ :lol:

here's some info from bentalphanerd

The auctions are doing awesome! THANK YOU to all the bidders! Here's where it stands- and please keep in mind that I messed up on one of the items and everything's value should be $15 more than the eBay list price-

Auction - value - current bid
Auction 1- $140 - $127.50
Auction 2- 140 - 117.50
Auction 3- 36 - 15. (HBD's Mauvais Sang sauce and AJ's Seeds!)
Auction 4- 32 - 22.50 (Ghost Fire and AJ's superhots)
Auction 5- 40 - 22.50 (candied habs and superhot seeds)

This is such a great opportunity for international bidders. Free Shipping! What more can I say?