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hot-sauce Chilli Sauce Test "Pure Death" Blair's

was Sooooooooooo Excited when told this was coming, and at the start think was a bit excited to.. Blair's "Pure Death" with Jolokia's,,, So Habanero's and Jolokia's + Blair's Should Be Hot

Ive had Hotter Pizza's at Eagle Boys than this, Geez whats the Go ? waiting for some "Back of the Throat action" Nope, got a sort of all over burn lil, but it mainly was at the front of the mouth and that was Bout it..

It Tasted Ok naga/hab ish but the vinegar gave it a twang and got the naga taste come through later, and when burped hr later, yea still bit nagaish.. But Was Nice Tasting and non extract so ya could taste it :)

may have got a unhot 1 ? dunno, a guy was here watching (from youtube, asked if could watch 1 live) he tried and said wasn't that hot either, so Dunno

Anyways , it was 40 C or 104 F in the Garage at the time of doing, was 45 C (112F) few hrs earlier, what a top Day..

hope Ya Enjoy
interesting that igg panned it on his review too. particuliarly lack of heat.
and I'll tell you why , mainly as I am pissed (thats drunk for all you non oz peeps) lol i'll let the secret out
nagas and bhuts etc are not great for sauce making. somewere in the cooking process that wicked hit is lost, also the vaiance in pod heat in a crop can be massive.
..... sure the pastes and such are wickd hot, but once cooked out in sauce they aren't.what does everyone say? "I thought it would be hotter"
for all its million scorvills it dosn't transfer well to a comercial product. I don't know why it just is.
plus Blair's stuff is just a money making gig hell how else would zac wild have a hot sauce range any other way.
yeah I've tried it too, was disappointed with the heat. just too much vinegar taste, I actually expected habanero taste but yeah. I was really disappointed. :(

well, salt and vinegar, and just a little chili taste, what was I thought of it. my lethal ingestion is a lot better tasting and NO vinegar taste at all in it. you should really try to get one of those!

EDIT: oh, the LI tastes a lot like habs, AND!! it has none of those plastic things on the top of the bottle!
I went through about 2-3 bottles of this when it first came around. It's pretty good tasting, but there's (IMHO) more heat in Jalapeno Death. Pure Death is a good starter sauce, like say for a kid. Maybe the new Death varities will be hot. I was using Pure Death like ketchup and slathering my food in it when i had some. I give up on Blair's products to be honest. Especially since my own sauces are hotter than his non-extract styles.
I was also disappointed by the heat...
But at first taste I thought it tasted better than Marie Sharps Hab sauce IMO...
I loved the taste, and the chunkiness. The heat is not there at all, but for an all purpose sauce I think it is pretty good. I have had 3 bottles and I like it on Mexican food, pizza, and egg rolls. Maybe the Ultimate Death will be similar, but with extract will give us the heat. IMO you shouldn't need extract to make a Naga sauce hot though.
i agree jayT. quality and natural heat are far more important. extracts are fine, but aren't essential to a good hot sauce.
yea was Cool,, But the vid response to is Better,, Toad_aus ,, Tod popped in as a mate was getting seedlings so Tod joined him.. After meeting Mr Naga, Fatali and Getting Knocked Sensless (as ya do when here :)) took a few dried and Got some Mates..

asked if could pop in to watch Test as Loved getting Burnt and he even tries a Bit,, Goes Home and Cranks this Out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FI1pH5PB4eQ&watch_response

the Fun Police came in to see what was Laughing so loud at and ended up up watching it all as was Cool..

Go Tod Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi hahahahahahahah
Hey hippee...How are ya mate? Interesting stuff youve got there as usual. LOL! Just a question....with your experience do ya rekon the old
'WRATH OF GOD' lost any heat ? In regard to Stillmanz bhut comment.
nothin beats fresh for killer hot scorp.
your wrath is 80 percent bhut paste so naturally its gonna hold some impact as with my naga and fatalii sambal. what I'm sayinhg is if you drop it back to 30 percent or less, theres not much difference to a hot batch of habs in my experience, the sustained burn is greater but the peak of heat is less, if you get what I mean.