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Chilli Tests "Morouga Red"

Today was Excited as been waiting a while to do this 1. It was 1 of the 1st to set pods this season but they were in Pots and stood at bout60 cm, had heaps of Pods on But noticed they had the coolest colour change, like they were red but then dipped in something and they went green on the ends and it stands out (i love it) when have a closer look they have a slight yellowish band between and they make me think Rastafarian Mon, after putting in the ground they have taken off and some branches strech up to 1.5 metres, they have shorter internodal spacing than a lot of the other chinense and are reallly Bushy and full of pods.. average weight bout 14gms But this is the Pod of the season so far (sent it to bent a while ago to see what he thought)


Potawie mentioned in a diff post to me a while back that they were Nice and wasn't wrong, its wasn't a Real Habbish Taste but mellow sweet and fruity, reallllllllly nice, it was big and the burn kicked in before 1/2 way through and was pretty quick building, when finished chewing it took off and went WHACK and stayed there for ages, think thats why the endorphins kicked in early as that was weird, usually it sort of comes after everything peaks and settles, this Nope was nearly off with the pixies before the break.. the burn in the throat continued for bout 15 min and the rest of mouth went for as Long but not as intense..

anyways they Rockk and will be having them again, shit yea.. here is the Vid of

hope ya enjoy....

happy Easter too, to every1 and their families :)

take care
wow trippy the vids embedded whats the go there, coool (i didn't do it)

cool Kyle, these rock and wait till you try them :D

Leslie, hey mate good to see you here.. i planted a few of the Goat pepper seeds and Yea got a couple up will see how they go (and no didn't know bout ya trying1, cool ill have a look)
JungleRain said:
Neil I thought you were going to choke on that one...what are ya feedin them

Like every good english gent feeds all his "visitors", worm tea of course!!
shitt your going to all the wrong english gents...all the ones I visit throw a pipe in your lap....heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy bob's your uncle
Very nice, I love the color on those, especially in that tri-color stage and the taste and burn sound awesome!:onfire: