spirits Chilli Vodka

My 7 Pot Vodka Story

8 days ago

So i had this 750ml bottle of vodka laying around. It was some mediocore vodka in a super fancy bottle someone gave me, Supreme or something like that. So i decided to throw a 7 pot in there.


My younger cousin happens to be over. She just turned 21 so anything booze piques her interest. I crack it open and take a shot. "wow, thats spicy and delicious!" She responds can i try some? I tell her sure but its spaaahcy! She loves spicy food she says. I re-iterate, it's not just spicy its spaaaahcy. Trust me, i eat really "spaaaahcy", air quotes and all is the response. So i pour her a shot.

OMG! What's wrong with you?!
My throat, my mouth, my lips, ahhh!
Awww my stomach doesn't feel good.

-Lies down on my couch and moans for a minute-

Blehhahh - proceeds to throw up her whole dinner on my living room floor.

-clean up drama yada yada yada-

Time to head to my friends annual pig roast party

Of course i bring the bottle along. I get there and people are still too sober to drink anything i created. So i leave it on the table. An hour later i see a girl looking at the bottle, opens it, smells it, shrugs and pours a good 2 oz. in a cup and mixes it with fruit punch. She brings the cup to her boyfriend and goes back to talking with the girls. Me and my friend who witnessed the whole episode with my cousin are standing there snickering. He takes a sip, coughs a little, "wtf?!" marches over to his gf. "wth is this?!" Vodka and fruit punch, why? "taste it!" sips, omg what is this? She grabs the bottle and see's the floating 7's, "somebody but jalapenos in the vodka!" They proceed to get all there friends to try some. Reactions range from "omg, why did you do that to me?!! ahhh!!" to "Whoa, thats spicy, it tastes really good but holy 5hit!"

The girl picks up the bottle and says "who did this?!" I raise my hand, put one foot on the cooler Captain Morgan style and in my best God voice respond "I diiiid" (i was pretty drunk at this point). All eyes turn to me, 10 second of silence, "you did it, you try some" -Sure, pour me shot "a sh sh shot?" -yeah sure. Gulp - mmmm nice... By the way, that's no jalapeno, its called a 7 pot from Trinidad. One of the hottest peppers in the world.

This of course triggers a round of dares and can i try a shots. As the night progresses theres a consistent, "wtf is that?" "whoa, spicy but fruity" etc every 5-10 minutes.

The most educated inquiry of the night "is that as hot as that Indian pepper, the butt jokia?"

By the end of the night the bottle is empty. I've brought a little bit of pepper culture to the redbull and cranberry vodka masses.My job is done.
Very good story UnNatural. I kind of did the same thing yesterday when I took my bottle of Naga vodka with me to a pig roast. I don't have any real entertaining stories, but there was one guy who took a big shot of it and walked away before drinking it. About 20 steps later, he did and whirled around looking at me like WTF???? It was pretty funny.
Gave a couple of Nagas to a mate of mine last month to make chili vodka with. I told him not to use real good vodka. He got a bottle of Soplica, a real good Polish vodka. This stuff is so smooth if you chill it right down you don't get a burn at all - till it hits your stomach. Let's just say it ain't smoothe any more - more like aviation fuel.