chinense Chocolate Habanero & Scotch Bonnet

I am growing both of these this season plants form Jim Duffy
I plan to make a chocolate pepper jelly using six chocolate habanero's & six chocolate scotch bonnet's .
As of now I am thinking of using Brown sugar & putting in some cinnamon.
As for chocolate varieties I have only grown chocolate beauty bell an hated it.
Form many reports on these varieties I decied to give them a try.
I am basically asking advice on what you all like to use these for in recipes & what your opinion of them is.
I might grow some other Chocolate varety next year maybe a chocolate Ghost if this venture goes well .
P.S. Not realated to topic
I have noticed that ghost peppers are finnaly catching on like the habanero's around here locally.
i really like chocolate Habs as Powder
chocolate hab, black stinger, Jamaican hot chocolate,congo black, choco scotch bonnet,etc.
I prefer them dried and powdered.
(maybe it's the way they hold a lot of flavor along with the heat even when dried and powdered)
i think a touch of choco hab powder can add a lot of flavor and a bit of heat to a dish :drooling:
i'm sure they would be good for sauces too, i just prefer to dry and powder them and use others for sauces
pepper jellys are great and can be used on many many things
best of luck on your pepper adventures :)
I'm in the boat that thinks chocolates taste like battery acid. I can say i've never had a sauce or jelly with them though. Maybe they will impart a different flavor. Brown sugar and cinnamon make anything taste good though that's for sure
I like using chocolate chilies when mixed with allspice and other common Jamaican spices. Don't know about pepper jelly though. But hey, have enough sugar and anything can taste good, right?
I have grown both of these and both are great peppers.  The chocolate habanero has been one of my favorites for 10+ years.  Its the pepper that really got me back into growing again a few years ago.  Not sure if my choco sb was true in 2014, but it was great tasting, not as hot as the chocolate hab and made an incredible tasting smoked powder.  I also like the chocolate hab fresh in salsas.  I think you will like these, they are 2 of the better chocolates that I have had, as many of the chocolates I find to be bad tasting also.
D3monic said:
I'm in the boat that thinks chocolates taste like battery acid. I can say i've never had a sauce or jelly with them though. Maybe they will impart a different flavor. Brown sugar and cinnamon make anything taste good though that's for sure
I find they taste a little more like heavy duty liquid plumber.  I think they are hit or miss really.  I really like the choco hab, jamaican hot choco and choco sb.  And the chocolate bbg7 last year was by far the best tasting chocolate super I have ever had and the 7 pot sr gigantic choco is also really good.   I just had 7 Pot Rennie chocolate I got from Wicked Mike, and I must say what it did to the salsa I made with it was horrible.  This thing shot up to #1 worst tasting pepper of all time for me.  I assume that taste you don't like in them is the same as me, and the choco rennie has 10x that taste.  But I have co workers, not many but 3 guys that particularly like that.  They take the salsa home with them that no one else will touch.
D3monic said:
The only chocolate I liked last year was the Yaki Brown. Which is a pepper I thought I wouldn't like at all but surprised me. 
I have wondered about the yaki varieties don't really know much about them.
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
i really like chocolate Habs as Powder
chocolate hab, black stinger, Jamaican hot chocolate,congo black, choco scotch bonnet,etc.
I prefer them dried and powdered.
I wasn't as impressed by the Jamaican Hot Chocolate as this forum led me to believe I would be. I only eat peppers straight, or diced directly into dishes. I should grow them again and powdersize them. Perhaps I will do that with most browns/chocolates. 
*edit: I'm quite the fan of the green Chinense varieties so far.
I have grown both of these and both are great peppers.  The chocolate habanero has been one of my favorites for 10+ years.  Its the pepper that really got me back into growing again a few years ago.  Not sure if my choco sb was true in 2014, but it was great tasting, not as hot as the chocolate hab and made an incredible tasting smoked powder.  I also like the chocolate hab fresh in salsas.  I think you will like these, they are 2 of the better chocolates that I have had, as many of the chocolates I find to be bad tasting also.
I planted outside together today not far apart but room to grow.
I figure they will cross an I will save seed form both plants
There are flowers in beds near in beds as well.
I am thinking of doing something similar with the TFM scotch Bonnet & MOA Scotch Bonnet.

Thank you everyone for your feedback it's much appreciated.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I was being silly, they are part of my Caribbean Chocolate blend - I have smoked them over various woods for personal consumption. 
We need a text format for that.  - :lol:  Or maybe just a dose of common sense!   :rofl:
Chewi said:
Best thing to do with a Chocolate Hab is dice it up and mix it in some ground chuck and throw it on the grill. Choco Hab Burgers! Other than that a little dusting of Choco Hab powder is awesome on tortilla soup. Also diced up in Sweedish Meatballs. Shit I'm hungry now!
I love my choc Habs and my wife has noticed this , but she does not quite understand my chillies/scoville scale.
Last night she re-heated some pulled pork for the family and heated mine in the pan separately with two finely chopped Choc Habs.
( She has seen me add two chopped Jalapenos before)
I just had to eat it all , but it worth it !
Not my normal heat level , but good to push the boundaries from time to time.
Choc Habs are great.