• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

chsy83's First Glog for First-Timer Growing Superhots(123112 update)

So, yesterday started germination process with paper towel in ziplock method . . .


and put them on a heating pad set to low.

Looks deceptively delicious...
I prefer the taste of yellow brains in Indian dishes.
Although you can never go wrong with pizza!
So, any hints as to what your planning for 2013 grow list??
Hwell . . . I am overwintering just about everything from before (~80 plants), as far as seed starting, I will start sowing seeds for superhots and other chinenses this month, I will wait, I think, a couple more months for starting anuums. Gotta do some research as to when to start my baccatums and pubes . . .

Maybe more than a couple months on the anuums.
Lookin good!
Have you had a chance to sample the taz hab?
I only got one this season and it's still ripening..
Hopefully you'll have some butch and brain pods in time for christmas!
Haven't tried them yet, need to have some time to cook . . . I was pushing it today baking some homemade asiago bagels after working a 12 hr shift and before going in for a 12 hr shift
Have you had a chance to sample the taz hab?

I made a simple sauce of carrots, garlic, peppers, salt, and vinegar with an even mix of red habaneros, taz habaneros (12 total habs), and 1 ghost pepper thrown in for good measure. Made about 15 oz of sauce. Wasn't super hot to me, but had a good flavor. The wife said it was plenty hot, though :fireball:
Young ghosts, w/yellow brains in background 122112:

Ghosts ripening, lots more under the leaves (had to tie this plant back) 122112:
Yeah, hard to find room for them all. ~80 plants in 3 grow tents . . . soon as I harvest the main producers, I am planning on giving a lot of haircuts. I need to make room for all the new seedlings I started for 2013.
Holy crap, I was looking around to see if you have a machete there to help you get through all the foliage! The plants are definitely looking great.
Holy crap, I was looking around to see if you have a machete there to help you get through all the foliage! The plants are definitely looking great.

Lately when I go in to water them, I feel like I need one. I open the tent, stop and stare, then go about planning how to move them in the most efficient and gentle way (don't want to knock off peppers before ripe) so I can get to the ones in the back to water them. Need to plan out better for 2013 . . .
Cut the Yellow Brains and Butch Ts in half and put in the deydrator today. Hadn't tried the Butch T yet, so put the business end of a cap on the tip of my tongue. Ouch. Even after all of the reading and YouTube videos, it was still a surprising jolt. Should make some hot powder.