• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

chsy83's First Glog for First-Timer Growing Superhots(123112 update)

So, yesterday started germination process with paper towel in ziplock method . . .


and put them on a heating pad set to low.

I did some maintenance in my grow tent today. I trimmed some of the gigantic lower leaves from my biggest plant, plus gave my gigantically wide yellow brain a haircut. I then rearranged the plants to be a little more fair with the light distribution.

Yellow brain during haircut, 092912:

Here is an updated view of the 4 butches in repurposed garden soil, 092912:

And here is a red habanero that I took in from the cold night air a few days ago, with pods, 092912:
Dude you've got some really nice green leafy plants growing! How do you think they will go making pods under lights? I imagine its getting colder where you are so you have to have them indoors?
Dude you've got some really nice green leafy plants growing! How do you think they will go making pods under lights? I imagine its getting colder where you are so you have to have them indoors?

Not sure, had a lot of flowers earlier on plants that I started late, so they were indoors the whole time. I think I had it too hot, I installed a duct fan to combat that, but now it has cooled off outside too. I guess we will see!
Here is the stem on one of my butches (100112), might be hard to tell from the pic, but it has a massively thick stem for its height:

Here are my four brain strains in 3 gallon pots, 100112. I am impressed by the amount they have filled out. They were one of the first things that I innoculated with myco:

Here are some little ghosties, 10012:

Here are some Tazmanian Habs, 100112:

Some red habs, one of which is turning 100112:

And here is a yellow brain 100112. Sorry for the fuzzy image, it is the best I could get on the camera on my phone, but you can just make out the tell-tale wrinkles of a brain on this young pepper:
Here are my 17 Bhut Jolo babies, 100912:

Here is the top of my Butch T that had stems that did not split off from the trunk, but stayed attached, 100912:

Here are the four brain strains that I have in 3 gallon root pouches, 100912:

Here is a top-down view of one of the brain strains above, 100912:

Yellow brain pod, 100912:

First Harvest Shot! Three red habs, 100912:
Here is the tent on 101212:

Some red fatalii from 101212:

Right side of the table in grow tent, 101212, including butch t in pot furthest on the right, yellow brain behind that on table, red habanero to the left of that with a red pod peeking into the pic, to the right of the table are a few butch ts growing like crazy:
Congrats on the red Habs!
Nice forest you have now....
How's the Yellow Brain doin?
Looked great!
Any plans to start some new strains for 2013?
Congrats on the red Habs!
Nice forest you have now....
How's the Yellow Brain doin?
Looked great!
Any plans to start some new strains for 2013?

Doing ok, maybe a hint of yellowing on the pod now. Yeah I am planning on growing several new peppers for 2013. Kinda went crazy on Judy's site, so I have several . . .
The butch T pictured in center, I potted up into a 10 gallon pot on saturday (102012) (pic from 101212).


I had a time getting it out of its pot. I grew a yellow brain in this pot and potted it up, ended up being the yellow brain that I keep having to trim (was over 4 ft wide, I just trimmed it again on saturday). Anyway, that one was ok getting it out. This one, a lot of roots had grown through the (pretty tight) grating on the bottom (bottom watering pot). I am expecting some fantastic growth out of it, after it grows out its roots a little bit. will have to post some before and after pics in a few days.
Here is an update on the ghost peppers ripening (102312):

Update of yellow brain ripening (102312):

Here is the Butch T that I just potted up, (102112):

Here are my four largest Red Brain Strains (102012):

Update on the table in grow tent (102012):

I need to flip flop the butches in the baskets and the butches in party cups on the left.

Centered are two butch ts in repurposed garden soil, 14 gallon storage container (102012):

Centered is a the red fatalii in 10 gallon root pouch (102012):

Started filling my second 6.5' grow tent . . . (102012):
Looking real good!
The butchs in the repurposed soil have exploded..
Aug 24
Whatever your doing... keep it up.
Looking real good!
The butchs in the repurposed soil have exploded..
Aug 24
Whatever your doing... keep it up.

Yeah, and I am not sure why the ones in the storage container to the right are so much bigger than the one to the left (well, I know why the one in the furthermost corner of the left storage container isn't as big, but not why the one that is closer . . .). Everything that I did to the ones on the right I did to the ones on the left as well. I also watered in Mykos inocculant at the same time (I think that that is part of the reason that they grew so big). Maybe the difference is plain genetic variation between different plants
So was it the longest 4-5 months you've had to wait?
Nothing like harvesting peppers sown from seed.
Mission accomplished!
So whatcha gonna cook it in?
Haven't had a lot of free time lately, and the wife was going to Papa Murphy's for the free pizzas with costumed kids promotion that they were having today, so I asked her to get a Hawaiian pizza to put the yellow brain on.

Before cooking:
