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chsy83's First Glog for First-Timer Growing Superhots(123112 update)

So, yesterday started germination process with paper towel in ziplock method . . .


and put them on a heating pad set to low.

I'll have to post an updated pic of the table, it has all of the "pot-ups" if you can call going from cell to party cup a pot-up.
Since I haven't taken pictures of the plants outside in a while, I thought that I would post an update of that. All pictures taken 090612.
Pulled back on all:

3 gallon fabric pots:

10 gallon fabric pots:
Nice looking indoor grow!................That makes me want to sort through the seed vault..............and pot some up!

Yeah, running out of room, but still want to grow more varieties . . . Chile grower's conundrum!


Found these at target on sale. Been eyeing these for a while, but for 3 dollars seemed too much. On sale for 90 cents, so I got 28! Good aeration pots, I would think.
Yeah, running out of room, but still want to grow more varieties . . . Chile grower's conundrum!

Found these at target on sale. Good aeration pots, I would think.

Nice score!
How large (gallon) a capacity do you think they'll hold?
I bet you'll be able to fill 'em up and have very little dirt fall out.
Really interested to see how these work out..
Just potted up 4 Brain Strains (red) and 1 Bhut Jolokia (also red), and 3 Butch Ts . . . . just 12 more Butch Ts to go . . . for now . . .I added Mykos Xtreme Gardening Mycorrhizae inocculant to all of my peppers this time. It may just be my eyes fooling me, but the party cups that I made the other day with a tsp of inocculant (my "pot-ups") seem to have grown more than I would have expected in such a short time.

In a couple weeks . . . I'll have 25 more assorted peppers that need potting up. I am going to try to do some along the way . . . but not that many days where I will have much free time . . . maybe do one a day on some days? I guess.

I think between a #2 and a #3 pot

Maybe a little over 3

Not sure

After doing a few, I am gonna say pretty close to #3, but not quite there. It is taller than my 3 gallon pots, but narrower.

I bet you'll be able to fill 'em up and have very little dirt fall out.

I did the first one, and I think the holes on the side are alright, but the holes on the bottom seem to allow too much soil/medium to fall out. On the rest of them, I just put a paper towel to cover the bottom on the inside, and they seem to hold alright. On the first one, I put it in a tray to catch any mess that occurs from watering.
The now traditional Butch Shot, 091112:

The butch on top right had fallen over, so I staked it and am in process of straightening it out.

What is on the table 091112:

Four Brains 091112:

Biggest plants in grow tent in a row 091112:

Close-up of red fatalii 091112:

Close-up of yellow brain 091112:

Left side of Table 091112:

To the left of the black tray are all Butch Ts.

Right side of Table 091112:

In the wire basket in the black tray, a bhut jolokia red. In the 36 cell planter, brains strain. In the party cups, there are bhut jolokia yellows, trinidad congo blacks, and yellow brains. 11 bhut jolokia sprouts now, in cream cheese bucket. Bhut jolokia red in the felt basket. Yellow brain in pot to the rear, and butch T in pot to the fore.
Red Fatalii on top, Yellow Brain on bottom 091112:

Yellow Brain on top, Tazmanian Habanero on bottom, one of the garden soil butches to the right of that 091112:
15 new bhut jolokia sprouts now. 6 more and will be 100 % germination. I think the dsl/wifi router did the trick.

Drumroll, please.
TSBT buds! 091212:
Well, I have reinstated the small grow tent, for I am running out of room in the large one:

all the little ones to the right are Bhut Jolokia reds. 5 on the left are brain strains, stuff in the middle are assorted ones from the 72 cell that I pulled from the big grow tent to free up some room.

Largest Plants in the tent 092212:

THe Table 092212:

Four Brain Strains 092212:
Potted up some Butch Ts from small party cups to large party cups. Trying to conserve room. Have 90 + peppers including those outside. Oh, and I moved pepper plants with most fruit from outside to inside the large grow tent. Treated with Pyrethrin and Sulpher to try and not bring the buggies indoors.
Put an auxillary 400 watt equiv. Fl bulb over the plants that I brought in from outside, didn't think my array was putting enough light on them (they are in the far corner of my grow tent).
I moved my big Yellow Brain to get to where I needed. I need some kind of lattice or netting for that thing! It is almost four feet wide now, and I am afraid to move it too much more, without more support. It has a stake, but it bushed out really early, about 1 foot up.
Here is a pic of the Table, circa 092712:

Four largest plants, 092712:

Yellow brain centered 092712:

Red Fatalii centered 092712:

Plants I brought in from the cold, 092712:

Little grow tent, pulled back view, 092712:
Close up of Asst Peppers (Yellow Bhut, Yellow Brain, Trinidad Congo Black) 092712:

Close up of Brain Strains, 092712:

Close up of Bhut Jolokia seedlings (18:21 germination rate on the dsl/wifi router, one root popped on transplant, so 17 plants total!), 092712:

Much better than the 4:17, with subsequent 3 dying off unexpectedly, rate that I got when I germinated with no added heat.