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cloning Cloning

Had my first crack at cloning the other week, I dont think it's going too well, all the leaves have shrivelled up and they look pretty close to dead.

I read all sorts of stuff on the net, but I suspect the issue I have is I didnt cut the clones long enough. Anyone got some tips as to length and sets of leaves to leave on the plant? I had the cuttings in soil within a seedling tray with a dome to keep humidity, is this an acceptable practice? Also, the seedling tray was put inside a grow tent with a 130W fluoro lamp, is it best to wait a week or two before putting them under light?

Any advice is welcomed.
This is how i have seen it Done,Select your plant,Most Varietys are
best propagated from fleshy softwood tips,Remove all but a couple of leaves ,Large leaves should be cut in half to reduce water loss.
I dip in Clonex rooting gel,Dip the cut end and then place gently into Soil,Coir,Jiffys etc.
Mist Cuttings with tepid water and cover with lid if in propagation trays to increase humidity.Maintain this Humidity with regular Misting.Gentle bottom heat would be helpful..A heated propagator or heating mat is ideal although a warm windowsill may be just as good ;)
Yep, thats what I thought. So really I should find something suitable with about 3 sets of leaves, maybe 4, leave a single set of leaves, cut them in half if they are big enough?

What about light requirements? Putting it under a fluoro would be sufficient right?
MiLK_MaN said:
Yep, thats what I thought. So really I should find something suitable with about 3 sets of leaves, maybe 4, leave a single set of leaves, cut them in half if they are big enough?

What about light requirements? Putting it under a fluoro would be sufficient right?

Id go with HPS OR L.E.D If you can both are worth the investment just inpower usage and light spread and they Save you $$$.
yes cutting the leaves reduces water loss until the roots are formed (Larger leaves) ;)
I wouldn't use an hps or any HID light for rooting clones. You want pretty low light actually until rooted. Best method I've found for cloning anything is to build a simple bubble cloner. It's basically a shoebox sized rubbermaid container with aquarium air stones in the bottom. You keep the water level below the stem and the popping of the bubbles throws droplets of water keeping it wet but very aerated. It's pretty much a DIY aero cloner that costs less than 20 bucks and works amazingly well I've tried several methods of cloning and this was by far fastest.
Txclosetgrower said:
I wouldn't use an hps or any HID light for rooting clones. You want pretty low light actually until rooted. Best method I've found for cloning anything is to build a simple bubble cloner. It's basically a shoebox sized rubbermaid container with aquarium air stones in the bottom. You keep the water level below the stem and the popping of the bubbles throws droplets of water keeping it wet but very aerated. It's pretty much a DIY aero cloner that costs less than 20 bucks and works amazingly well I've tried several methods of cloning and this was by far fastest.

Yep D.W.C is not a bad way of doing a few plants :lol:
talas said:
Yep D.W.C is not a bad way of doing a few plants :lol:

Actually man this differs slightly from DWC in that you don't let the roots drop down into the water. You get the fluffy "air roots" this way as opposed to the big thick "water roots". But yeah, for all intents and purposes its a DWC with low water lol. And the one i built fits like 20 plants or so. I'll take pics when i get home

And maybe I just had shitty luck cloning under HPS light, but I had a higher success rate under fluros, but thats probalby cause my HPS chamber was too hot, like 80ish degrees.

Basically cloning is easy, i've rooted cuttings just in a glass of water before, so no matter what method you choose you should be alright, just remember you need at least 1 node that is going to be buried on the cutting, and not to leave too much leaf surface area.
I'm curious, how many weeks would cloning knock off versus sowing seeds? I know it will vary from plant to plant because some peppers may take two weeks to germinate while some come up in a few days.

Is about three weeks in the ballpark? Two weeks to grow roots but if they grow during that time also, they would probably be as larger or larger than seeds would be after five, maybe six weeks counting germination time???

wordwiz said:
I'm curious, how many weeks would cloning knock off versus sowing seeds? I know it will vary from plant to plant because some peppers may take two weeks to germinate while some come up in a few days. Mike

Two to three weeks and I can see the roots outside the basket. The clone will fruit immediately if you have cloned from a mature plant.

Three weeks to fruit is a lot better than seed.
willard3 said:
Two to three weeks and I can see the roots outside the basket. The clone will fruit immediately if you have cloned from a mature plant.


I have a couple of plants I cut way back to overwinter but they have sprouted suckers and these have buds on them, albeit very small ones. Are you saying that if I clone these and am successful, when I move them to a six-inch or five gallon pot, they will bud in a short period of time?

That would be impressive. Start several tomato plants, top them all winter so they grow dozens of suckers, clone them and they would have ripe toms in less than six weeks?

I have cloned plants now, but honestly I'm not impressed by the results at all of the offspring plants. Willard's the pro though. He forgot more about hydro than I'll ever know (which is nothing). lol.

that's pretty awesome willard.

doesn't anyone clone the old fashioned way though? A cutting stuck in a glass of water and just keep it wet? i've cloned this way for years with no problems.
willard3 said:
This is a bird aji about 20 days after cloning from a mature plant.....see the fruit? It just kept on fruiting.



That's mighty impressive. Is there enough foliage to support the maturation of the the peppers? Have you tried moving them to dirt from the hydro?
