Got the 2nd wave today, post office was a little more careless this time, but the packing was good. The plants should recover from their trips ok though, been a few hours and can already tell a difference. and thanks for the freebies! I'll Post some picks in a few days.
You're welcome hope you enjoy I figured it was something you might like based on what you ordered. How bad did they come out?
They got banged around but nothing broke, I think due to the awesomeness of the packing job, nothing that a few days of recovery won't fix
I've got a little space space available and would like to try some of these. I'll hit you up with a PM.
If I knew it wouldn't be a mystery lol. I was growing Naga morich, red 7 pots, more habs than I can keep track of, jalapenos, banana peppers, pepperonccini, and bhuts that year. Could be any of those really all I know is it had bhut characteristics last year with a bit milder heat (still very hot tho) and had larger pods than normal. Other than that it's some strange bhut mystery cross :P
If I knew it wouldn't be a mystery lol. I was growing Naga morich, red 7 pots, more habs than I can keep track of, jalapenos, banana peppers, pepperonccini, and bhuts that year. Could be any of those really all I know is it had bhut characteristics last year with a bit milder heat (still very hot tho) and had larger pods than normal. Other than that it's some strange bhut mystery cross :P

I guess i should have worded that a bit differently, as to what characteristic it might have but you answered the question. First batch has been hardened off and is living in $0.50 Walmart bags, the second batch need a few more days and they will be moved into some also.
There are still a bunch of plants left but they are thinning out. If you would like to pick up some just shoot me a PM or post here.

Also if you have any questions feel free to ask away.
Not positive on the holding policy myself buy I can check into it. I don't mind shipping if I can be sure the plants would make it safely. I'll check when I'm not at work and get back to you.

Edit to correct a rather strange typo.
Well, honestly, if they didn't make it, I wouldn't be expecting my money back or anything. If they got here not quite dead, I'm pretty confident I could bring them back, and even if they didn't make the trip, I would just count my losses and move on. If you're ok with that, awesome. Call me a gambling man, but I'm willing to take the risk :)

If you'd rather see your plants end up somewhere in one piece, well that's fine too. Totally understandable.
Well it looks like first class shipping would be 9-21 days which would be waaayyy to long. Priority is 6-10 which wouldn't be so bad but it is pricey around $31. But if you are up for it we can try to see how long customs takes to process live plants.
Yup international shipping sucks.... Even though you are probably closer to me than california or florida. Because there is an imaginary line up there it cost more :/.