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CMPMAN1974's 2009 Growing Thread

I started picking varieties to sow today for the new season. I am limiting myself to 30 varieties of normal C. Chinense types. I also plan on growing no regular super hots (red 7 pod, red TS, Naga, Bih, Bhut), but I am trying 21 different super hot crosses/not normal ones I've acquired over the last couple of years. I'm looking forward to seeing how they turn out!

I'll probably round it out with 30-40 varities of C. Frutescens along with the C. Pubescens I already sowed. I'm trying to grow more than just ridicuclously hot ones from this point forward. :)

Sounds like a good rough draft...
Now place your bets on what Chris ends up really growing,how many more varieties. :)

Gotta grow some red baseballs from Peru this year.

No such thing as too many pepper plants.
Don't worry, there certainly are some baseballs already in the dirt. :) By the way, my plans at this point of time are as reliable as the President's goals at time of election. lol.


smokemaster said:
Sounds like a good rough draft...
Now place your bets on what Chris ends up really growing,how many more varieties. :)

Gotta grow some red baseballs from Peru this year.

No such thing as too many pepper plants.
cmpman1974 said:
Don't worry, there certainly are some baseballs already in the dirt. :) By the way, my plans at this point of time are as reliable as the President's goals at time of election. lol.


That's a ton of peppers. Do you dry most of them? What are the "baseballs"?
For me, that's a cutback honestly. Baseballs are a phrase Smokemaster came up with for some large Red Rocotos he was gifted from Peru. :) I'm hoping they grow true because the pic was pretty impressive!

cmpman1974 said:
I'll probably round it out with 30-40 varities of C. Frutescens along with the C. Pubescens I already sowed. I'm trying to grow more than just ridicuclously hot ones from this point forward. :)

I'm not growing any super hots this year. When I had time, I was able to use some making jellies or hot oils. This past summer, though, I was too busy to mess with them, and gave almost all of them away.

This year I'm focusing more on baccatuum varieties, although I will certainly have some chinense and annuum favorites in the mix.
I'll be happy to pick up where you left off with the super hots. Thanks for the seed I have received, put many of them in trays yesterday. I really need them to keep my sauces on fire! Will be watching and learning from you again this year Chris.
I agree with smokemaster, no such thing as too many peppers...plotting to take over our little town and grow peppers in everyone's yards.
Chris, I was hoping to tone it down a bit this year like I was telling you but I really do not think it is possible. I have two 144 cell trays going now. One has all chinense's mostly hab's (30+ var's.)and the other with over 20 Varieties of wild ones and that is just the tip of the iceburg. Oh Yea I forgot my 18 Fatalii sprouts for the Fatalii grow out.


If I had your garden space, I don't know what I'd do. :) I know I'd have a lot of fun though. Well, actually, I'd grow out all the C. Pubescens I have first. It is tough to cut down. I do want to grow some other stuff though to let my daughter enjoy all sorts of veggies in the garden, not just hot peppers. She's at the age where she is really thrilled about gardening and I love that!


thepodpiper said:
Chris, I was hoping to tone it down a bit this year like I was telling you but I really do not think it is possible. I have two 144 cell trays going now. One has all chinense's mostly hab's (30+ var's.)and the other with over 20 Varieties of wild ones and that is just the tip of the iceburg. Oh Yea I forgot my 30 Fatalii sprouts for the Fatalii grow out.

A Baseball

Wow I grew rocoto last year but they didn't look like that one! I think that must be a record setter or are they all that size from Peru?