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CMPMAN1974's 2009 Growing Thread

Do all rocotos grow with such a vine-like habit? That is a very interesting form for a pepper plant. I wouldn't mind seeds after harvest either lol.
I'm drooling Smokemaster. Let me go downstairs and see what's sprouted. Did I mention a 'baseball' Rocoto seed sprouted this morning? :)

Th red rocoto we raised last year crowded the other pepper out of an 18 gallon grow tote...definitely wanted all the room plus cascaded over the side, was a beautiful plant..I can only imagine the growth potential of the baseballs.
My Manzanos cranked out a few big ones this year. Nothing that big, but a couple were bigger than golf balls. Takes a 3-4 meals to eat just one. And then they have that secondary burn a few hour later. Very unique pepper.
One of us gotta get some baseballs growing this year.
Seems like mine aren't acting up yet but I worry about 100 degree heat that almost killed my Pubescens last year and made all the buds drop.
At least they are budding now so I might have enough of a head start this year.
I'm going to have to send postage and have you mail me your baseball plant this year if you can't overwinter it.
Worked with Jennifers Long Chocolate Hab and Black Scorpion Tongue.
They are doing very well outside right now.

Let me know if you get any crosses.Some of those seeds were from trades and I have no idea if they were issolated.
I like interesting crosses.
My fish cross is a really productive plant with tastey pods.
The Mutant Habanero seeds I sent Chris ended up cranking out the pods too last year.
I've got 4 mutant habs growing and a couple strange Pubescens growing too this year.
Hope my yellow Manzano cranks out some giants.Lots of buds right now.

Egore,get me my garden tools....BWWWWAAAAAHAAAAHAAAA!
Sounds good Mike. I've gotten about 60% of my C. Pubescens seeds to sprout in 9 days. Sowed about 50 seeds. Very exciting. I've got some varieties from Bolivia where I was gifted literally one seed so I need to be at the top of my game. lol.

Mike, my luck I'll probably ship you pepper maggots and you'll despise me forever for bringing those nasty bastards into your garden. Don't you send me crickets in return. lol.

No,the crickets stay here.
If it was easy growing crickets-I mean peppers it wouldn't be any fun.

I'd miss cleaning the little guys up with insect soap.
Powdering their little behinds with De and Boric acid powder and feeding them Gourmett cricket food(bait).
Not hearing their happy chirping all night long between belches and farts after their little tummies are full of pepper plants just wouldn't be the same .
Besides I'd hate the little darlings to catch a cold during the freezing winter temps. you have.
I've been a bit out of commission this year so far, but not dead yet. Life is happening in my basement. Tons of C. Pubescens under lights, some yellow 7 pods, a couple Douglahs, and soms rare stuff from Brazil. Started some flowers and leeks too for good measure.





looks like you are on the way to another good season Chris...