• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CMPMAN1974's 2015 Grow Log

I have decided I will post some updates on my grow-out this season here after making some more space in my online photo album. :)  It has been a crazy season so far with very big temperature swings, an unexpected frost last week and more.  I have been working hard trying to get this to come together. I have about 90% of my crop planted now.  I'm thrilled the finish line is nearby!   I hope all the hard work pays off and some interesting things coming out of this years' grow-out.  Updates to follow.   If only there were was more time in a day, right?
Great, will be watching this grow!  Temperatures have been kind of cruddy here as well, too hot for Spring.
I've got a pair of super healthy Sugar Rush Cream plants (seeds originated from you I believe) that just started blooming this week.
Best wishes with your grow
Sweet. I was hoping you would do a glog here this year. When it comes to growing some of the coolest and rarest you're the man. Really looking forward to seeing pics from your grow. Hope you have a killer season
Can't wait to see some photos and follow your efforts, the weather in the midwest has been brutal pepper wise. Lots of cold, wind, wild temperature swings. Not on the computer much in the growing season but that will change, this one is bookmarked, so excited you're sharing this, my hopes for a great season.
How did things turn out with that red-leaved plant of yours..? Did it stay red or reddish and will you be growing it on this year?
The Red leafed plant eventually turned more black leafed.  It produced Pink Tiger pods, but they lacked the stripes.  Most people's Pink Tigers didn't have them.  Trying again this year. 
Donnie said:
How did things turn out with that red-leaved plant of yours..? Did it stay red or reddish and will you be growing it on this year?
The weather has been very bad Fiogga.  I'm ready for some consistecy.  It has been raining 24 hours straight here and finally stopped.   50 deg high last day of May is not good. lol.  Best of luck with your season too.
fiogga said:
Can't wait to see some photos and follow your efforts, the weather in the midwest has been brutal pepper wise. Lots of cold, wind, wild temperature swings. Not on the computer much in the growing season but that will change, this one is bookmarked, so excited you're sharing this, my hopes for a great season.
Thanks.  I hope this year goes well and some interesting things pop up.  Warm weather can't arrive fast enough!
Scorched said:
Sweet. I was hoping you would do a glog here this year. When it comes to growing some of the coolest and rarest you're the man. Really looking forward to seeing pics from your grow. Hope you have a killer season