• Politics are not permitted. There's plenty of places to discuss that elsewhere, and a hot pepper forum is not the place. Thank you for respecting the community!


I know, the test no one really likes! Here's one more reason to get one. Charles just switched doctors to the one I see and was told he needed another test. Routine right? So we got there, dr said about 45 minutes. In 10 minutes he called me in, had found a hole in the colon. So into an ambulance, off to hospital for surgery, hour and a half away. He was still in ICU yesterday but should go to a regular room today. The surgeon removed 4 inches of colon and put it back together. In 4-6 weeks they will do the colonoscopy and remove the mass that was the original concern. The surgeon said the first doctor to do a colonoscopy 2 years ago should have done that. All tests have involved removing a benign polyp but it's the location of them that is the problem. Be that as it may, this is one test NOT to skip!!!!! This is a good example of how something so simple as a test can change your plans. The important thing is that it was fixed and hopefully in another few weeks everything will be fine. A friend jokingly said it was all the hot sauce we make...told them NOPE!!!! Seriously this is a test everyone needs, don't take chances, you don't want to end up up with a mess like this. It has really changed our lives in a short time. He's off work for who knows how long. We'd planned a trip to TX, AZ and CO this summer, even going to stop by to meet AJ and buy some peppers. I seriously don't know how much of that will happen now. Since he's retired, working part time no benefits. He has insurance so that should be good but we still have some expenses. All the money we had planned to save isn't going to be there. He's alive and recovering so counting our blessings and will go from there. Get your colonoscopies please!!
you guys are in my prayers Jackie...hope the surgerys and recovery go wonderfully well...
good to hear the first surgery went well & hope the recovery & second surgery goes good too.
I guess they'll be telling him to lay off the chiles/hot sauce until fully healed :mope:
The most difficult thing I found with a colonoscopy is the fasting and the flushing out of the system with laxatives but thankfully in Canada its all free to patients except the laxatives. The rest was simple since I was passed out, although some hospitals you stay awake and watch the process on a monitor. Don't be scared of such a simple exam, be sacred of what can happen without.
Have a quick and safe recovery Charles!
Thank you Ms. Jackie for posting this message for others at such a challenging time in your life.
It just so happens I had a serious conversation with a friend only this morning, who told me he is planning on canceling his scheduled colonoscopy.Without a doubt,I will be forwarding your message to my friend.
You and Charles will be remembered in prayer.
I dunno why I thought ya'll were younger! lol
I have always been a bit of a hypochondriac, and now that I am in nursing school, it makes me a bit more "aware" of what can really go wrong with the human body. I have to try REALLY hard to not freak out! lol
Have ya'll gotten the baggies yet?
Hey Jackie. You guys will be in our prayers. I was unfortunate enough to have to get a colonoscopy done last year. Of course, I asked the doctor if he could buy me dinner first before shoving that camera up my. . . . . At least my wife thought it was funny.

Good thoughts coming your way from central Pennsylvania!

No baggies yet but they'll get here. Yes we're some of the older ones on THP. Got interested in growing peppers late and my hobby became kind of an obsession but it's all good. I could have worse things to do with my time! Charles likes the hot sauces and really enjoys trying the recipes to make new sauces plus supplying my son and friends with hot peppers. It keeps me active, he has emphysema so he's needs exercise but not too strenuous so pepper growing fits all of that. Plus this site and the people here are nothing short of awesome, love all of the friends we have made here!!!!
Husband just had one a month ago. Everything was fine, thankfully. Worst part for him was they gave him 100mg of Demerol(?) but it still didn't knock him out. Told the nurse we were going out for lunch and a beer right after the procedure and she just about freaked. You Can't Drink With All That Drugs In You! Okay, so we just went out for lunch and skipped the beer.

Jackie, hope your husband has a speedy recovery.