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Completely Random Comments

I just spent over an hour of my life trying to put together a STUPID F*&$!$^ CHANGING TABLE!!!!!! TRYING being the key word. I have never felt so defeated. DAMN YOU TAIWAN AND YOUR RIDICULOUS FURNITURE NUCLEAR PHYSICISTS!!!!

It took forever for my husband and I to put together the crib changing table combo for our daughter.... you'll get it remember I know guys hate instructions but you have to read them carefully.

As far as getting this baby outta me I have been walking tons and bouncing on my exercise ball... tonight make whoopie with the hubby... lucky him!
holy shit! i was talking on the phone and my foot is out of the boot just chilling and a fucking spider decided to take a field trip across my foot! i felt it, saw it and without thinking i twitched my foot to get the spider off me! HOLY CRAP that hurt VERY VERY VERY badly for about 5 min. now back to my 2" range of motion! yes that is right i can move my foot 1=2" toward me, 1-2" away and maybe 1 side to side!
:rofl: :rofl: hey now, i had not had any of my chocolate at that time thats why i twitched so badly! but i have mastered making the chocolate though! tastes like dark chocolate bars and in 1.5-2hrs you feel like you drank a 6 pack! it lasts much longer than smoking and is much healthier for you!
omg - I think I died & went to heaven...the guys from Trailer Park Boys are doing voice acting for the new episode of Archer.

Two of my favorite things together! It's like the TV version of a Reces peanut butter cup!
Ok everybody..... I am done with this pregnancy I am 5 dilated and %100 effaced. I just am not having regular contractions..... so please pray send happy thoughts or whatever I want to have him tomorrow or Saturday at the latest.......

I know want in one hand and sh!t in the other see which one fills up faster.....
Just start snortin' habs Megs - how long can the kid hang out with those kind of sneezes?

Seriously MegPie - best of luck SweetPea! The time is near! Keep telling him how anxious we are to meet him! XOXOXO!
If my dog could talk: "frisbee frisbee frisbee frisbee steak steak steak frisbee frisbee frisbee sleep frisbee frisbee steak steak steak"

Hmm - guess he's not as interesting as I like to think he is.
Spongey - that's hilarious!!!!!!!!

So Scovie and I were just having a conversation about vegetarians vs vegans.
I was trying to explain that vegans don't eat eggs, but vegetarians might.
He said "That's BS! Eggs are just Meat Seeds!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...tears running down my cheeks....... :rofl:
HAHAHAHHHAHAHHHAAHHAHAHHAHA they are not running down my face!

funny joke, a black man gets cut off and says " cant belive that ma'fawking P'ice shit, ima fawk them up" white person gets cut off " gosh(hitting the steering wheel with palm) cant believe they did not use their blinker, damn people cant drive" asian gets cut off.......EEEEERRRRRRRRRR CRASH! GOOD NIGHT