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Completely Random Comments

It isn't extremely bad until it becomes CDO.....they have to be in alphabetical order.
:rofl: it is bad when it takes him so long to do his job that i have to help him finish(we do payroll for 700 Security guards/WK) so i do my job, and some of his!

Yellow 7's go good in Scrambles eggs
If the color of grass is one and the smell of a wall is black, how many snowmen fit in a dog house?
None cuz snowmen like microwaves! Dog house :lol: just nonsense.
I can actually smell the yeast from the dough from the calzone I ate wafting up from the toliet when I take a piss a little while later.
"Back when I was picking beans in Guatemala, we used to make fresh coffee, right off the trees I mean. That was good. This is sh*t but, hey, I'm in a police station."
+1 Megamoo..... :)

I try Scovie :D I love making up random crap like that then people read it and say "wow wtf?"

So a man says to his wife. "Babe when I die I want to be cremated then I want you to sprinkle some of my ashes on some real spicy chili. Just so I can tare the @$$ up one more time."

Sorry if you guys have heard that one before it makes me laugh.
Just crows? Not crows and squirrels and chipmunks and skunks and groundhogs and .......? Maaaaaaannnn - you've got it easy! LOL