chinense CrazyHotSeeds Chocolate Bhutlah

I'm not growing the CHS variety but have a couple others going. Figured why not post here.
Judy's (These ones are more bhut like. Not sure about the other plants. Grew 5 or 6)
Harvest 9.8.15 083.JPG

Brown Bhutlah SLP
Bhutlah Brown SLP 3.JPG

Chocolate Bhutlah Off Pheno
Choc Bhutlah Off 4.JPG
alkhall said:
Which is a question I asked earlier, in another thread; which is the real Chocolate Bhutlah?
What is real?
In the US, I think it is fair to say the name was made popular by a video review of StandandFires strain.  I think at the same time the name was being used to reference the two pepper stain in the UK.  I am hoping StandandFire comes up with a name apart from the others, but I also kind of like his initials since they are SM and that has its own special meaning now doesnt it. 
Very confusing with topic plenty of information to help clear this one up a bit,i hope.

Bhutlah(Judy's pepperlover) in a i read last year she said her cross is named Bhutlah.Simple no chocolate or brown.Just BHUTLAH.

Ch.Bhutlah named given to Steve M. Version of this though very different as his has Butch T. genes.

Bhutlah Brown and Red from Spain created by Peter M.

Ch.Bhutlah from U.K. ajdrew stock.

Im sure there are several others out there that people have come up with that are lesser known but just as HOT and similar in appearance.

I have tried several of these and id have to say Judy's is the Hottest!!! This is my opinion and mine only.I say try them all.
Correct Florisa. Judy actually never called hers chocolate in any of her ads.
Stephen's, as far as I know, was the first. Not 100% sure about semliias ones but if I'm wrong apologies to Peter. Never saw or heard or another Bhutlah before Steven.
Peter (semillas) also has a Black Bhutlah SLP now. Not sure if semillas has it on their site but it's available from the Chris Phillips collection
Frank those reds are badass. Also like the shape of your bhutlahs. Mine have more of the chocolate bhut shape. Will see what next year grows out as. I'll plant seeds from the bhut shaped ones as well as seeds I have left over from last years seeds from Judy. I'm sure it will put out another shape since it's still unstable
I think Steven should keep the name as is. His pod put the name Chocolate Bhutlah on the map. Not his fault or problem other companies used the name. Would also just cause more confusion to change the name at this point. If you say the name Chocolate Bhutlah in the pepper community most people know exactly what you're talking about. Peter's name is different enough that there shouldn't be much confusion there
As far as hottest I can't say. I've never tried a real deal Chocolate Bhutlah but hopefully some day soon that will change. Judy's was hot but I'm sure that with it being unstable different people have got different heat just like the shapes. I think the pods I got from Judy were hotter than the ones I grew from the same seed. Can't remember but both were hot. That gnarly Brown Bhutlah SLP up there about blew my damn head off and is hotter than the Judy Bhutlah that I grew this year. But again it depends
This is only my opinion also, but Judy's cross is a cross of a bhut and a douglah only. Thus, bhutlah describes the cross a little and is accurate. Steven's cross adds butch ts to the mix and to describe the cross more properly, would have to add some other letters in the name, like bhutlaht, or something like that. Regardless of that, if Steven used the name first, that would have priority. Tom
here are my thoughts.  I like the idea of adding the growers initials to the name.  "Chocolate Bhutlah SM" to me seems much more definitive than just calling it chocolate bhutlah and hoping everyone understands which one it is.  ive heard some bickering lately about the chocolate brainstrain and who came up with it, etc.  stamping the creators/growers initials on it can just make it easier to distinguish between strains.  there seem to be several strains of of a lot of peppers out there.  yellow bhut, white bhut, chocolate bbg, etc., and i dont think that there should be just one name for one pepper when the same name can apply to several peppers.  just my thoughts. 
There is something else we have to keep in mind about Chocolate Bhutlah SM.  Unless the FBI pod review guy got it wrong or I got him wrong (naw, that never happens), the crossing of 7 Pot Douglah and Bhut Jolokia that StandandFire used was red.  It was being called the Red Bhutlah.  In this thread alone has been identified three crosses of the 7 Pot Douglah and Bhut Jolokia which came out brown.

I have to figure Chocolate Bhutlah SM is wildly different not just for being crossed with Butch T, but because that Butch T had recessive genes which combined with the brown that went recessive with the particular combination of the 7 Pot Douglah and Bhut Jolokia used to create the Red Bhutlah.

The short of my thinking is that the gene pool of what we call 7 Pot Doublah, Bhut Jolokia, and even Butch T is much, much, much larger than we generally thing.  If I cross two peppers and someone else crosses the same two peppers they are likely to get wildly different results.

I think each different cross needs a unique name, but Chocolate Bhutlah SM is deserving of one wildly different from the others because it is clearly wildly different.  But I really do like the SM part, kind of fortelling of the pain.

I know you don't want to get a permit but for others out there who may read this thread, I submitted my permit app to USDA on 9/1 and it was delivered 9/18.

If you can put your name and address a few countries you "might" get seeds from and list a few plant names it is all there is to a PPQ-587.

Then I just sent it to Peter or whomever.
I am sure it is 'easy' to get the permit, but I refuse because, as a Libertarian, I distain the federal government interference into my life.
I mean, the feds let Chinese companies import poisonous pet food, toothpaste, drywall, and only God knows what else, until they are called out on it, but honest, hard-working horticulture enthusiasts are forced to obtain 'permits' for harmless plant seeds? There is something seriously wrong with this country.
ajdrew said:
There is something else we have to keep in mind about Chocolate Bhutlah SM.  Unless the FBI pod review guy got it wrong or I got him wrong (naw, that never happens), the crossing of 7 Pot Douglah and Bhut Jolokia that StandandFire used was red.  It was being called the Red Bhutlah.  In this thread alone has been identified three crosses of the 7 Pot Douglah and Bhut Jolokia which came out brown.

I have to figure Chocolate Bhutlah SM is wildly different not just for being crossed with Butch T, but because that Butch T had recessive genes which combined with the brown that went recessive with the particular combination of the 7 Pot Douglah and Bhut Jolokia used to create the Red Bhutlah.

The short of my thinking is that the gene pool of what we call 7 Pot Doublah, Bhut Jolokia, and even Butch T is much, much, much larger than we generally thing.  If I cross two peppers and someone else crosses the same two peppers they are likely to get wildly different results.

I think each different cross needs a unique name, but Chocolate Bhutlah SM is deserving of one wildly different from the others because it is clearly wildly different.  But I really do like the SM part, kind of fortelling of the pain.
i got me all red out of a brown pod .  

your right on the name tho , if i call the brown ones chocolate , and chocolate is referenced to sm , what about the colors of all pods ?      :onfire:
I remember my seeds came from a UK site.  They were listed as Chocolate Bhutlah and described as Douglah and Bhut.  I recall vaguely reading about Red Douglah and wondered how the same cross came up with both a brown and a red.  Have to figure the gene pool is deep, but doesn't all red children out of an all brown mama indicate daddy wasn't brown?  Or do you think it is more of that deep gene pool floating something to the surface?

Will be fun to see what the grand kids look like.

On a side note: This discussion is why I am not tremendously down on seed dealers when something goes sideways.  Most of these things that we give names to are not nearly as refined as we like to think. 