Yes third pepper was a Butch T. (Bhut x Douglah) x Butch T
Getting some pheno's in the F3 with some scorpion tails as well.
Getting some pheno's in the F3 with some scorpion tails as well.

What is real?alkhall said:
Which is a question I asked earlier, in another thread; which is the real Chocolate Bhutlah?
thanks my friend , a bhutlah plant ( chocolate ) in color put out all blood red pods , and with very good heat . 8 seeds taken directly from ( chocolate in color ) bhutlah pod last fallTamTam79 said:Nice pods, man. Lookin good.
i got me all red out of a brown pod .ajdrew said:There is something else we have to keep in mind about Chocolate Bhutlah SM. Unless the FBI pod review guy got it wrong or I got him wrong (naw, that never happens), the crossing of 7 Pot Douglah and Bhut Jolokia that StandandFire used was red. It was being called the Red Bhutlah. In this thread alone has been identified three crosses of the 7 Pot Douglah and Bhut Jolokia which came out brown.
I have to figure Chocolate Bhutlah SM is wildly different not just for being crossed with Butch T, but because that Butch T had recessive genes which combined with the brown that went recessive with the particular combination of the 7 Pot Douglah and Bhut Jolokia used to create the Red Bhutlah.
The short of my thinking is that the gene pool of what we call 7 Pot Doublah, Bhut Jolokia, and even Butch T is much, much, much larger than we generally thing. If I cross two peppers and someone else crosses the same two peppers they are likely to get wildly different results.
I think each different cross needs a unique name, but Chocolate Bhutlah SM is deserving of one wildly different from the others because it is clearly wildly different. But I really do like the SM part, kind of fortelling of the pain.