food Crisol del Chili

So I made a big 'ol pot of my grandma's chili last night :makes the sign of the cross:

Pork butt roast, cubed and lightly browned, no beans
1.5 lbs. ground beef, lightly browned, no beans
2 white onions, 2 poblanos, 5-6 Jalapenos lightly saute'd, no beans
5-6-7 large cloves chopped garlic, no beans
Some cans of stewed tomatoes, diced. I like chunks of tomato, just like G-ma made it, no beans
Some sauce, whatever fills the pot (I use an 8 quart), no beans
* Chili powder, 3-4 of each dried Passilla, New Mexico, California, deArbols, ground into powder with Garlic powder, and cummin, a dash of salt. mmmmmm chili powder.... no beans
Lots of Cumin, 2 TBS.? no beans
Crushed red pepper, for visual effect with the seeds, no beans
I added 6 halves of smoked / dried Habaneros from sethsquatch (thanks bro!), no beans
Serve it up with Flour or Corn totillas, or even Wonder bread if you want the "grampa Perez" experience.

Now, if you insist on beans, yes, you can make them in the same kitchen as the chili, grandma did pinto's in the ol' pressure cooker.
That thing scared the crap out of me when I was a kid.

She made two big pots of chili, one pot for all my aunts and uncles and cousins (I'm one of 14 grand children, adopted)
And the other pot for me and Grampa.
To this day, I don't know what she added to make that pot nuclear, I suspect Cayenne, but my wussie (100% mexican) family wouldn't go near it.

Hail to Grandma Jo!


No beans.

All that needs is a bigass bowl and spoon, frito's corn chips, shredded cheese, pickled 'peno's, and sour cream. Frito Pie!

True story.
That looks so goood!!!!!! Especially on these colder days we've been having here in Washington. I would love the wonder bread way. I haven't seen wonder bread in stores here in years though. Probably really tasty with a beer :)
i don't think the bean versus no bean thing will ever go away.
to be honest, i would really toss in a can of nibbet corn, that would complement the flour totillas and give a really nice yellow distinction.
It's kind of funny, the bean thing, like I said on another thread somewhere, it's just one of those arguments, Ford or Chevy, gas or charcoal, Ginger or Mary ann. lol

Hey, like I said, my grandma made pinto beans, so technically, there were beans with the chili, hahahahah

Yeeeaah Buddy, It's not too critical of a recipe, pretty easy, and damn tasty, you could really tweak this many many ways!

Thanks all.

i don't think the bean versus no bean thing will ever go away.
to be honest, i would really toss in a can of nibbet corn, that would complement the flour totillas and give a really nice yellow distinction.

Oh now you're just talkin' crazy. :crazy:

just jabbin' :lol:
The official state dish of Texas is chili and it has NO BEANS! There are no alternative recipe's, no turkey chili, no vegan soy chili, no wombat chili. Chili con carne is meat and chili sauce from chile's, that's it. If you add beans and other crap, its a stew or a soup period.

You don't call a reuben with ham a reuben, or shrimp taco's fajita's. You can't make pot roast with turkey or take a pancake with tomato sauce and call it pizza. Oven baked ribs are not bbq. Pressed veggies and nuts are not burgers. The Alamo didn't happen in Cleveland.

Rant over.
The combination of reading your rant and listening to Chris Rock at the same time nearly had me on the floor. I honestly prefer a chile con carne but I do like a good "chili" soup with beans on occasion. I like mine with saltines and a little bit of hot vinegar added in either way. I'll be trying your recipe here soon, SD . :cheers:
So, TB. Ginger or Maryann?

:cheers: Melium!

Holy Crap! I forgot the most important ingredient! CHILI POWDER!!!!!!
I'll edit!
Lovie looooooooooong time. Told mrs. blues I repented from cheating on her with older women. From now on I only cheat with RICH older women. :lol:
This would have done well in the next TD, you have the story and everything. I'm sure you have more though.

How about a head-to head bowl-of-red battle against the king, AJ? That would be interesting! :)
Nice man! Need to make a pot real soon. I like chili stew with beans as well though. But I'm AC/DC, I go both ways. If it's good, I'm eating it. If it's got a face (cow, pig, chicken) it's even better.
This would have done well in the next TD, you have the story and everything. I'm sure you have more though.

How about a head-to head bowl-of-red battle against the king, AJ? That would be interesting! :)

Yo! I couldn't do this for the TD because I've made it a minimum of twice a year for the last 20 years. I've narrowed my TD choice, but the story isn't nearly as captivating as Gramma-JO.

A Head to head against AJ!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! how do I say.... HONORED!

I will step it up though, and I'm not sure I would call it Grandma's chili.
To lose against the proven king of Red? HONOR!
To beat him.... HONOR $ PRICELESS...

:fire: MAKE IT HAPPEN :fire:

:cheers: Alabama Jack!