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Crock pot reaper sauce

Yes crock pot. If you have made sauce in the house before steam mace will occur. Put two large white onions on bottom
One cup of roasted garlic on top of onions
Two table spoons smoked sea salt
1/2 of the crock with Carolina Reaper peppers
Put carrots on top 1 pound
Measure 2/3 of white vinegar to 1/3 bottled water

Put the top on with something heavy on top. Turn crock on high for first two hours. Next 8 hours on low. After that 8 turn off and let it cool for 4 hours. At this point you can choose to go outside or man up to process. If you love the burn you will stay inside with fans blowing.

Only fill the high speed blender 1/2 way so there is no blow out each time. Blend on high.
Pour through strainer into large bowl.
Repeat till everything in the crock is gone.
Hand mix sauce in bowl. Taste the heat!
You can pressure can in mason jars or put in hot sauce bottles.
If you have never made hot sauce inside you might go outside the first time for safety.
The crock pot I have does not scorch sauce. The onions on the bottom don't burn and you want there flavor will cooked. Peppers in the middle will cook well and carrots on top far away from the main heat. Carrots cook quick and last. High 2hrs
Low 8hrs
Off 4hrs
Give it a try.
Making some brain strain and primo sauce tomorrow for friends. Could have extra
What a great idea. I would have to do it outside, I was cutting 7 pod congos for the dehydrator and that had my eyes and nose running like faucets, I think the steam mace would take me out.