Crowd Sourced Pepper Database

I stopped reading at cpanel ... but I saw github, and "yes" ...
I'd go so far as to say that containerization is the only reason I'm finally willing to do this in the first place ...
I stopped reading at cpanel ... but I saw github, and "yes" ...

I'd go so far as to say that containerization is the only reason I'm finally willing to do this in the first place ...

Yeah.... Cpanel lol.

Cools man. Looking forward to see what you put out.

For example - a one-time cost of less than $100 for a "server" for your ecommerce store ;)
Just add a little Cloudflare, so almost no traffic actually hits your local network (keeps your ISP happy), and you are running a more secure ecommerce store than 99% of the people here paying people to host theirs - yes, even the best one's (Shopify etc) ...
The Internet has changed. You can do damn cool shit now ... the money hasn't made it's way there yet, but the tech is in everyone's hands already, if no other place than their phone ...
People are finally updating their browsers and Flash is almost dead ... it's half-way decent ...
Shit, MS is open-sourcing stuff, and participating ... that's just cray.
grantmichaels said:

For example - a one-time cost of less than $100 for a "server" for your ecommerce store ;)
Just add a little Cloudflare, so almost no traffic actually hits your local network (keeps your ISP happy), and you are running a more secure ecommerce store than 99% of the people here paying people to host theirs - yes, even the best one's (Shopify etc) ...
The Internet has changed. You can do damn cool shit now ... the money hasn't made it's way there yet, but the tech is in everyone's hands already, if no other place than their phone ...
People are finally updating their browsers and Flash is almost dead ... it's half-way decent ...
Shit, MS is open-sourcing stuff, and participating ... that's just cray.
I still wouldn't run a server on a home net connection though. And that also assumes people are willing to learn Linux.
filmost said:
I still wouldn't run a server on a home net connection though. And that also assumes people are willing to learn Linux.
Get the cache right and nobody ever even hits your "server" ...
You deploy it, hit immediately after yourself w/ phantom.js to test it, and then Cloudflare delivers it forever thereafter ...
Cloudflare hits your home "server" every now and again, but nothing that'll upset your ISP, and Cloudflare makes smart choices in terms of what to deliver in the event that your "server" goes down ...
I don't think you have to learn linux to use linux anymore, either ...
Yeah ...
Time to just do it ...
PS - you can run a ecommerce site off a shared .HTML file in Dropbox, actually, too ...
It doesn't get any simpler than that ... just look at Site44 and the others like it:
grantmichaels said:
Get the cache right and nobody ever even hits your "server" ...
You deploy it, hit immediately after yourself w/ phantom.js to test it, and then Cloudflare delivers it forever thereafter ...
Cloudflare hits your home "server" every now and again, but nothing that'll upset your ISP, and Cloudflare makes smart choices in terms of what to deliver in the event that your "server" goes down ...
I don't think you have to learn linux to use linux anymore, either ...
Yeah ...
Time to just do it ...

PS - you can run a ecommerce site off a shared .HTML file in Dropbox, actually, too ...
It doesn't get any simpler than that ... just look at Site44 and the others like it:
Still wouldn't lol.
Though I suppose it depends on what you are serving it up. If its all static and can be cached by cloudflare then yea, sure. But if you need to serve from a database, no dice. Also they would have to deal with the static IP address issue. Too much tinkering for most people who just wanna hit the ground running I think.
Yeah I had my resume on dropbox for awhile. You can also use Dropbox and GDrive as your private git repository, which I did for awhile before switching to bitbucket.
filmost said:
Still wouldn't lol.
Though I suppose it depends on what you are serving it up. If its all static and can be cached by cloudflare then yea, sure. But if you need to serve from a database, no dice. Also they would have to deal with the static IP address issue. Too much tinkering for most people who just wanna hit the ground running I think.
Yeah I had my resume on dropbox for awhile. You can also use Dropbox and GDrive as your private git repository, which I did for awhile before switching to bitbucket.
Also solved:
I'm telling you, it's too easy now to do anything *but* light the path for folks ...
filmost said:
Still wouldn't lol.
At least it's not boring now, I still have to fix this.
juanitos said:
hmmm, wikia is big, what exactly are you thinking?
I leave that up to you ;-D
I just know that they have all their customizations open sourced in a repository, bit of work to sort though I would guess but would be interesting. Perhaps down the road if things take off.
Quick question, how would the site prevent people from reviewing their own products / shills?  I've seen some review sites with some pretty obvious self-reviews before, or someone having all their friends rate their products 10/10 etc
this is why i'm hesitant to add products.
preventing that is impossible vs anyone with tech savyness or if they pay someone with tech savyness to do it for them.
we have streamlined all the existing articles to use a naming scheme that makes it easy to find stuff.
Also i made it easy for people to add images to each variety page (just have to click a button and upload a file(or reference already uploaded file with auto-complete field))
I have redesigned the site.
Moved away from wiki because it was taking 3 seconds to load a page if there were a few images... lol
Site is still in beta as i've just got it running on new framework.
I'm in the process of porting all the images from old framework to new framework. User system is redesigned with different password hash so you will have to re-register.
Would love it if a few of you guys registered and tried it out and let me know what seems dumb / unintuitive.
on my list:
adding all species
how to / guides section
notification / messaging system(maybe)
Someone emailed me thinking the site was dead because they were using old links just click the home link at the top of the page if you get a 404 and it will bring you to the current main page..
I added reviews and user history/reviews on user pages.
Been working on SEO and mobile friendliness
added some of the wild species info from fatalii and nightshade

Im completely in, i have about 60-70 varieties im currently growing. When they start start producing id be glad to upload some pics of the fruit