• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

D|KiNG's Humble growlog...2012---little girls sprinkle some powder on their food

so.... again this is my 1st year of planting peppers... i know i know some i bought at the store/arborateum/people but i also planted some frome seeds and have learned so much.... here are a couple of my mistakes
my girls decided to help daddy and put a TON of water in these bhuts...
what can i do to revive them???
started off strong now this.... why did it become weak like this???
purchased some jamaican scotch bonnets from TRADEWINDS... and this is what i got so for from this packetno i didn't mislabel them or did i mix my seeds up...will the real jamaican please stand up...
other pics can be found on herehttp://thehotpepper....started-a-blog/http://thehotpepper....ot-pepper-pics/
Sucks can't check out your video on my phone. Things are looking pretty good though! Glad you got rid of the scale!

Time for an upgrade. I think your wide would welcome the non-pepper expense...and in all reality it would be FOR Peppers!

KD, sorry to see the issues. I am sure that you will see a bunch of good stuff come now that all the crap is out of the way!

Looks like your other veg is pumpin out monster harvests, pretty soon your peppers will be there too.

Happy Growing!
Sucks can't check out your video on my phone. Things are looking pretty good though! Glad you got rid of the scale!
Ya shane... time for an upgrade so you can see videos on your phone..your current phone doesnt have youtube app??? :mope:
so far all is well... i have a yellow musroom that has one good pod growing and the manzanos i got from the nursery have a ton of flowers and a few pods.. excited to have them the 1st to pod...
scales not completely gone.. i have the organge thai chili i got from melissa suffering the moost.. looks like molding leaves.. no new growth since i got them in march...even in nice soil cant get it to go...as for the miners...wish i knew what to do with it...

Time for an upgrade. I think your WIFE would welcome the non-pepper expense...and in all reality it would be FOR Peppers!

KD, sorry to see the issues. I am sure that you will see a bunch of good stuff come now that all the crap is out of the way!

Looks like your other veg is pumpin out monster harvests, pretty soon your peppers will be there too.

Happy Growing!

MATT...saw your videos and glog.. awesome....wish i knew about THP and CCN before i got plants on ebay ... i think i spent a good $100 or so...hope at least 1 grow true...

as for the other veggies.... just waiting for the maters....wish i had put a trelis for the cuckes as they are crawling everywhere and are all twisted... will be fun ttrying to add one and get them to crawl on it...

these veggies will go great with my reboot diet i am trying with my wife (shane im not trying to lose) ....im excited to get jamie's powder.. should come today...and if ever you guys need tasters for your pods.. im down...

jss....glad your maters are outdoing the miners....keep up the grow

thanks to all who are chilln on this thread
look what came in the mail today.....thanks JAMIE.. will try them out soon and post a video....


glad it made it here... now where do i send the postage due


aergogarden update....Pretty Purple, glow in the dark, unknown multicolor, 7 pod jonah, aji joe handgrenade chocolate, black birds eye X, devils tongue yellow

I can watch youtube...but the vids posted here don't show up in the thread when I'm on my phone. I would have to have the youtube title then search it on there. Its past time for an upgrade, but haven't found anything worth upgrading to. Could just bite the bullet and go for the iphone I suppose.
Btw. Can you guys help me ID those peppers. Or I could ask Jamie. :).

Matt-- I'm sure you could keep one or two as they can get up to 3 feet. The lighting I mean. If you need to prolly can take off the light source and let them grow. But you would need to add lots of water and nutes to keep it going. I guess it's a rapid growth machine. I'm sure you've seen Pinoyprides post. Grow hella quick. And have seen how they root...so ya. Trial and error. I'll be adding herbs in there once I'm done with this batch.
Glad they made it . Here is what I sent ya. Top left is 7 pod red, Top middle is bhut, top right is datil,middle is sweet venetian hab, middle right aji lemon, middle left bhut hybrid same one shane ate a few days ago, far right another 7 pod red , bottom middle yellow cardi scorp and bottom right is brain strain. Enjoy
I dont think milkweed bugs are either friend or foe. i think they are neutral but dont quote me. Your grow just keeps progressing! Seems all the kinks are worked out and shiz is takin off! and thats one hot looking package (that sounded weird...) i guess we will be seeing some taste test vids soon :)
Anyone figure out what pepper plant that I got feom Smokemaster? And milkweed bug a friend or foe
For my peppers?

Why don't you just ask Smoke? I am sure he will tell you :)

BTW sucks to hear that the scales got to the Thai! If its not one thing it's another huh? Hope your mantis babies hatch so they can grub on all the nasty bugs!

Why don't you just ask Smoke? I am sure he will tell you :)

BTW sucks to hear that the scales got to the Thai! If its not one thing it's another huh? Hope your mantis babies hatch so they can grub on all the nasty bugs!


Smoke wasnt sure either and it had no tag. Haha oh well. It's podding. All that matters. As for the mantis. Been two weeks. Outside. So don't know the hold up. If not this coming Monday hen Imma complain. Hahahah. Don't know it Thai chili will pull off.
May be a hot cherry...stem caps look a little big, but that would still be my guess. As far as the bug??? I dunno? Do some CSI! I had similar looking bugs that would lay eggs in my tomatoes years ago, but that was almost 15 years ago down in TX so can't confirm. If that's them the tomatoes they hit were all full of tiny larvae. When in doubt nuke the bastards!

purple bhut opening up.. hope she stays....





manzano setting fruit.... how long does it take to ripen shane???

wish i knew how to use my canon t3i.... could take better pics

purple bhut opening up.. hope she stays....





manzano setting fruit.... how long does it take to ripen shane???

wish i knew how to use my canon t3i.... could take better pics

A long long time Denniz! lol. My plants are loaded, I need to check back on my grow log to see when I posted the first yellow manzano to set. Been awhile I know that, plant is still loading up with fruit, some are gaining some weight, but no ripening any time soon I am sure. Pubescens take a very long time to ripen, but well worth the wait. I am soooo ready for a fresh Manzano!!
It'll probably be 2-3 months at least before your first ripe one brother...They are tasty green as well, but have a little more of an annuum flavor...still HOT though. Great job on the hybrid bhut...those things ain't no joke! I think that and the Red 7 pot were on par with each other.
Ohh man. Took that bhut hybrid pretty well. romy6 sending me some as well (can't wait, thanks romy6). Plants are looking good and healthy and lots of buds and flowers and pods. I need to get some of them purple bhuts looks like an awesome plant. Happy growing man!
Love the video with the kids playing in the background. Nice flute soundtrack. Hope the pepper didn't kick your butt too badly, you're going to have a ton of those bad boys this fall. :rofl:

What is the bhut crossed with?
So while making this ghetto greenhouse. Movedl my plants. Don't know how i didn't notice it as I check everyday!!!


And noticed....


Forasium wilt.


So of anyone has this pepper growing would love some pods wen you get some