• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

D3's 2016 Growlog

Well 2016 is already fast approaching and it's time to start thinking about what to grow this coming year. Last year I started seeds in mid Dec and was running out of room for plants by the time plant out finally came. I think this year I will start the majority in January. 
I was going through my seeds to send to a few and figured it was time to start formulating a list of what I want to grow. 
There was a lot that I grew 2015 that while ok, I didn't see myself growing again and a few that definitaly made the grow list again. a few off the top my head being paper lantern, baha goats and moa bonnets. Just the right heat levels and great as smoked powders. 
Here is my non official ever changing list. (so much for having a smaller grow this year...) Edited 1-6 to reflect actual current list. 
Sow: 12-29 Sprout:1-4   Mystery Wine - Joyner
Sow: 12-29 Sprout:1-6   Moa Bonnet Yellow- mine
Sow: 12-29 Sprout:1-5   Moa Bonnet Red- Jcw10tc
Sow: 12-29 Sprout:1-5   Aji Mango- Ozzy
Sow: 12-29 Sprout:1-7   Bahamian Goat (pheno from last year with nice tail) mine
Sow: 12-29 Sprout:1-5   Mako Kokoo - jcw10tc
Sow: 12-29 Sprout:1-5   Habanero Hot Lemon - Semillas
Sow: 12-29 Sprout:1-3   Cor De Laranja - Semillas
Sow: 12-29 Sprout:1-5   Murupi Amarela- Scorched
Sow: 12-29 Sprout:1-4   Cream Fatalii - Cone9
Sow: 12-29 Sprout:1-4   7pot Peach - jcw10tc
Sow: 12-29 Sprout:1-5   Ice scream scorp - jcw10tc
Sow: 12-29 Sprout:1-3   Habanero Laranjada Grande - Semillas
Sow: 12-29 Sprout:1-3   Peach Bhut - jcw10tc
Sow: 12-29 Sprout:1-6   BG7 Chocolate - Jcw10tc
Sow: 01-07 Sprout:1-18 Mystery Citrus- Grant
Sow: 01-07 Sprout:1-13 Pimente De Breese- smileyguy697
Sow: 01-07 Sprout:        Pimenta bode loranja- smileyguy697
Sow: 01-07 Sprout:1-13 Goatsweed - Hogleg
Sow: 01-07 Sprout:        Douglah X Butch T f4- Hogleg
Sow: 01-07 Sprout:1-15Trinidad Scorpion CARDI Yellow - Cone9
Sow: 01-07 Sprout:        SB7J Yellow - Ozzy2001
Sow: 01-07 Sprout:1-12 Beni Highlands - Jcw10tc
Sow: 01-07 Sprout:1-18 7pot Burgundy- mine
Sow: 01-07 Sprout:1-13 Carolina Yellow Hab - Jcw10tc
Sow: 01-07 Sprout:1-15 Aji Omni Color- Ajijoe
Sow: 01-07 Sprout:1-15 Bolsa de Ducle- mine
Sow: 01-07 Sprout:1-15 Queen Laurie - Cone9
Sow: 01-07 Sprout:1-15 Aji ahuachapau - Jcw10tc
Sow: 01-07 Sprout:1-16 Red Primo- Jcw10tc
Sow: 01-07 Sprout:1-13 Carbonero- Tony Sherwood
Sow: 01-07 Sprout:1-18 Devils Brain - Jcw10tc

Sow: 01-16 Sprout:        Sugar rush peach- Scorched
Sow: 01-16 Sprout:        Sugar rush cream- Scorched
Sow: 01-16 Sprout:        Aji Dulce Rosita- Cheri
Sow: 01-16 Sprout:        Hot Rod Serrano X Maui Purple f1- Freeportbum
Sow: 01-16 Sprout:        7pod orange x Cbbg7 f1- Freeportbum
Sow: 01-16 Sprout:        Aji Dulce Jobito - Cheri
Sow: 01-16 Sprout:        Aji Fantasy White- PeterS
Sow: 01-16 Sprout:1-20 Paper Lantern Hab
Sow: 01-16 Sprout:        Cherry Bomb- grocery store
Sow: 01-16 Sprout:        Big Jim- Santis
Sow: 01-16 Sprout:        Mata frade- 
Sow: 01-16 Sprout:        Yellow Jalapeno- 
Sow: 01-16 Sprout:        Aji Pineapple
Sow: 01-16 Sprout:1-20 Yellow Tepin
                    Sprout:1-30 P. Dreadie Select Bonnet

My Crosses- See Crossing Thread
Flowering/producing      Aji Pineapple x Butch T yellow f1   maybe f2 if lucky already flowering
Flowering/producing      Butch T yellow x Bahaminan goat f1  maybe f2 if lucky already frowering
Flowering/producing      Paper Lantern X Butch T yellow f1  maybe f2 if lucky already flowering
Flowering/producing      Not a 7pot y X Butch T yellow f1  maybe f2 of lucky already flowering
Flowering/producing      Carbonero X Butch T yellow f1  maybe f2 if lucky already flowering
Sow: 12-29 Sprout:1-6    7pot Burgundy X Mystery (I crossed it and forgot to write it down. I think it's CGN 21500 )
Sow: 12-29 Sprout:1-5    Lemon drop X Inca Berry f1 
Sow: 12-29 Sprout:1-6    Aji amarillo X Caribbean red hab f1
Finally got a chance to take the plants outside again. Been weeks since the first time. 60 degrees out today. A few pics while watering. 
sugar rush peach


lemon drop X inca berry so darn tall

Grants mystery citrus

Bums hot rod serrano X maui purple





My fish tank 
dragonsfire said:
Awesome Salt water tank!!!! Always wanted one but couldn't afford it so I got a 20/55gall fresh water tanks.
Nice plants Too :)
I used to have a really nice 75gal planted tank. When I can finally afford to finish the basement I'm going to do side by side fw and salt in wall tanks.
D3monic said:
Thanks, I always feel like they look like shit, not enough light and over crowded. 15 day forcast showes upper 70's every day. So tempting to just get them into the ground.
I think a lot of people start seeds to early, myself included. Next year I think I'm going for March 15 sowing on most varieties.

How many plants your growing this year?

Upper 70's sounds nice, there talkin maybe 60 here tomorrow and that would be great.

Ok so after looking around online I think for $300 this is a pretty good deal. Should be a decent size for all my seedlings. http://www.harborfreight.com/6-ft-x-8-ft-greenhouse-47712.html?utm_referrer=http%3A%2F%2Fthehotpepper.com%2Ftopic%2F58459-the-bum-is-back-for-2016%2Fpage-10
I'd assume it would get to0 hot in the summer to keep plants in there after spring but if I built some shelves that fold up I could put my seedlings on the shelves in spring and in fall fold on sides shelves up and put all my container plants in there to extend their season. 
Maybe even store overwinters in there?
Low is 46 tonight, half tempted to leave them outside overnight. What's yalls opinions on the matter, do you think it's safe to leave them out overnight? 


Pulled a crap ton of weeds and the old dead plants. Some strawberries, bok choy and a few small red lettuces are popping up. I also spread a few small bags of mushroom compost but I am going to need some more. I'd also like to add some additional amendments if there's any suggestions. I do have some elemental, stinks to high heaven when you apply it. 
ELEMENTAL NPK  /  0.25 - 0 - 0.1 + Ca 20%
Calcitic Lime, Dolomitic Lime, Gypsum and Fish Protein Hydrolysate


Crosses have been outside for several days hiding in the shade. Had my wife cover them with a sheet last night because it was in the 30s but they still look just fine. 

The bahamian goat X butch t yellow I transplanted from the hydro on the other hand is suffering some serious transplant shock. 

Raspberries coming back nice this year. 
I don't leave them out at night until it's 50 or above the GH really helps with that. Personally I think it really stalls them but other people's mileage may vary. I would cut that big plant way back and cross my fingers.

27f here this morning brrr and calling for snow tomorrow night.. yay
