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Damage Control

HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
Guess what I woke up to today???? Yep more heavy rains.:mad:
But I am happy to say they survived last nights and todays
deluge's :lol:

Yup, Tom...Me too, another monsoon here too. It was the thunder that actually woke me. I looked outside and almost couldn't see my plants through all of the rain. This weather is just making me sick!
Paul I hear ya.This weather blows:lol:Today we got
no more rain but now high winds but I re-anchored my plants moved the anchor higher up so they are all good now.Now
I just have to move my youngins into their final homes(that is when i get containers for em:lol:)and I will be all set!!
We got a ton more rain and high winds. My power was out for about 4 hours even. I checked my plants and even some of the small ones where leaning. I staked the ones I could unitl I ran out of stakes. I then had to dump standing water out of the buckets. To make things worse, it's starting to rain again. I'm ready to scream and cry...
It getting frustrating thats for sure.Here the funny thing.After all the rain yesterday,last night and this morning by this
afternoon my plants were starting to wilt some.They had already
dried out so I had to give em (yes its shocking) MORE WATER.:lol:
gave em some nuits too.:)
I agree TL this has been one hell of a last few weeks in regards to storms and rain. Check the weather channel though. Seems like the weathers going to be taking a turn on the sunny side FINALLY this week. Starting Tuesday it's looking like sunshine all week.......YEAHHHH!!:lol:
i use half inch bamboo stakes aproxx.4 ft. imn length and secured to the stake with "tomato tape" the green stuff well i have never had a problem until last night the wind slammmed my poles and my biggest plants to the ground so i went back out today and put a small tomato cage around them and kept them staked i hope they will be ok i will see if they are wilted in the morning if so i guess i better pick the peppers that are on them then DAMN WIND & STORMS !!!!!!!!!!!!
Today was much better.just windy but no rain woohoooo:lol:
my J.R. Scotch Bonnet has a ton of buds on em now :)
I agree though this yrs weather has sucked!!!! Rabbit
I hope they get the forecast right like you said.:lol:
I usually tie the plant a few times during the season, depending on how tall it gets. Plants grow from the top, not the bottom, so I leave the bottom strings on. That way the stakes do not get top-heavy and blow over as easily.

Wordwiz ty for the tip!! I must add "Holy Cr*p" all that rain
must have done something.Today had 5 flowers on the Tam and
Pollen on some leaves with about 5 or 6 more buds ready to flower and a heck of alot of buds on the J.R. Scotch,Numex B. Jim and some forming on the Naga and Tabasco so WOOOHOOOOO :)
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
Wordwiz ty for the tip!! I must add "Holy Cr*p" all that rain
must have done something.Today had 5 flowers on the Tam and
Pollen on some leaves with about 5 or 6 more buds ready to flower and a heck of alot of buds on the J.R. Scotch,Numex B. Jim and some forming on the Naga and Tabasco so WOOOHOOOOO :)

I've still got a while to go. That's good news though.:cool:
fineexampl said:
Thanks for reminding me about this. I kept forgetting to buy supports for my plants. When we were kids, my Grandma would use sticks from the yard and her old pantyhose cut into strips and tied off. I have no yard, nor do i have pantyhose as i don't wear em and my chick's a hippie.

Don't feel bad if the lady doesn't wear pantyhose... a box of knee-highs( short above the ankle nylons) come in a package of multi pairs for around $2-3, worth buying just to tie up the plants and cheaper than many other things. A plus is that they are gentle on tomato and pepper stems.
