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Datil's 2017 - Nagaland, Mexico and beyond

Thought it was about time to start my first ever glog here :)
I'm very lazy and too busy to update it properly but i'll do my best.
This year i'm making an extra effort to keep the list tight and grow what i really like taste-wise, just a couple 'experiments'.

Here's what i've sowed so far (some seedlings already up):

- Myanmar Naga (landrace Burmese Naga pheno courtesy of Grant/JungleRain)
- Bih Jolokia Improved Light Green (originally from Frontal Agritech, courtesy of Chris Phillips)
- Yellow Bhut (scored on THP i forgot from whom... hoping is a true to form gnarly pheno or it will meet the axe LOL)
- Bhut Jolokia CPI (original release courtesy of Chris Phillips)
- Sonoran Chiltepin (wild landrace by narom8)
- Tamaulipas Chiltepin (landrace by Gary/windchicken)
- Chilito de Simojovel (landrace pequin from Peter/semillas)
- Forbing Naga (Red Nagabrain off-pheno by Gary/windchicken - see his thread)
- Madballz 7 2012 ('vintage' seeds by meatfreak, hope they will make it)
- Armageddon (originally from Vladan/Rainbow Chili Seeds, courtesy of Bjarne the BOC guy)
- Florida Wild Bird (OW)
- Bhut Jolokia OM (OW - from the dreaded italian OrtoMio brand, purchased as a live plant surprisingly true to form)

I may add or ditch something but the list will remain short this year :)
A special thanks to every THP brother that sent me seeds in the last years. I realized that it make no more sense to me to accumulate shitloads of them. Stock get old and loose viability sadly so i will probably make a list and gift to who's interested and have entire fields to dedicate...
I'll drop some pics later.

Thanks for reading

Datil said:
Finally i've found a minute to take a pic of the best specimens so far enjoying a mild sun (right in the background my only OW survived, Florida Wild Bird):

That's a cool pic with those flowers!
Hopefully weather will improve from now on.
Time for a small update!
All plants have been moved to dirt / pots, the weather is now very warm.
CPI Bhut (holes in some leaves courtesy of the critters):

Chilito de Simojovel (wilds are definitely tougher :) )

Sonoran Chiltepin branching (been topped some time ago):

Yellow Bhut twins:

Shabu shabu (weak genetics imho but giving it a chance):


Bih Jolokia LG:

Myanmar Naga:

Toms exploding :D

Next time i hope to post some budding action ;)
There's still life in my garden! Sorry for slacking so much ;)
Chinenses are really behind but i've a very long season so i hope to see lots of poddage as things cool down.
Myanmar Naga:

I've a sort of curse with yellow bhuts... probably too many people sharing hybrids instead of the real thing nowadays...
Anyway from a (supposed) yellow bhut plant, something really WICKED happened.
I've called it Unholy Bhut, here's a couple pods... just crazy:


Chilito de Simojovel doing his thing, i really love how wilds procede relentlessy in face of critters and brutal weather:

I hope to post more stuff soon.
Happy summer to all!
Gnarly pods and great photos! I love the little pods of the wilds. Your Chilito de Simojovel sounds like and interesting variety and your pods look nice. Great job!

Bhuter said:
Gnarly pods and great photos! I love the little pods of the wilds. Your Chilito de Simojovel sounds like and interesting variety and your pods look nice. Great job!


Thank you Adam!
I've a soft spot for landraces, i will post a couple pics of interesting chiltepins as soon as they start producing :)
I will harvest some seeds of that "Unholy Bhut" and see the outcome in the next season.
I'm curious to see what color it will ripen and how much it hurts at this point :D
Wow! That Unholy Bhut looks like it'd really hurt... nice job Fabrizio!
Since you like landrace varieties, think you'd be interested in some Piment Cabri seeds? I got some from Kevin in France. If I remember correctly, his in-laws come from Réunion island off the Madascar coast and they collected seeds from this wild variety.

stickman said:
Wow! That Unholy Bhut looks like it'd really hurt... nice job Fabrizio!
Since you like landrace varieties, think you'd be interested in some Piment Cabri seeds? I got some from Kevin in France. If I remember correctly, his in-laws come from Réunion island off the Madascar coast and they collected seeds from this wild variety.
Thank you Rick!
I've already Pimenta Cabri seeds from an excellent source (in effect i thought yours were from my seeds as i don't remember what i've shared with you :) ). Never grown them but i'm VERY picky about chinenses, except bhuts/nagas and some browns i don't really like chinense flavor.
Let me know how they taste!
Take care

Superhot Sim said:
Some great looking pods Fabrizio, love the look of the Myanmar naga.
Real cool looking pod.
Thank you Sim!
It seems an excellent landrace variety!
To tell you the truth all my chinenses planted in the dirt are not doing well, maybe they're less forgiving about soil/ph and so on then wilds and tomatoes placed nearby and doing great. Mind that they're all placed close to a big hedge that block light from behind and constantly drop leaves, so it's challenging.
I've a second Myanmar plant in a pot and shaded position that looks very well, this variety has a spreading habit and makes for a showy display in the garden but still not podding ;)
I'm constantly selecting varieties that can thrive in my brutal summer (we may hit 100F with high humidity this week), next year i will probably focus on wilds and a couple annuums that already performed well.
Be well
Datil said:
Thank you Rick!
I've already Pimenta Cabri seeds from an excellent source (in effect i thought yours were from my seeds as i don't remember what i've shared with you :) ). Never grown them but i'm VERY picky about chinenses, except bhuts/nagas and some browns i don't really like chinense flavor.
Let me know how they taste!
Take care

Cheers Fabrizio... will do. :)