• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Datil's 2017 - Nagaland, Mexico and beyond

Thought it was about time to start my first ever glog here :)
I'm very lazy and too busy to update it properly but i'll do my best.
This year i'm making an extra effort to keep the list tight and grow what i really like taste-wise, just a couple 'experiments'.

Here's what i've sowed so far (some seedlings already up):

- Myanmar Naga (landrace Burmese Naga pheno courtesy of Grant/JungleRain)
- Bih Jolokia Improved Light Green (originally from Frontal Agritech, courtesy of Chris Phillips)
- Yellow Bhut (scored on THP i forgot from whom... hoping is a true to form gnarly pheno or it will meet the axe LOL)
- Bhut Jolokia CPI (original release courtesy of Chris Phillips)
- Sonoran Chiltepin (wild landrace by narom8)
- Tamaulipas Chiltepin (landrace by Gary/windchicken)
- Chilito de Simojovel (landrace pequin from Peter/semillas)
- Forbing Naga (Red Nagabrain off-pheno by Gary/windchicken - see his thread)
- Madballz 7 2012 ('vintage' seeds by meatfreak, hope they will make it)
- Armageddon (originally from Vladan/Rainbow Chili Seeds, courtesy of Bjarne the BOC guy)
- Florida Wild Bird (OW)
- Bhut Jolokia OM (OW - from the dreaded italian OrtoMio brand, purchased as a live plant surprisingly true to form)

I may add or ditch something but the list will remain short this year :)
A special thanks to every THP brother that sent me seeds in the last years. I realized that it make no more sense to me to accumulate shitloads of them. Stock get old and loose viability sadly so i will probably make a list and gift to who's interested and have entire fields to dedicate...
I'll drop some pics later.

Thanks for reading

windchicken said:
I'm just now checking your glog, Fabrizio...Everything seems to be thriving at your new place, and your photography is just stunning!
Nice to see you here Gary!
Here's a bonus shot of your truly Forbing Naga:

and a couple more:

Myanmar Naga

"Unholy Bhut"

a second pod, the tail seems consistent:

Black Beauty aubergine :)

Nice color Fabrizio! What are you planning on doing with all that heat?

How do you like your eggplant? We're getting ripe baby eggplants in quantity here. It's time to fire up the charcoal grill and make some baba ganouj.

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stickman said:
Nice color Fabrizio! What are you planning on doing with all that heat?

How do you like your eggplant? We're getting ripe baby eggplants in quantity here. It's time to fire up the charcoal grill and make some baba ganouj.

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Hey Rick!
It's less heat than It seems... Chinenses are doing really bad and struggling to properly produce... Lots of crinkled leaves and flower drop, i'm not dedicating too much time to help them sincerely... I love 'set and forget' varieties so i consider all the issues natural selection. I can still make some pod closeup for impressing people LOL
It's either charcoal grill or aubergine 'parmigiana' for eggplants :)
Your garden looks great my friend!

Be well

Devv said:
I'm glad to see the nice pods you're getting. The "Unholy Bhut" looks like pain in the making :D :scared:
And it is!
Here's a quick update after some weekend sampling.
Forbing Naga (from a friend's field): BIG beautiful pods, great producer, naga flavor not to it's fullest but nice, very hot but low on the naga scale
Myanmar Naga: full naga flavor, as hot as a naga can go imho, beautiful plant not producing much but i hope to improve it
Shabu shabu (from friend's field): standard naga flavor, very thin walled, heat a notch below Myanmar, not uber impressed but will try my own pods (hopefully because my potted plant is very late)
Unholy Bhut: some naga flavor plus capsicin acid bitterness, thin walled, probably a cross with some scorpion because of the tail and heat (it's friggin hot!)
I'll make some powder from friend's harvest plus Unholy bhuts, should light me up in winter nights :)
Hope to add some pics in the next update, i'm about to sample Armageddon :)

Datil said:
And it is!
Here's a quick update after some weekend sampling.
Forbing Naga (from a friend's field): BIG beautiful pods, great producer, naga flavor not to it's fullest but nice, very hot but low on the naga scale
Myanmar Naga: full naga flavor, as hot as a naga can go imho, beautiful plant not producing much but i hope to improve it
Shabu shabu (from friend's field): standard naga flavor, very thin walled, heat a notch below Myanmar, not uber impressed but will try my own pods (hopefully because my potted plant is very late)
Unholy Bhut: some naga flavor plus capsicin acid bitterness, thin walled, probably a cross with some scorpion because of the tail and heat (it's friggin hot!)
I'll make some powder from friend's harvest plus Unholy bhuts, should light me up in winter nights :)
Hope to add some pics in the next update, i'm about to sample Armageddon :)
Nice reviews Giancarlo.[emoji106]

Did you pick up any floral notes in your Forbing Naga pods? I didn't in mine and I think it gives it a cleaner flavor.

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stickman said:
Did you pick up any floral notes in your Forbing Naga pods? I didn't in mine and I think it gives it a cleaner flavor.

Happily no floral notes! So the Naga naming is well deserved :)
I really hate that kind of flavor, that's why excepting naga/bhut i'm more an annuum/frutescens guy :cool:
Datil said:
Happily no floral notes! So the Naga naming is well deserved :)
I really hate that kind of flavor, that's why excepting naga/bhut i'm more an annuum/frutescens guy :cool:
I'm with ya on that guy! Flavor is a good seven tenths of my interest when it comes to chiles. Have you ever tried Scotch Bonnets? IMO they're one of the cleanest-tasting Chinense varieties. The Piment Cabri landrace I grew this year is as well... And it has roughly half the heat of the "standard" Habanero, making it acceptable to a wider audience. Cheers!

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I took some quick shots this morning (sorry not the best quality).
Armageddon, ready to sample:

Forbing Naga, orange pheno:

final color:

Chilito de Simojovel and Sonoran Chiltepin podding like crazy:


Armageddon is right... that pod really looks nasty Giancarlo! The landrace chiles look really good too. The 4th pic looks an awful lot like a chile pequin.
stickman said:
Armageddon is right... that pod really looks nasty Giancarlo! The landrace chiles look really good too. The 4th pic looks an awful lot like a chile pequin.
Did you mean Fabrizio right? LOL
I'll let you know about Armageddon, it looks evil for sure!
Chilito de Simojovel is a landrace pepper similar to a standard pequin but soft and juicy when ripe (think of frutescens) so it does equally well for salsa or powder, also pretty hot and flavorful :)

Datil said:
Gimme that simple dusty bastard dry heat of a good chiltepin or a thai chili paste and i'm in heaven :D
Lol, you and me, Fabrizio!!! I'm wondering if you ever got into New Mexico Chile (Big Jim, 6-4, Sandia, Chimayo, etc.)? There's something about the flavor of dried Red Chile that makes me crave it every day...
Oh, and thanks so much for growing Forbing Naga, and for your nice review...Just so you know, I'm selecting seeds this season from a plant that is producing full Naga-strength heat...
windchicken said:
Lol, you and me, Fabrizio!!! I'm wondering if you ever got into New Mexico Chile (Big Jim, 6-4, Sandia, Chimayo, etc.)? There's something about the flavor of dried Red Chile that makes me crave it every day...
Oh, and thanks so much for growing Forbing Naga, and for your nice review...Just so you know, I'm selecting seeds this season from a plant that is producing full Naga-strength heat...
Hey Gary! I've always been curious about new mexican chiles but never growed one. I've noticed that texas and mexican chiles grow very well in my climate so i may give numex a try. You're so lucky having them available in local stores / markets :)
Nice to know you're further selecting Forbing Naga, giant naga pods with plenty heat sound great!
Chinense had very hard time growing properly in my garden this year, this is probably related to the fact they're more sensitive about soil / ph (they share their space with my giant hedge and tons of falling leaves) or some kind of critter.
As you see tepins and pequins apparently don't care. Same trend two seasons ago on a few test plants (was my first year there).
I will further scale back peppers in the next season and may devote to flavor (favorite annuums and maybe a couple frutescens).
Be well
