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travel Day tripper, day tripper, yeah

I think everyone has favourite places or areas near them they love to visit over and over .

Niagara falls and Niagara wine country are probably my Wife and I's go to day trip destination.

A wander through the backroads of wine country was a much needed relaxing day yesterday.


spent some time at a park in Niagara on the Lake across the river from Fort Niagara, Youngstown NY. just enjoying the water and view . My wife's cell actually flipped to USA roaming service while we were sitting there.


obligatory drive-by photo of the falls



@WarrantMan I don't think I would advise swimming here anymore. the bacteria count from all the geese has to be off the charts.


vines between the lines.


random massive barrel on the side of the road. I think they are building a new winery there.


snack time at a stop between the lines .
incredible chicken empanadas we picked up at a hole in the wall shop in St Catharines.
this graspa so reminds me of the stuff my father would get from his buddies. I actually started my day today with a corretto that took me back to stealing sips of my Dad's coffee when I was little. Yep I definitely had to buy a bottle.


wine and gelato floats. the mango one was awesome and the chocolate hazelnut with rosso one might look sketchy but the flavour was definite 🎯

we had the entire patio to ourselves the whole time we were there. πŸ™‚



day ended on patio of a Greek restaurant on the shore of Lake Ontario. not quite technically in Niagara region but on the way home.



feta cheese cheesecake , crust is shredded Filo,fig reduction and spiced cherries on top.

sun getting low ,time to go home.
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What a great post. The beauty, food and slow pace of day tripping is such a great reset. I am jealous of the empanada, they qualify as a Canadian taco LOL. We went on a small 2 hour drive the other day just to see the Columbia river, orchards a few lakes and the recent fire scars. We are back to shutting it all down as our covid numbers were the highest we've ever had. By A LOT. We're both fully vaxed but being around "anti" idiots wouldn't be good for anyone right now. 😑
Thanks for sharing your beautiful day, and letting me have a little hope things will get back to normal.
Thanks Ashen!
So long ago but such fond memories. You once could park your car and swim almost anywhere. Roadside benches to eat lunch. I recall there was a waterfall that contained a small place you could hide behind. Not a cave really, but as a kid it was surreal...

Many thanks my friend!

Long time and off topic, but to answer an old question - the Narcan that has "expired in date" gets sent back to the distributor. I've no idea after that. Monies or contracts for such is above my paygrade.
Not to derail topic, my apologies. I suddenly remembered the question and you deserved an answer.

Please excuse my manner.

Long time and off topic, but to answer an old question - the Narcan that has "expired in date" gets sent back to the distributor. I've no idea after that. Monies or contracts for such is above my paygrade.
Not to derail topic, my apologies. I suddenly remembered the question and you deserved an answer.

Please excuse my manner.

no apologies needed. Thanks for remembering and answering.
I actually have some here well beyond date that I should bring to a pharmacy. we kept it in the car emergency kit because things were so crazy here for awhile.
many overdoses are still happening but not in public so much anymore during the pandemic.

Since mid April, in my city, my little slice/section of it on the day shift 7am-5pm I have written reports on six overdoses (heroin/fentanyl). Two were fatal. The other four - two were saved by Narcan administered by EMS personnel, the other two by junkies that had Narcan.

I hesitate to give a "professional" opinion here or any forum, but I would be remiss If I didn't include the caveat the "use by" dates on many goods are not an exact measure. I suppose that if you saved someone's life with an "expired" dose of Narcan, they wouldn't complain.
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Saw your post and couldn't help but think about how great Niagara wine country is for a day trip. It's such a relaxing area with beautiful views. If you’re planning more trips and need to get more info on some hidden gems or deals, there are some great resources out there.