• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

"DEAD MOUTH" Naga Sauce


This is how my Dead Mouth Naga sauce looks like. I don't believe in those crazy super hot sauces advertizing millions of scoville heat ratings. A sauce, according to me , is a thing that adds taste to your food and enough heat to make you more hungry.

My sauce is so different from run of the mill sauces that you would love it at the first drop.

Here is the picture.


Hophead said:
Real nice color to this sauce i am looking forward to see what the reviewers think about it. :cool:

well , you may not have to wait for long . A reviewer has kindly consented to bare his ass to feel the heat.:hell:

No No ...just kidding. My sauce should excite his taste buds to the nth degree by its purity of Naga Flavor and spices that go hand in hand.

Color is the USP of this sauce. All natural.

So friends,

Finally , the sauces are ready to be shipped for testing/Tasting at Ohio. I have used a temporary label to identify the heat level.






paulky_2000 said:
Can't wait to try it!

All in good time my friend all in good time.
One difference that my sauce may make is that I will be offering a new perspective in terms of spicing up my sauces. My experience of Eastern spices and their usage may give you totally or partially unusual flavors.

Actually I intend creating a ROMAN FLAVOR soon.
What is this ROMAN FLAVOR? May be very soon any Italian gourmet who has experience of Roman food, if he/she contacts me, I will be able to offer the same for tasting.

QuadShotz said:
i hopeya use lots of bubble wrap...

A small story about this parcel.

Morning I found that my box was a bit smaller. So went to UPS Stores and asked for a box. The sales man qoted 2.90 $ for the box.
I refused to pay that for a stupid box.
Next door is Dollar Stores. I went there, bought a Plastic box for 1 Dollar, bought a bubble envelope for 1.6 $ from Kroger and I had a better, stronger and real useful parcel.

Used scrapping from my shredder as filler and packing material.

Okay Ladies and Gentelman....I just received a care package from NJA and I think he's got 2 real winners here. In fact, I have to say that these 2 sauces, the MACH II and MACH 7 rival any commercially bought sauce that I have ever had, period.

Here is what I have to say about them and I can't wait to try them in my cooking.

WOW!!! I tasted the MACH 7 on my finger (about the size of a dime) and I must say, it was utterly amazing! I told my wife that I think it is better than some store bought sauces I've had. It has a nice crisp, peppery flavor and the heat...the heat is just amazing. Just the right amount.

After my mouth calmed down from the MACH 7 I gave the MACH II the same finger taste. It also has great flavor, a little less intense heat with almost a fruity taste to it. Another outstanding sauce and you sir have a gift! I feel so blessed that you choose to share these with me.

Thank you........WOW! You give any commercially made sauce a really run for their money. Maybe you could enter these in some contests. Heck, you could even become as widely known as Defcon or CaJohn.

If you want I could past this in the open forum to let others know my thoughts and admiration of your 2 sauces. Just let me know.

Thanks again...I can't wait to sample your next sauce. You really have captive audience/taster/reviewer sitting here thoroughly enjoying the burn.

Pepperfreak said:
Okay Ladies and Gentelman....I just received a care package from NJA and I think he's got 2 real winners here. In fact, I have to say that these 2 sauces, the MACH II and MACH 7 rival any commercially bought sauce that I have ever had, period.

Here is what I have to say about them and I can't wait to try them in my cooking.

WOW!!! I tasted the MACH 7 on my finger (about the size of a dime) and I must say, it was utterly amazing! I told my wife that I think it is better than some store bought sauces I've had. It has a nice crisp, peppery flavor and the heat...the heat is just amazing. Just the right amount.

After my mouth calmed down from the MACH 7 I gave the MACH II the same finger taste. It also has great flavor, a little less intense heat with almost a fruity taste to it. Another outstanding sauce and you sir have a gift! I feel so blessed that you choose to share these with me.

Thank you........WOW! You give any commercially made sauce a really run for their money. Maybe you could enter these in some contests. Heck, you could even become as widely known as Defcon or CaJohn.

If you want I could past this in the open forum to let others know my thoughts and admiration of your 2 sauces. Just let me know.

Thanks again...I can't wait to sample your next sauce. You really have captive audience/taster/reviewer sitting here thoroughly enjoying the burn.



I am so much relieved to get your first inpression report.
Now I am waiting for your dinner report.(I hope I am being too much selfishand too eager).

I shall proceed further after getting the final verdict.

Thanks for your kind words again.

Pepperfreak said:
NJA, I didn't use any sauce for dinner because the steak was firey as it was. However, I will be doing some food sampeling tomorrow and will report more then. ;)

Ok buddy....so I will still be on tenterhooks till I get the final verdict.
