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"DEAD MOUTH" Naga Sauce


This is how my Dead Mouth Naga sauce looks like. I don't believe in those crazy super hot sauces advertizing millions of scoville heat ratings. A sauce, according to me , is a thing that adds taste to your food and enough heat to make you more hungry.

My sauce is so different from run of the mill sauces that you would love it at the first drop.

Here is the picture.


Naga Jolokia Addict said:
Ok buddy....so I will still be on tenterhooks till I get the final verdict.


Just so you will know when to be looking for further comments, I am planning on using one of the sauces tonight with dinner. Which one will I use? I don't know yet and my flip a coin for it since I think they are both so good. :lol:
Well, NJA will be pleased to find out that I couldn't wait for dinner. :lol: I ended up eating a hot dog covered with MACH II. This sauce has a nice burn to it, but it also has a good balance, meaning the burn doesn't over power the taste of the sauce or the food. It also has a great over all taste to it that seems to compliment the food. On a 1-10 scale of heat, 10 being the hottest, I'd give this sauce a 7. If you like a sauce to spice up your food without needing a gallon of milk to cool things off, this is the sauce of you. I think that this sauce would make a very good 'table' sauce and can be used on everything.
Again, great job NJA.

*edit* I forgot to add, another thing that I love about this sauce is that there is very little to no vintager taste to it. So this sauce tastes true in my opinion. I have never been a fan of sauces that has a strong vintager taste to them, as I find that detracts from the sauce.

More to come but with MACH 7......
For dinner tonight I made a quick stir fry out of the left over steak and rice from last night. While eating it I mixed in some of NJA's MACH 7 and WOW! First the taste gets you. It has an almost sweet like taste with a hint of something, maybe curry. But, then the heat starts building and I must say that this sauce was fantastic! It is thicker than the MACH II, Hotter than the MACH II but is filled with so much flavor like the MACH II (not that they taste familiar because they don't. The MACH II is much more sweeter and fruitier than the 7). I think that this sauce would be great on chicken or steak. I am so glad that I have more to be able to try on my favorite foods.

A++ NJ on both of these sauces you have my full admiration for such great creations!
Pepperfreak said:
For dinner tonight I made a quick stir fry out of the left over steak and rice from last night. While eating it I mixed in some of NJA's MACH 7 and WOW! First the taste gets you. It has an almost sweet like taste with a hint of something, maybe curry. But, then the heat starts building and I must say that this sauce was fantastic! It is thicker than the MACH II, Hotter than the MACH II but is filled with so much flavor like the MACH II (not that they taste familiar because they don't. The MACH II is much more sweeter and fruitier than the 7). I think that this sauce would be great on chicken or steak. I am so glad that I have more to be able to try on my favorite foods.

A++ NJ on both of these sauces you have my full admiration for such great creations!


I am speechless. My two months of work in perfacting the recipe seems to have paid off.

Now that Mach series is established.

I am onto still different recipe.

Hope that it gets the same reception.

To my other friends who want to taste and purchase the DEAD MOUTH SAUCE , you might have to wait a bit till I take up the next batch.

Thanks once again.

No need to return the bottles. Please

kudos for all natural ingredients!!! wheni make my sauces, i try not to incorporate thingslike tobasco sauce or some base "hot sauce" like texas pete.. it feels like cheating, since someone else had to take the time to experiement to get their recipe right for thsoe things...using all natural ingredients.. that's your own personal talent shining through, and no one take away from that.
dreamofdarkcat said:
kudos for all natural ingredients!!! wheni make my sauces, i try not to incorporate thingslike tobasco sauce or some base "hot sauce" like texas pete.. it feels like cheating, since someone else had to take the time to experiement to get their recipe right for thsoe things...using all natural ingredients.. that's your own personal talent shining through, and no one take away from that.


How true?

After tasting some of the locally (US) developed sauces, I have to agree with you. What I found was that more emphasis is given to psudo macho idea to give insanely hot and almost impossible to eat sauces with astronomical HEAT.

I come from a background where flavor and taste are given predominence over any particular trait like heat, only one taste or only one flavor.Almost always, a recipe is created, crafted and perfected using only the base ingredients.

In this respect, I have created my sauce and Thank God, it is like by PF and hopefully will be loved by others who taste it before this christmas.

i feel the same way... yes, we're talking about "hot" sauce, but really, there should be flavor in it as well as heat.. i've tried some mad dog and blair sauces and yes, hot as hell, but flavorwise...kinda low on the scale for me, and more useful to kick up other sauces. i have been a professional chef for 10 years, and been in teh back of resturant kitchens almost since i could walk...and one of the most base things i learned was to make sure your ingredients blend and you can taste at least a hint of everything. its the same for our hot sauces.. build your flavors first, then finda pepper or peppers that compliment them.

good luck in your future endevours nja! :)
I couldn't agree more...NJA has created a great couple of sauces that are packed full of flavor. I have yet to find a food that his sauces don't compliment, in fact I can't seem to get enough. One of the things I really detest in hot sauces are the ones that melt your face off, but have no flavor behind them. Or, the sauces that smack you in the face with vinegar and very little flavor to go with the vinegar. I really applaud NJA for his MACH series of sauces and can't wait to see what other creations he comes up with.