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smoking Defcon 1 injected serloin

Anyone ever try this its just awsome.I inject,let sit a few hours then bbq time

Well after a few beers,then a few more beers..hmmm and a few more...ok ok alot more beer I covered it up and put it in the fridge Well I cooked it for lunch heres the pic..Oh yeah those flower power plates lol My wife and daughtor were at the dollar store my daughtor liked them so they bought some..Ah hell they work lol.You can see the Defcon 1 still coming out of the steak..mmmmmm

It hada nice sweet taste at first then you can taste the cayenne with a nice heat..and since it sat overnight..when cooked you almost didnt even need a knife..Well worth trying
That's a SWEET looking idea there CP!! I have a lonely steak sitting in my freezer vaccum sealed with that idea written ALL over it!! First things first though. I'm having DM MKII/Defcon I wings tonight though:onfire::onfire: My family's coming over for wings and the rest will just be Franks red hot though:lol: