Defcon DM MKII is now available!

You're gonna love it IGG. I am going to eat some Deathmatch wings very shortly. Will post reaction as soon as I can. I have done this before so I do kind of know what I am getting myself into. That's what is causing me to have to get myself mentally prepared for this. You know this is kind of nuts. If someone was going to hurt me as bad as I am about to hurt myself I would do everything in my power to prevent it, but here I am about to willingly go through excruciating pain for the high of hot sauce. Yep I am nuts.
JayT said:
You're gonna love it IGG. I am going to eat some Deathmatch wings very shortly. Will post reaction as soon as I can. I have done this before so I do kind of know what I am getting myself into. That's what is causing me to have to get myself mentally prepared for this. You know this is kind of nuts. If someone was going to hurt me as bad as I am about to hurt myself I would do everything in my power to prevent it, but here I am about to willingly go through excruciating pain for the high of hot sauce. Yep I am nuts.
I look forward to the reaction post!!!
Ok let me start by saying I used leftover wings from my favorite watering hole. I put a healthy does of DM MKII on them and popped them into the microwave. I knew I was in trouble when I started coughing while they were reheating. First taste not unlike Defcon 1 but I knew the heat was coming. Eating as fast as I can I soon began to feel the lovely sensation I crave coming over me. It starts as a tingle in the back of the head and comes up and over in a wave of capsaicin induced bliss. Then the pain starts. It starts slow in the back of the thoat then works its way forward and plants itself firmly on the tip of my tongue. By the third wing I am having the endorphin rush. I want to eat more but I am hitting the wall that the Creator talks about. Powering through I eat four then five. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Six. Ok that is enough. I am panting, sweating, and howling. Why do I do this to myself? My nose is running sweat on my head and under my eyes. Ok the heat is now a dull ache but the rush goes on. That's why I do this. Not looking forward to tomorrow. Definitely hotter than the Deathmatch I attended. I typed this after the completion of the eating so don't think the pain goes away that quickly. I would say it lasted about 15 minutes. Tip of tongue is still hot. Everything I hoped for and more. Still questioning my sanity.
JayT said:
Ok let me start by saying I used leftover wings from my favorite watering hole. I put a healthy does of DM MKII on them and popped them into the microwave. I knew I was in trouble when I started coughing while they were reheating. First taste not unlike Defcon 1 but I knew the heat was coming. Eating as fast as I can I soon began to feel the lovely sensation I crave coming over me. It starts as a tingle in the back of the head and comes up and over in a wave of capsaicin induced bliss. Then the pain starts. It starts slow in the back of the thoat then works its way forward and plants itself firmly on the tip of my tongue. By the third wing I am having the endorphin rush. I want to eat more but I am hitting the wall that the Creator talks about. Powering through I eat four then five. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Six. Ok that is enough. I am panting, sweating, and howling. Why do I do this to myself? My nose is running sweat on my head and under my eyes. Ok the heat is now a dull ache but the rush goes on. That's why I do this. Not looking forward to tomorrow. Definitely hotter than the Deathmatch I attended. I typed this after the completion of the eating so don't think the pain goes away that quickly. I would say it lasted about 15 minutes. Tip of tongue is still hot. Everything I hoped for and more. Still questioning my sanity.

I WANT MY BOTTLE NOW!!!!!!!!! Why haven't they released the instant transporter technology that I know they have! Agh!
JayT said:
It starts as a tingle in the back of the head and comes up and over in a wave of capsaicin induced bliss. Then the pain starts. It starts slow in the back of the thoat then works its way forward and plants itself firmly on the tip of my tongue. By the third wing I am having the endorphin rush.

You're killing me....Major heat envy...
: looks in mail box :


: opens box :

WOOOOOOOOOWWWWW!!!! This bottle is so cool! Clear label and a nifty Defcon Company Logo stamped into the wax at the top!!!! I have to put this in the refridgerator and let it cool down before I sample it. I'll try it in a few hours.

John has one of the fastest shipping I has ever seen from a hot sauce company BTW (and I should know, I get alot of hot sauce).
imaguitargod said:
I'm sooo geeked right now, a new Defcon Product!

and it is Goooooooodddddddddddddddddddd.....
"John has one of the fastest shipping I has ever seen from a hot sauce company BTW (and I should know, I get alot of hot sauce)."

We aim to please. Orders usually go out within 24 hours of ordering (usually a lot less), and all domestics are delivered via Priority Mail.

Enjoy man, and be careful!
DEFCON Creator said:
Enjoy man, and be careful!
You know me, I'm never careful :lol:

Remember last year's Fiery Foods Show where I went directly up to your booth and wanted to try the Defcon Zero Batch 4 right off the bat early in the morning....careful...pah!
WHAT THE HELL, JOHN?!?!?! Since when did you start putting shrink wrap under your wax tops? It used to be that you would just twist and the wax coating would shir right at the cap line. I damn near pulled the skin off my hand trying that. It wasn't until I cut the wax off that I found the wrap. lol
Well Passow, what do you think?
AlabamaJack said:
Well Passow, what do you think?

Well....mmmm......let me preface this by saying Defcon Zero Batch #3 was spot on, it tasted a little sweet and was hot. The recipy was tweeked with Batch #4 to be hotter but with that it had a bitter "extract" taste (even though no keytones were used).

Now, when I tried this the major taste I had was the bitter extract. Other than that, this taste very similar to Defcon Condition 1 (which I love btw, it's one of those things I'll catch myself eating late at night with a spoon). The aftertaste is amazing (well after the heat cools down), it's so sweet and you only notice it when you inhale (weird I know).

The heat was INSANELY amazing on this. It's damn near instantly. I took John's advice about being caeful and only did about a half of a spoonful. I think I burned the top layer of my skin in my mouth off. Can't wait for my chili-head initiates (yes, I have minions...scary huh?) to try this tonight.
You know now that you mention it, I had this weird gummy feeling today on the roof of my mouth. Felt like I had something stuck there. Could have been skin. I never made the connection till you said so. Is this possible? It did happen to me once before years ago, and before my tolerance was anywhere near what it is today. For the record, I did have the awful backend burn this morning, but no stomach cramps this time