DEFCON-versations is BACK! Listen to 7/14/15's show!

so you are becoming a celebrity huh....I can say I knew him when......roflmao...
good for you John...
do you have any zero from the last couple of years?
Only have a very small amount left. However, that being said, we are working on the creation that will take ZERO to the next level. Same basic principals with its creation, but we are switching from Orange Habanero to Trinidad Moruga Scorpion as the base. Stay tuned.
I want the first one Creator if no one has already called it...
Ok, Tuesday's guest is a well-known celebrity around here. Salsalady, from Texas Creek Products! THIS Tuesday, give a listen into what Texas Creek is all about, from the beginning, to the future. Salsalady is an awesome individual, one with the Hot Sauce Continuum, who has decided to take her dream, and turn it into reality...It's quite that simple. Perhaps this will light a little fire under the butts of the other manufacturers that frequent this site. Link to follow,,,
I'm Excited!  Chatting with the Creator! 
Thanks PrimeTime.   Kind of an abrupt ending, but things happen.  We thought there was a bit more time available.  I had fun and hope to be able to do another show with a bit different topic.  John does a great job hosting the show.
Thanks, DefconCreator! 
Yeah, the host realized his error. He apologizes profusely. Not to worry, Salsalady will be back for a Round 2, as we never had a chance to finish. That aside, I think it went well.
Just listened and all she talked about was drinking wine and getting naked! What the heck? 
(kidding - listening now) 

Good interview Ann & John! 
Next time more wine & nudity please. 
I had a couple CoorsLight Summer Brews on ice in a little cooler.  :halo:
thanks, SL3. 