food Derek's Pizza Thread v1.0

Yikes! Homemade pizza for the purpose of microwaving for guests?!
Dudeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee nooooooooooooooooooo.
Or rather, why? I don't get it at all.
texas blues said:
Dude..'splain me Lucy...why would you go through the trouble of making what you think is a great pizza only to have them microwave the thing? Yo no comprende amigo..

Cheers, TB.
They told me to make it 2 hours ago because they will be up with in those 2 hours, So I make it and as soon as I got done making it my step dad call, Tells me they're not coming for anther 2 hours and, So screw em if they want hot pizza they nuke'em their self's. That's what they get for being freaking late.
I admire your enthusiasm about learning to cook Derek. It took me years of trial and error and thousands of hours of reading magazines and watching food network to learn most of what I know. Had I had this site and others on the net back then I would be way further ahead than I am now. It is fun to be accomplished in the kitchen. Feels good when you have or go to a party and everyone raves about your cooking.
JayT said:
I admire your enthusiasm about learning to cook Derek. It took me years of trial and error and thousands of hours of reading magazines and watching food network to learn most of what I know. Had I had this site and others on the net back then I would be way further ahead than I am now. It is fun to be accomplished in the kitchen. Feels good when you have or go to a party and everyone raves about your cooking.
Jay Man I know what you mean, Right now I'm learning on my own until August at least but I think I've made some leaps and bounds in the kitchen? I know last year at this time I threw some easy mac in the micro and forgot to add water LOL. Well about 3-4 months My culinary intuition seems to kicked in and I can make bread, I even have my own bread starter for pizza, bread, bagets so on.

Maybe it's my talent, I know TB can play the guitar well, and I can't, but I'm sure I can cook a little better then he can. "Please don't take that the wrong way TB"
PhatManDerek said:
Jay Man I know what you mean, Right now I'm learning on my own until August at least but I think I've made some leaps and bounds in the kitchen?

Except maybe the floating hab.

[/QUOTE]Maybe it's my talent, I know TB can play the guitar well but I can't but I'm sure I can cook a little better then he can "Please don't take that the wrong way TB"[/QUOTE]

oh boy...

:ducks to avoid the empty beer bottle TB's throwing at you:
I love cooking too. And yes, it's great to cook for friends when they love the food. I've had people say "you should be a chef" and such, but to be honest, I'd hate to be in a kitchen all day for work. I'll keep it a hobby. I think there's lots of good cooks on this forum that feel the same way.
PhatManDerek said:
Maybe it's my talent, I know TB can play the guitar well but I can't but I'm sure I can cook a little better then he can "Please don't take that the wrong way TB"
:eek: said:
I love cooking too. And yes, it's great to cook for friends when they love the food. I've had people say "you should be a chef" and such, but to be honest, I'd hate to be in a kitchen all day for work. I'll keep it a hobby. I think there's lots of good cooks on this forum that feel the same way.
I know what you mean THP, I know I'm always hearing that I should be a chef, but it's going to be too stressful for me. However becoming a baker will have the perfect stress level and will be in a perfect working environment. said:
I love cooking too. And yes, it's great to cook for friends when they love the food. I've had people say "you should be a chef" and such, but to be honest, I'd hate to be in a kitchen all day for work. I'll keep it a hobby. I think there's lots of good cooks on this forum that feel the same way.

Damn right.

I've cooked for a living, and it suked..fuk french rules, fuk novelle cusine....

I liek Pub Food,

I wanted to be a chef..until i saw what it meant...scrw that.

My ancescestors killed the chefs adn made thuier own dam food...out of the chefs.

I'd bet anyone..if i made a roast of'd like it. And, eat it..if you dint know better.

We taste more like pork, than we'd like to admit....

Human, is the other white meat...hehehehehe
PhatManDerek said:
Jay Man I know what you mean, Right now I'm learning on my own until August at least but I think I've made some leaps and bounds in the kitchen? I know last year at this time I threw some easy mac in the micro and forgot to add water LOL. Well about 3-4 months My culinary intuition seems to kicked in and I can make bread, I even have my own bread starter for pizza, bread, bagets so on.

Maybe it's my talent, I know TB can play the guitar well, and I can't, but I'm sure I can cook a little better then he can. "Please don't take that the wrong way TB"

Ah no worries dude. What's an ex executive chef of 25 years know anyway..

Cheers, TB.
texas blues said:
Ah no worries dude. What's an ex executive chef of 25 years know anyway..

Cheers, TB.
Not to use Dr. Pepper? ;)
PhatManDerek said:
They told me to make it 2 hours ago because they will be up with in those 2 hours, So I make it and as soon as I got done making it my step dad call, Tells me they're not coming for anther 2 hours and, So screw em if they want hot pizza they nuke'em their self's. That's what they get for being freaking late.

I agree with derek on this one.
PhatManDerek said:
I know what you mean THP, I know I'm always hearing that I should be a chef, but it's going to be too stressful for me. However becoming a baker will have the perfect stress level and will be in a perfect working environment.

Being a baker can be stressfull at times, and be prepared to wake up very early in the morning. Also if you become a baker, you'll never want to eat bread or pastries etc., and you won't even appreciate the bakery smell after a while
Being a baker can be stressfull at times, and be prepared to wake up very early in the morning. Also if you become a baker, you'll never want to eat bread or pastries etc., and you won't even appreciate the bakery smell after a while
I'm pretty much do all that now if you didn't notice :)

And anything can be stressful at times....