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devils tongue v fatalii

what is your preferred pepper ? post your reasons why

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ok, what's it gonna be? devils tongue or fatalii? which is your favourite and why? which is hotter, tastier, has the best aroma? what's the easist to grow? which is the most prolific? cast your vote and leave your comments.

I'm prompted to make this post because I know that many here are big fatalii fans but 'the tongue' has many dedicated fans also. I'm growing the fatalii but I'm also growing bhuts so for next season I don't mind dropping some heat from the fatalii if the tongue is tastier/more prolific etc. still, I do like the fatalii...I know I could just grow them both but I don't see the point in growing two peppers that are almost the same (or are they???).
I voted Fatalii because the pods are twice the size of my devils tongue...the taste is very similar but I like the larger pods....
They are beautiful both, the Fatalii resembles to a yellow naga, while devil's tongue is smaller, but more twisted and lengthened, it begins before besides to produce and continuous for a lot
To me the Fatalii has a more flavor not much but can tell,Larger pod and seems to produce more in my area.
I grew both this year side by side and can't tell a difference which is which so I chose Devils Tongue just because it sounds neater. :D
Fatalli yellow and red fantastic,Devils tongue Yellow great to and growing the red out for a change in 09,Fatalii for me overall :lol:
I picked the fatalii because as of now it is my favorite pepper. I have never had a raw datil, just in sauce, but I love fataliis so my vote may not be fair, but that's my explanation. Talas I have never had a Red Fatalii is there a difference in heat/taste? Do you have a few seeds you could send me?

a pic of the first ripe devils tongue of the season,
I find fatalii are more constently slender in shape.I think Devils tongue are bigger in my experience and the pods grown in hot weather are blistering hot,
stillmanz said:

a pic of the first ripe devils tongue of the season,
I find fatalii are more constently slender in shape.I think Devils tongue are bigger in my experience and the pods grown in hot weather are blistering hot,

Mick your right i think theres a lot more flesh to the devils tongue than the long thin Fatalii. is there much difference between yellow and red Devils tongue flavor wise ? ;)