• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv-2018-Loving life in the dirt

Here we go again! ;)
This year will be a mix of in the dirt and container growing. Mostly in the dirt. I have some OW's going, 5 are cut back, 6 are pubes that still spend time outdoors as the weather allows. I have pH issues in the dirt, working on that, and hoping for some better results this season. One thing the wife and I decided is to NOT grow into the fall again. I was pulling plants the same weekend I started my seeds. I'm using 4 2 bulb T8's with 6,500K bulbs, and 1 4 bulb T5 with I believe 6,500K bulbs.
So here's the list:
Planted 12-3-17

~Aji Amarillo
~Aji Dulce
~P. Dreadie's-Windchicken
 JA Habs
~Aji Oro
~pdn-bonda w PaulG
~pdn-bonda p PaulG
~pumpkin bb6-Morugawelder
~pumpkin bubblegum Bhuter
~orangegum tigermamp Bhuter
~7-pot cinder Bhuter
~pimente-neyde Bhuter
~Big Black mama-OCD Chilihead
~Brainstrain-Reaper OCD Chilihead
Planted 12-30-2017
~Jalapeno-Zapotec, Orange, Farmers.
~Bell-Yellow, Red.
Hot Hatch
~Antep Aci Dolma
~Big Jim
~Large Orange Thai
~Aji Limo Rojo
Jimmy Nardello
Planted 1-1-2018
~Yellow Brainstrain- Pepperguru
The ~ indicates we have lift off.
I planted extra early to beat the heat, hoping for pods before the temps go crazy. I may have to buy more lights...LOL
Pics sometime tomorrow ;)
Devv said:
LB and I didn't get much done this weekend; we had #5 G-kid over since Friday. Charlytte is just 2 and it's been 14 years since we watched one so young. She wore us out!
LB took her Peach picking this morning.

We would really like to not pick them when they still have some green on them; but it's us or the birds....

A modest pull.

Pain for my fellow employees who dare in the morning :shh:
Nice money shot Mr P... I'll bet that Big Jim pod would roast and peel well for inclusion with that enchilada sauce too. Heh...wish I could be a fly on the wall when you whip that BBM out at work... [emoji16]

Dang! You're picking peaches already?! I'll try not to get (too) jealous. [emoji6]

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stickman said:
Nice money shot Mr P... I'll bet that Big Jim pod would roast and peel well for inclusion with that enchilada sauce too. Heh...wish I could be a fly on the wall when you whip that BBM out at work... [emoji16]

Dang! You're picking peaches already?! I'll try not to get (too) jealous. [emoji6]

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Thanks Rick!
Losing close to 2 days work around here with our youngest G-kid here put us way behind!
So excuse the mess in these quick pics...

Pulled these Monday. I still have a ton of full sized ones (like the larger ones) out there; I wait until the tops fall over.
So Monday after picking these, and sorting the first large Peach pull I went to put the bad Peaches (20%!) and Onion tops in the mulch bin. I saw a snake, a rat snake go behind the roughly 4x4' bin. I looked to verify it wasn't a poisonous snake. Then went around and opened the bin. While dumping the Peaches and Onion tops, this crazy assed snake came flying around the whole bin and bit me in the foot. No more flip flops in the garden for sure!

What's left of the first pull after sorting and giving many away. No way we can use all of these.

It seems like everything is coming on at once...

LB said "nice pic with the drills" LOL. We spent 2 hours picking last night. Tonight we have to sort them. Over 5 gallons were damaged by critters from this load. The short hour trees (3) have been picked clean.

Some seed stock peppers, a Big Jim turning red, and a few maties.
Time to get to work and attempt to clean up the "back room"....

Peach jam with 3 P.Dreadie's, and it actually set this time! I guess it's because we added the correct amount of sugar this time..LOL
Call us stupid but in the past we tried to limit the sugar...yeah, syrup!
Seeing some daylight around here. Half the sunshades are up..
Bhuter said:
Oh yeah, I posted those from last years' grow. Thank you! I love this variety. It was very fruity with floral notes to it. Aroma was potent. It was a lot hotter than expected, too. It has the prickly scorpion burn, at least to me. I made a pot of chili last week and only used one crushed, dried pod (2 halves) to heat it up to nose-running level. I have one plant of it this year and it's going in my "sweet spot" in the garden. Highly recommended! I can send seeds your way if you need any.
Yeah i would love to grow that one next season.  Let's swap some seeds this fall.  Thank you.

Sunshades are up, this year I bought some 40% to try out and used the 4 10x20's to cover the South and West sides.

I bought a 150' roll of 24" chicken wire to use on the North, part of the East, and the South sides. If I don't lock the birds out they devastate the grapes and maters.

Growdown plant is turning into quite the monster. It's currently 3' high x 5' wide, and finally putting the pods on. I'm afraid the heat is not going to help things. Any ideas on the leaf curl?




Some really nice Aji Amarillo's on the vine...

Brain x Reaper. I hope it has a nice flavor. I tried the BBM yesterday, nasty, really nasty hot, no flavor, just a strong Capsaicin taste. Anyways that was my take on it ;)

Aji Limo, loaded! I know they're supposed to turn red and all, but I picked a yellow one for the breakfast taco yesterday morning. Great flavor with a nice burn. This pepper should make a fantastic sauce, as well as killer powder.

Padron's, another nice all around pepper one can use for the whole family. Both plants are quite loaded...

The different growth habits of the Chinense amaze me. Some just go up, and others stay smaller. I was expecting better spring production this season. I started really early and the plants were the right size and then it cooled down.. I still have some time though....

We like to pick the Poblanos at this size before the skins thicken up too much. The bells are the largest I've ever grown. I just couldn't leave them on the plant anymore, due to the pepper maggots, or whatever they are..LOL
The maters will go nuts in the next 2 weeks, and we're still working the Peaches. LB just said: "every where I look is produce we need to process".
And we're just getting started..
Happy Mothers Day all!
Love the look of those Amarillo and Limo peppers.  I am growing the Amarillo this year and hope mine look like that.  I have never eaten them but their reputation made me "need" to grow them this year after getting scratched in my final cut the past two seasons.
I've heard so much good about the Limo, I'll need to grow them too.
I feel a pressure to make the best choices for my grow list while still including some long shots.  I don't want to waste my growing time, ya know!
Your garden is really coming along!

It looks like you're the second person to get yellow aji limo pods from my seed stock, congrats! Every plant I have grown have had red pods. I've got 7 aji limo plants going this year, so maybe one will have yellow pods.

Your aji amarillo pods are looking great as well. You're going to get quite the haul of those tasty pods.

I bet with your long growing season, aji pacae would do very well there. I can send some seeds your way to try out for next season, if you're interested. Aji pacae is a cousin of aji amarillo, but with pods twice the size. They ripen to orange, and have a similar flavor to aji amarillo, except with a sweeter, less spicy flavor.
Bhuter said:
Very, very nice, Scott!!! Produce everywhere! Lol. Chinense look great, padrons are spot on, and you may have the yellow version of Aji Limo! That looks like it'll be a yellow pepper to me. Your squash/zucchini is a monster already! Great stuff!!!
Thanks Adam!
Tomorrow should be the last day for processing Peaches ;)  And we bring around 15 each day to hand out. About 2/3's the Onion crop is drying, and now the maters are coming on. So we'll be canning them soon too. A busy time of the year!
cone9 said:
Love the look of those Amarillo and Limo peppers.  I am growing the Amarillo this year and hope mine look like that.  I have never eaten them but their reputation made me "need" to grow them this year after getting scratched in my final cut the past two seasons.
I've heard so much good about the Limo, I'll need to grow them too.
I feel a pressure to make the best choices for my grow list while still including some long shots.  I don't want to waste my growing time, ya know!
Hi Dave!
So far if a pepper name has an Aji in it, it's been a keeper. You should be happy with both varieties ;)
Yeah, I always grow a few long shots, some win, some lose :rolleyes:
PtMD989 said:
Every thing is looking great.[emoji106]

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So far it's been a good season!
Is it like having a second job when it comes time to process your bounty?[emoji16]
Um, let's just say it is time consuming ;) We try to grow what we buy, that can be productive here in Texas. We ( I ) usually over plant to insure we get enough. Some years fellow locals get more than we do. Be it bugs or critters. One of the reasons I have the stockade fencing around the garden ;)  The good thing is there's no comparison to store bought produce in taste and being chemical free.
That and I find it relaxing to work outside after a stressful day at work. Which seems like everyday here lately..
Thegreenchilemonster said:
Your garden is really coming along!

It looks like you're the second person to get yellow aji limo pods from my seed stock, congrats! Every plant I have grown have had red pods. I've got 7 aji limo plants going this year, so maybe one will have yellow pods.

Your aji amarillo pods are looking great as well. You're going to get quite the haul of those tasty pods.

I bet with your long growing season, aji pacae would do very well there. I can send some seeds your way to try out for next season, if you're interested. Aji pacae is a cousin of aji amarillo, but with pods twice the size. They ripen to orange, and have a similar flavor to aji amarillo, except with a sweeter, less spicy flavor.
Thanks Dale!
I'm really pleased with the Aji Limo! Funny, I have 2 plants, ones loaded. The other hasn't a pod on it, and they're the same size.
I'm looking forward to the Aji Amarilllo's this season after a test drive last year. This year I gave them the support they need and with the soil adjustments they're growing really well.
I'm game on the Aji Pacae, thanks for the offer!
Devv said:
Thanks Dale!
I'm really pleased with the Aji Limo! Funny, I have 2 plants, ones loaded. The other hasn't a pod on it, and they're the same size.
I'm looking forward to the Aji Amarilllo's this season after a test drive last year. This year I gave them the support they need and with the soil adjustments they're growing really well.
I'm game on the Aji Pacae, thanks for the offer!
That's weird how one aji limo plant hasn't podded up yet, but the other is loaded. Maybe the one with no pods will give you huge load later in the Summer.

PM me your addy. I'm sure you will be able to do some great work with the aji pacae. Here is a pic of some aji pacae I grew last year, compared to some aji amarillo for scale. Just to give you an idea of what you'll be working with.


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Those are amazing, Dale(and I thought Amarillos were big).  Are they as productive as the Amarillo?
There are so many varieties of peppers out there.  I mention to people that I grow a lot of peppers and they picture a garden full of Jalapeno, Hungarian wax and Californian Wonder.  Then I tell them I'm growing about thirty different varieties this year and they get that look of suspect wonder.  The average Joe(subtle pun intended) doesn't know one pepper from another!