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Devv-2018-Loving life in the dirt

Here we go again! ;)
This year will be a mix of in the dirt and container growing. Mostly in the dirt. I have some OW's going, 5 are cut back, 6 are pubes that still spend time outdoors as the weather allows. I have pH issues in the dirt, working on that, and hoping for some better results this season. One thing the wife and I decided is to NOT grow into the fall again. I was pulling plants the same weekend I started my seeds. I'm using 4 2 bulb T8's with 6,500K bulbs, and 1 4 bulb T5 with I believe 6,500K bulbs.
So here's the list:
Planted 12-3-17

~Aji Amarillo
~Aji Dulce
~P. Dreadie's-Windchicken
 JA Habs
~Aji Oro
~pdn-bonda w PaulG
~pdn-bonda p PaulG
~pumpkin bb6-Morugawelder
~pumpkin bubblegum Bhuter
~orangegum tigermamp Bhuter
~7-pot cinder Bhuter
~pimente-neyde Bhuter
~Big Black mama-OCD Chilihead
~Brainstrain-Reaper OCD Chilihead
Planted 12-30-2017
~Jalapeno-Zapotec, Orange, Farmers.
~Bell-Yellow, Red.
Hot Hatch
~Antep Aci Dolma
~Big Jim
~Large Orange Thai
~Aji Limo Rojo
Jimmy Nardello
Planted 1-1-2018
~Yellow Brainstrain- Pepperguru
The ~ indicates we have lift off.
I planted extra early to beat the heat, hoping for pods before the temps go crazy. I may have to buy more lights...LOL
Pics sometime tomorrow ;)
CDNmatt said:
Nice truck Scott..Silverado?
LOL @ Pube Topper

Yes sir, it's 2004. I used to work for Chevy as a tech in another life. Retired from that 20 years ago...LOL
Here's my toy:
Oh man that is sexeh..hate to see yur face going over speed bumps in that bad boy.
I worked for Honda for about 6-7 years..started off as a line slug then finished off in the quality dept checking weld strength. TBH, I hated every minute I worked in that place, the money was good but that was all.
Truck is in great shape for a '04 though man, its liek the ultimate work rig.
It only knows the sunshine and 93 octane :D
I was gonna build a hotrod now that the kids are all grown, in fact the oldest g-kid has her license. But one can't build a hotrod from an old car and have AC, power this and that for less $$. So that's the route we went with.
BTW, LB (the wife) told me to go buy it...take note of her hemi charger, a real beast in it's own right with 370hp and 30mpg on the road. We took that thing to the East coast last summer and it's a real road warrior. Kinda like get out the way here we come!
Your outdoor plant shots are awesome,
Scott! Real beauties, alright. I'd say good
luck, but you really don't need it!
if the weather cooperates, your mad skills
will produce a real jungle with those!
Love the plant-out shots. Now I'm really 
feeling the urge to get there. But. Must.
Be.. Patient... So long.... So far to go.....
PaulG said:
Your outdoor plant shots are awesome,
Scott! Real beauties, alright. I'd say good
luck, but you really don't need it!
if the weather cooperates, your mad skills
will produce a real jungle with those!
Love the plant-out shots. Now I'm really 
feeling the urge to get there. But. Must.
Be.. Patient... So long.... So far to go.....
Thanks Paul!
I'm feeling after this weekends cool front we're into the good weather. I have 10-15 plants (who's counting) in the wings that I will bring in during the 40's, just to see if they do better. They will go out after it passes. I'm thinking I may have held off the last few years for too long.
Walchit said:
I would take a couple acres worth of that well aged mulch!
I've added over 100 yards the last 4 years to the garden, it just seems to disappear...but I know it's helping. I get the shredded mulch from the county for free, run it through my shredder and compost it. I have about 5 yards? in the bins that I'll  shred again and add once the heat cranks up..
stc3248 said:
Nice plants, truck, toys and ziegenbock! I sure miss Texas...but at least SC feels homier than the land of fruits and nuts out west. Those plants are massive! Mine haven't started to fork yet.
Thank Shane!
I sure am glad to see you out of Cali, my sister and her husband were transferred there several years ago and although they loved they weather, the expenses were just too crazy. They're looking at SC for a home, in fact they're there now visiting our parents. Got hooked on the Ziggies going to Eagle Pass to misbehave, $2 draft.. :P
I sure hope your new place is cooler than here! I really have a struggle getting spring pods; which is why I went in early this year.
Good luck!