• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
How heavy is your sun screen.  Before I go off half cocked, I should make sure my pvc framework would hold the sun screen.  Really only need it to keep birds out of strawberries when I have them turning red, but thought I might as well get a couple more and it should help with the initial plant out.
HillBilly Jeff said:
How heavy is your sun screen.  Before I go off half cocked, I should make sure my pvc framework would hold the sun screen.  Really only need it to keep birds out of strawberries when I have them turning red, but thought I might as well get a couple more and it should help with the initial plant out.
I use 30%, and it's very light. I just posted a tip on your glog to stiffen up the hoops...you'll have no problem there..
Got a pepper gift in the mail yesterday from Chuck (OCD Chilihead)


Not recognizing the varieties, I PMed Judy and asked. Her response below:
From Left it is Sus pepper,Goat's Horn, Karaman(Fish pepper) long one is Kil (Hair) pepper, round one is Kiraz (Cherry) pepper.
Thanks Chuck!
Hit the garden just as the sun was rising, a nice morning to work. Wasn't cool by any means, but wasn't hot either until around 11:30 when I called it quits. I got a lot done and I may even be ahead of schedule. Not bad for an old man!

I'm guessing I have 3-4 yards of semi composted leaves and manure left to grind. The shredded pepper plants have been raked out. I tilled a small area where some type of grass has been growing. It kind of looks like what they call "Monkey grass" here, but it's not as dark in color. The goal is to keep the soil there tilled daily so it dries and it dies. We never let it go to seed, but it survived last winter. LB hates it, as it won't pull out, it just breaks at ground level and regrows.

Used "Mr. Deere" to move the materials to be ground up closer to the work area. Changed the oil again on the chipper, it still came out silver. It has about 8 hours on it and is a beast. I cut the roots and the heavy trunk off the plants and feed throw them into the shredder hopper. One thing you don't want to do is hang onto a piece, that sucker will pull you in. Just chunk it and grab another bundle. All those plants made only about 6 or 7 gallons of mulch. I should have bought one of these years ago. As I dig up the plants I'm pulling the peppers, even saving the larger green ones. The ones left out there were watered and some will be potted up.
I'll be back out there at sunup, right now I'm calling it! Shiner time!
Thanks for reading ;)
HillBilly Jeff said:
So sad to see plants pulled already :(  But then again, We were ice fishing here in April lol
We are most definitely on different schedules regarding our plant out dates. Yeah, not easy to rip them out "so early", but the dirt needs work, so it can produce well next season. I do intend to run a bunch in containers until the first frost. No OW's this year, except for the Manzano's. I got just one pod, too hot for them here! That, and I need a break. LB wants me to finish the kitchen, and I don't blame her, she's been more than patient ;)  But that means I have to remember how to do something I haven't done in close to two years...LOL
Here's today partial pull from the plants I dug up:
WOW! Your not messing around. That garden is looking bare. Can't wait to see the soil transform with all the material your chipping and the cover crop. I guess that will be next year. Nice pull. I see some pickling there. Don't work to hard.

Enjoy your guys weekend.
OCD Chilehead said:
WOW! Your not messing around. That garden is looking bare. Can't wait to see the soil transform with all the material your chipping and the cover crop. I guess that will be next year. Nice pull. I see some pickling there. Don't work to hard.

Enjoy your guys weekend.
 Nah, just keeping a nice steady pace. Drinking lot's of water and coming in to cool off if I feel hot. I was pretty impressed with the RCW I added last fall, it's mostly gone, and the soil is a nice chocolate color. I'm expecting good things in the spring!.
You too Chuck, enjoy the holiday!
Roguejim said:
Wow!  Is this the same Glog?  Get some hired help next season, Scott!
Hi Jim, I actually enjoy working out in the dirt ;)
wahlee76 said:
Been a wonderful glog as usuall. Can't wait till next season :P
Thanks Wally,
It will be starting all over before soon!
HillBilly Jeff said:
I haven't hit the pepper picking wall yet, but I think it will happen sooner rather than later. I won't be starting peppers in December this year. Having plants out grow their gallon pots is nuts. Mid February for me to start.
 It just makes the season go on too long. I started in November, this upcoming season I will start around Christmas. And plant a bit later, so I don't have to cut any back like this season.
Put another 4 hours in the garden this morning, mostly grinding leaves and laying it out. Dug up two plants and put them in containers. A JA Hab and a Jimmy Nardello. Pulled another 8 or so plants.

Looks like the leaves are just going to make it...

NagaBrain in the raised bed.

Funky Reaper finally put some pods on. This one was grown from seeds I saved from the mother plant.

Overall shot of the raised beds, the giant White Bhut is having a hard time. Especially since I forgot to water it Friday :banghead:

Raised bed pull. All of the raised bed plants were late starts, and are just now kicking in.

NagaBrain! Nice large pods and plenty of them.
Scarey looking Reaper. They don't seem to like Tejas, just three pods. Fall crop material next season...

Second half of the dirt pull.
randyp said:
       The garden spot looks good Scott.Lot's of hard work,but you will be rewarded. ;)
Thanks Randy!
I'm a firm believer in you reap what you sow.
Thanks for stopping by!
I don't know if I'd be able to do that; tear out green plants. :)
I tore out a diseased Dorset Naga from the dirt crop earlier this year, then felt bad, picked it up out of the yard, repotted it in a nice new pot, and isolated it. It almost died because I (literally) ripped it up out of the ground and threw it - breaking most of the roots.
It actually recovered from the bacterial leaf spot infection once it got in to it's new home (was worried about it spreading through the garden).
Hasn't produced yet but it's a pretty little thing, and recovered nicely.
It's not easy, but it's what's best for the garden at this time of year. Yeah no fun pulling up 5' tall plants that would have set tons of pods in the late fall. One thing I have is too many pods, I think I gave away 90% of the ones I harvested.
I've had peppers growing in the garden for 14 months out of the last 17-18. The soil is tired and so am I :shh:
Besides, Garlic goes in on the 21st, and on the 15th lettuce, Broccoli, carrots etc. No rest here ;)
    Scott I did 4 reapers this year and I will only be growing 1 next year.I have other plants that produce better and have earned the space.While they are cool and all that,I am going to go with some of the peach varieties to see what kind of ferment and sauce they make.In my short growing season,I need to grow the most productive and juicy varieties I can find.I may contact you about some of those funky reaper seeds,if you dont mind. ;)
You're more than welcome to them, they produce really nicely. And they don't care how hot is is, they flower and just go! The "true Reapers" are rather finicky. Pod production here is sparse. You guys up north get a higher pod density per plant than I do. Here we go from cold to hot so fast that the supers for the most part don't do much. My large hauls this season were due to sheer plant numbers. My goal next season is to plant the supers I want in August, they love the fall weather here. Last year they grew like crazy and produced well into December.
Edit: I had two Peach varieties, Peach Bhut, and jay's peach cross, the bugs loved them both. Very few pods and the bugs ate 90%. I harvested just 4 or 5 pods. A no go here for next year.
Thanks Chuck!
I'm hoping all the work pays off next season, I should be close to running out of in stock materials tomorrow. So then I have a few weeks to gather RCW from the county. Actually my intentions are to run them ragged ;)
We'll see how the old man hangs soon ;)  My guess is 40 yds. this fall, I have lot's of 'piss an vinegar" left in me ;)