• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
Devv said:
I wouldn't think it would help very much, I feel a more closed in area would help. John, I use the wobblers to combat a frost, they provide at least 2,500 square feet of coverage. One is shown in the top left side of the last pic.
I was thinking in analogy to tree shade, or like how frost is less likely on a cloudy night, due to reduced radiative cooling into an open sky.  I doubt it would help more than a couple of degrees, but sometimes that's all it takes.  I would definitely like a "more closed in area", as in totally enclosed with solar cells on top and LEDs inside.  Maybe when I win the lottery.
Blister said:
Wow now there's talks of a fall garden?! Sheesh and I'm sitting here with a measily 90 days for a growing season. What you got up your sleeve for the fall?

 Oh yes,
I plant Brocoli, lettuce, radishes, scallions, garlic, shallots, carrots, and a few other things this time of year. Going to use the raised beds this time around.
Seacowboy said:
Scott check your pm's.
Seacowboy said:
Scott check your pm's.
Thanks Jason!
Wife's headed to the Post Office. Glad I signed on or it would have sat there all weekend.
Sawyer said:
I was thinking in analogy to tree shade, or like how frost is less likely on a cloudy night, due to reduced radiative cooling into an open sky.  I doubt it would help more than a couple of degrees, but sometimes that's all it takes.  I would definitely like a "more closed in area", as in totally enclosed with solar cells on top and LEDs inside.  Maybe when I win the lottery.
We don't get much frost here due to the low dew points, the cold will slow things down and a freeze kills most of the times. If it wouldn't shorten their life I would leave them up as an experiment. They're coming down tomorrow.
Edit: Today I finished grounding up the leaves, finally! I got out there before the sun rose and worked until 11:30, had to come in and cool down a few times, no wind and really a humid morning. Take down the sunshades in the morning and till things again. Next weekend is cover crop planting.
So except for seeding next weekend I'm done. Finally!
All the materials have been munched, crunched and tilled under.

I never did get the sunshade taken down...

Just three plants left, 2 growdowns, which have no chance, and a Bahamian Goat Pepper plant.

Ate like a king last night ;)

Thanks for reading!
Scott even your empty garden looks awesome. Can't wait to see what it does next season. I'm already trying to decide what I'm gonna grow next year.
Looking good on the soil prep. Going to be an outstanding year in 2015.
When are you starting the Chinense for next year? November or so?
Wow, plot looks great, Scott. Lots of work went into that but it will pay of next year I'm sure! You working on a list for next season already? :D
thirdcoasttx said:
Scott even your empty garden looks awesome. Can't wait to see what it does next season. I'm already trying to decide what I'm gonna grow next year.
Thanks Daniel!
I have an idea, but haven't firmed up the decisions yet. Although I'm sure I'll plant too many...again, sharing is half the fun too!
GA Growhead said:
Bahamian goat. Yum!
I have a bunch in the freezer, now that things are slowing down I can make some powders and sauces. Been a real busy year. But you know that!
outlaw said:
Crazy to see the garden so bare! Soil is looking real nice! 
Yes please!! 
 Thanks Trev!
That soil has been a long term project, it started as sand many years ago. Now it's a good 18"s of goodies!
Pepper Wolf said:
Wow I love your setup

Epic glog love the pictures and they look awesome

Very nice plants hope you get a good harvest

Love your grow list nice and long :D
Thanks PW!
This was a good year for sure, ran into pod overload ;)
HillBilly Jeff said:
Looking good man.  Time to relax for a couple months!!!
Thanks Jeff!
I'm so ready for that, started the fall garden in one of the raised beds. Real close to the house and easy to keep an eye on.
OCD Chilehead said:
Great looking soil prep Scott. Can't wait to see 2015 grow. Woohoo!

Job well done.

Have a great week.
Thanks Chuck!
You have a great week as well!
Jeff H said:
Looking good on the soil prep. Going to be an outstanding year in 2015.
When are you starting the Chinense for next year? November or so?
Thanks Jeff!
As you know all the hard work plays out the next season.
We're traveling on our Anniversary which is in late December this year, so I'll have them ready and they'll get their first sip of water before we leave. I have the trays on heat mats, and will plant in early April. I've learned they can't be pushed in the spring, as they just sit and wait anyways. I'm also going to shoot for a fall harvest this next season, last year the fall crop was just crazy!
meatfreak said:
Wow, plot looks great, Scott. Lots of work went into that but it will pay of next year I'm sure! You working on a list for next season already? :D
Thanks Stefan!
So far just kicking things around in my head list wise. I know the grow is going to be smaller, this season was a life sucking event ;)
The wife say "yeah right" :D
So today I received not one but two surprise packages, gotta love the pepper love going on around here!

This one came from Hillbilly Jeff.
Thanks Jeff!  Very much appreciated!

This one is from Jason (Seacowboy)
Thank you sir!
Both are very much appreciated!
We have a good thing going on here @ THP!
Devv said:
Thanks Stefan!
So far just kicking things around in my head list wise. I know the grow is going to be smaller, this season was a life sucking event ;)
The wife say "yeah right" :D
Sounds about the same over here ;) Also the wife comment hahaha but yeah this season has been life sucking over here as well. If you liked something that I grew this season and you wanna try next year just let me know.
PIC 1 said:
Scott your garden plot preparation looks great  ....that must have been   a relief to get it cleared out and tilled.
At least you have a few plants to keep your fresh stock of peppers handy.
Nice seafood plate....is that a side of chicken wing I see on the plate.......... :P .
Thanks Greg!
A ton of work but some downtime coming. I have seeds to sort, sauces to try and just take a break!
Yes sir, side of wing made with your Red Dragon sauce. My daughter had two and said they were great, but why did the burn last so long? Hah!
PeriPeri said:
The soil in your garden looks really awesome Scott. Lots of work done here to get it looking this good - I can see! And what better than a feast to celebrate all that hard work. lol it does not seem to me like you need any more peppers ( :doh: ) One can never have enough peppers lol :)
Thanks Lourens!
That soil started out as blonde sand years ago, it's now really nice down to 18"s. ;)
randyp said:
    The garden prep looks fantastic Scott.Cant wait to see what you put in it. ;)
Thanks Randy!
It will get a break until January 15th when the Onions go in. A month later the potatoes go in. March we start to load it up again. The fall garden is going to be in the raised beds, I noticed a few Radishes have sprouted today ;)
And I want to thank you for the SFRB!

Those Reapers look really good!
Thanks again!