• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
Devv said:
Jim (Roguejim) sent me some seeds!

All of these are new to me, and I look forward to growing them out next season for sure! Thanks Jim!
Took a few pics of the garden:


The garden is now in 3 sections, and that won't last ;) . The top is a mix of Crimson Clover and Rye. The clover is super slow to get started, but it's finally doing something. It was planted the first week of September and came right up. The Rye was planted 9 days ago. The center was in clover too, but weeds took over, too many to pull so I tilled it and planted the Rye. The two top sections have had 3 applications of RCW, plus 1 of shredded leaves. I tilled all of that in to increase soil tilth. The bottom is straight up sand with a heavy layer of RCW and a few applications of manure and leaves. I don't use this part yet. The long range goal is to add more materials and some heavy soil. Then I would like to alternate plantings so that 50% gets a rest each season.
Hey, I hope you like the selection.  I tried to keep it different.  In my climate, the Pacay hit 7', but, no pods!  It needs a longer growing season I think, which is why I thought maybe you could bring this plant to fruiting.  As for the Padron, pick them green, sautee briefly in a little oil/salt, and put on a bratwurst!  Watch out for the odd one though that has some heat.  Look forward to watching your upcoming glog for 2015, Scott.
Roguejim said:
Hey, I hope you like the selection.  I tried to keep it different.  In my climate, the Pacay hit 7', but, no pods!  It needs a longer growing season I think, which is why I thought maybe you could bring this plant to fruiting.  As for the Padron, pick them green, sautee briefly in a little oil/salt, and put on a bratwurst!  Watch out for the odd one though that has some heat.  Look forward to watching your upcoming glog for 2015, Scott.
Thanks again for the seeds Jim!
I look forward to getting them in some dirt ;)
This upcoming season I'm planting seeds in December, due to travel plans. I'm hoping they break the soil as we travel. Got a heat mat on order too. Also I'm not putting them in the ground until April, the soil was way too cold this last spring.  I think it hurt the plants. I have such a narrow window in the spring before the heat rolls in stopping any further pollination. Big and beautiful plants without pods is no fun..
Plants are still looking good Scott, especially nice to still have pod on and ripening and I like the look of that Goat, is that just one plant? It looks huge! 
Here's to a more normal winter this year :)
meatfreak said:
What did you think of the Scotch Bonnet Indian Red at the end?
I liked it, and I still have one going in a 5 gallon container. It will be on my list for next seasons grow for sure!
RocketMan said:
Plants are still looking good Scott, especially nice to still have pod on and ripening and I like the look of that Goat, is that just one plant? It looks huge! 
Here's to a more normal winter this year :)
Hi Bill,
Yes that's one plant. I only left three in the garden , they were all in the same row as I was trying to coax the growdown plants to do something. That one was upstream on the irrigation system and I wanted more pods from it so I left it in the dirt. The plants here get nice and large, but due to the heat I'm not getting the production others are getting. Now if I run them until December, it's another story. But then no rest for me!
Having real slow Internet access this evening :confused: :rolleyes:
I actually have a few pods ripening :P


Another NB, I just liked the look of that pod and the way it's coloring up.

BB7, will the calyx bleed?

Funky Reaper, seeds from the mother plant I grew last season.
Not much else going on around here...
Nice seeing your plants still podding up and ripening Scott... I hope you get another few pulls before you call it quits this season. :)
I hear ya 'bout cold soil holding the chiles back in the spring, that's why I put down IRT plastic mulch... it uses the sun to passively warm the soil around 5 degrees. If you used it, I think you could plant outside in March and get another 4 weeks at the beginning of your season.
Thanks muchly for the seeds also bro'! There are some great varieties there that I'm looking forward to planting next year for sure. Cheers!
stickman said:
Nice seeing your plants still podding up and ripening Scott... I hope you get another few pulls before you call it quits this season. :)
I hear ya 'bout cold soil holding the chiles back in the spring, that's why I put down IRT plastic mulch... it uses the sun to passively warm the soil around 5 degrees. If you used it, I think you could plant outside in March and get another 4 weeks at the beginning of your season.
Thanks muchly for the seeds also bro'! There are some great varieties there that I'm looking forward to planting next year for sure. Cheers!
Thanks Rick,
I have the link you posted for the IRT bookmarked and am going to give it a whirl with a few.
Your welcome, I think you'll like them all. They certainly are on my grow list for next season ;)
randyp said:
      Mine are done,so I am back to watching others get a pull. :P
 Hi Randy,
Thanks for stopping by, I have lots of flowers going so I should know soon if I'm going to get some decent pods.
PIC 1 said:
Look at those plants ! 
Not a bad spot on the branches or leaves.........all  clear ..Green..captain...
Can you keep the plants going with a covering of protection ?
Thanks Greg,
This is actually the best time for the plants. Here lately the temps have been mid to high 60's at night and low to mid 80's during the day. We had a cool front blow in this morning and expect 48° in the morning and a high of 70°. I plan on harvesting firewood!
If we have a mild winter the existing plants could survive outdoors. It depends on the weather. Usually the wind is out of the Southeast which keeps us in the daytime 80's during the winter. This is broken up by cold fronts; and how strong they are influences the temps. The "normal" ones that we mostly get rarely go down below 28°, with a high of 40°. And that low is just for a few hours; so I feel covering would save them from a frost when we get those temps.
It's when we get an Arctic Express (a 5 day or better front) or 2 back to back when things get dicey here and we can get in the low 20's and hover at freezing all day.
Todays front blew in 3/4" of much needed rain here. The ranchers that planted Oats and Rye in early September have been sitting on their hands the whole month. They got an early September rain, came up and grew to an inch tall and just sat there. We need more ;)
Most of your operation has shut down on the pepper front and your still putting my grow to shame, lol. Loved following this year and the previous years glogs Devv. You have a very professional attitude and your plants and harvest reflect that nicely. You've got my applause, that is all.
East Texas Heat said:
Most of your operation has shut down on the pepper front and your still putting my grow to shame, lol. Loved following this year and the previous years glogs Devv. You have a very professional attitude and your plants and harvest reflect that nicely. You've got my applause, that is all.
I appreciate the compliments! One thing I like doing is building the soil. Every year it gets better ;)
capsidadburn said:
Congratulations Scott on a great season. I hope you get a little break time!
Thanks Mike!
I am getting some break time. I'm taking advantage of the cooler weather and harvesting firewood. I'm on the second tree; we lost 3 Live Oaks this year. One just died and it's got to be 500 years old, it's too big for me to safely drop, so I'm going to suck it up and pay a pro. It's got a 4'+ trunk! Another was killed by lightning, and the third just fell over in a storm. I feel the drought killed the 2. Storms just don't blow over Live Oaks...
That's got to be a ton of firewood!  I am still trying to wrap my head around something 500 years old.  That wood probably burns forever too, I'd guess. 
Great season Scott!  Glad you get a bit of down time.  Although, where you're at planting season will sneak up on you quick, I bet.
Pulpiteer said:
That's got to be a ton of firewood!  I am still trying to wrap my head around something 500 years old.  That wood probably burns forever too, I'd guess. 
Great season Scott!  Glad you get a bit of down time.  Although, where you're at planting season will sneak up on you quick, I bet.
Hi Andy!
The drought has caused an overstock regarding firewood. I have a few really large trees and one dropped a huge branch 2 years ago. Using a sharp 20" Husqvarna chain saw and the tractor to haul it back to the house, it took me 24 hours to cut, load, and haul it to the driveway apron for splitting. Got around 2 full cords from that one huge branch.
They say we're in for some good rains:

We're located just to the left of the "A" in Antonio. They're talking 4-7"s. We can take that much rain here if it's not in one hour ;)
A few pics of the dirt:


I re-seeded the sparse areas. The birds ate all the seeds the last time...
Picked a few today:

Some nice NagaBrains, some small Bahamian Goats, and a few Funky Reapers.


A few NagaBrains, they did really well here in the heat!
Devv,  the garden  cover crop is looking pretty good and I bet it looks a whole lot better once you get the rain.  Wish I could send some of ours down there, as we have had more than enough lately.  Been pulling all my peppers that have any color so I can wrap this season up.
Looking forward to what everyone's does for 2015.