• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
Devv said:
 Thanks Rick,
My family is scattered across the country, but I did spend 5 hours on the phone with them. Talk about phone ear!
   That's sorta like Cauliflower Ear but flatter, right? :P
 Thanks Lourans,
It was a nice relaxing weekend which started out with a visit to my sons house, had the 4 grand kids around which was great. The 4 year old sent me home with a cup of worms, her present to me ;)  I put them in one of the raised beds and hope they thrive.
     Watch that G-kid... she's probably gonna turn out to be the gardener in the family. ;)
Looking good Scott. Keep up the good work. Lovin the sauce. I might try that recipe with some of pods when I get a chance. No more room in the freezer right now. To many peppers. LOL. Have a great week.
:rofl: Haha love it... a cup full of earthworms! That is super. Apologies, I have my birthday coming up this month too and now I know exactly what I want from my two girls... that is really priceless! Love it!
Penny said:
Happy belated Birthday from me too :dance:
meatfreak said:
What?! Did I miss your birthday  :oops:  :oops: Happy belated B-Day from me to! Hope you had a good one :)
PaulG said:
+1 birthday wishes, Scott!
PIC 1 said:
Dang......sorry for the belated b-day wish........you'll have to go out and relive the expierence
Thanks for the B-Day wishes all! 'Yall are so thoughtful
stickman said:

   That's sorta like Cauliflower Ear but flatter, right? :P

     Watch that G-kid... she's probably gonna turn out to be the gardener in the family. ;)
But I'd much rather have the phone ear ;)
Well my Son finally has his own place and is intending on a decent sized garden this spring, I'm she will want to "help". Gardening is contagious!
OCD Chilehead said:
Looking good Scott. Keep up the good work. Lovin the sauce. I might try that recipe with some of pods when I get a chance. No more room in the freezer right now. To many peppers. LOL. Have a great week.
 Thanks Chuck,
Glad too hear you have too many peppers!
PeriPeri said:
:rofl: Haha love it... a cup full of earthworms! That is super. Apologies, I have my birthday coming up this month too and now I know exactly what I want from my two girls... that is really priceless! Love it!
Thanks Lourens,
I'm a bit ready for a B-Day every 2 years now ;)  Boy the years go fast don't they?
And yeah I'm going to put in a request every time we visit ;)
Got a SFRB from Rick this morning!

Looks like this weekend I'll be making some wings to give it a whirl.
Thanks Rick!
Not much going on around here temps are still in the low 90's, I keep trying to get some pics of the plants but by the time I get home they're not very photogenic. However I am seeing some flowers and expecting more seasonal weather come Monday (it'll be alright..)
Regarding tomorrow: TGIF!
Happy belated Birthday wishes.  Still laughing about the present you got from the granddaughter.  I see a future organic Pepperhead in the one!
That is the type of present that you are not likely to forget.
You made my day!
Jeff H said:
Nice gift from Rick.
Temps in the low 90s :eek:          A little late in the year for those temps.
 Thanks Jeff,
Yeah it's warmer than it should be, but it's supposed to cool down to between 84-87° starting tomorrow and stay that way for 10 days or so. Some 50's at night in there too ;)
bpwilly said:
Happy belated Birthday wishes.  Still laughing about the present you got from the granddaughter.  I see a future organic Pepperhead in the one!
That is the type of present that you are not likely to forget.
You made my day!
Thanks Bill,
We never appreciate our kids as much as those Grand Kids, probably because we or they go home after a visit. Dang they grow so fast!
Grandkids are great because I can wind them up, spoil them and then send them home with their parents!   Nothing like getting to have revenge on my daughter!
LOL, enjoy, cause your right they grow up way to fast.  And they sure learn how to get what they want from the Grandparents!
Hellya... them birthdays are just flying fast. Nice one Rick... that is a nice present. I am sure you will do magic with them seeds. I look forward to the grow ;)
bpwilly said:
Grandkids are great because I can wind them up, spoil them and then send them home with their parents!   Nothing like getting to have revenge on my daughter!
LOL, enjoy, cause your right they grow up way to fast.  And they sure learn how to get what they want from the Grandparents!
Yes! Feed them lots of candy and send them home with noisy toys. ;)  I was telling my wife yesterday we need to get the 4 and 7 year old whoopi cushions when we visit next, they will go nuts! My oldest Grandchild is 3 years from driving, now that's scary!
PeriPeri said:
Hellya... them birthdays are just flying fast. Nice one Rick... that is a nice present. I am sure you will do magic with them seeds. I look forward to the grow ;)
Yeah they do. A few years back I was walking by a window and saw my reflection, who is that old man?
I wanted to take some pics today, but the wind is blowing pretty hard today. We had a cool front blow in.
The NagaBrain is loading up again, the BB7's are setting pods, as well as the MoA, which has put a few on. This week with the highs below 90° should really help things.
I threw some rye seed yesterday, and we weeded (some of) the garden. The Crimson clover is soooo slow growing it's ridiculous, got to find something that grows fast and fixes nitrogen. The middle section will be tilled. I was told, "If you want to weed it, go for it". Okies, I'll till it in the morning.
Got a nice pork roast sitting in Rick's jerk recipe for the pit tomorrow, should be gooood!
Well, I finally got to take a few pics today...

The giant White Bhut. It's been struggling after being dug up and potted and is enjoying the cooler weather this weekend. It's got a few flowers forming too.

JA Hab I dug up. It too has been struggling. The weather has been a good 5-10° hotter than normal. It's also starting to flower again.

Some of the Garlic is finally coming up in the raised beds. Something is eating our lettuce :mope:

MoA I dug up, flowering and it's set a few pods.

Maters!  Some are starting to set. We're growing Early Girl and San Marzano.

NagaBrains, they never really stopped producing this summer.

A few BB7's have set....

This is one happy Bahamian Goat!

This Comfrey is from Coes, 2 year old crowns, now pushing 5-6"s tall. The weather is mild so they should grow like weeds. I have 6 more planted along the South fence of the garden.

These Esperanza's are very late this year, normally see the flowers in mid summer...
Thanks for reading!
You know, I just can't get my head around having plants starting to flower in October! When the Hell does that Tejas season end?? You have little to complain about my friend.

On an unrelated note, I just realized I don't recall you processing any fermented sauces. Do you ferment sauces/peppers, Scott?
LOL,    I had to go back top the top to see if the owner of this GLOG was located in the southern Hemisphere.  Flowering plants this time of the year?  Not something I am used to in October outdoors.   Nice pictures

Scott, how do you plan on using the Comfrey?  I have some as well, but did not get them in the ground as I go them late, and did not have the bed ready for them so I put them in pots and have them in the greenhouse.  They sure grow fast, so I hoping they will die back and go dormant in the cooler weather.  Just not sure hope I can best utilize the leaves they are growing already, as they are about 12-18 inches long already.  Composting them or some sort of ferment?
Roguejim said:
You know, I just can't get my head around having plants starting to flower in October! When the Hell does that Tejas season end?? You have little to complain about my friend.

On an unrelated note, I just realized I don't recall you processing any fermented sauces. Do you ferment sauces/peppers, Scott?
Our season could end in November or go to Christmas. I seen many a 85° day on the 25th. The cool thing is I can bring the plants in the containers into the shop when a frost or freeze is forecast.
I have a ferment working since mid January that I need to make sauce from, I've been reminded countless times by LB ;)
bpwilly said:
LOL,    I had to go back top the top to see if the owner of this GLOG was located in the southern Hemisphere.  Flowering plants this time of the year?  Not something I am used to in October outdoors.   Nice pictures

Scott, how do you plan on using the Comfrey?  I have some as well, but did not get them in the ground as I go them late, and did not have the bed ready for them so I put them in pots and have them in the greenhouse.  They sure grow fast, so I hoping they will die back and go dormant in the cooler weather.  Just not sure hope I can best utilize the leaves they are growing already, as they are about 12-18 inches long already.  Composting them or some sort of ferment?
Thanks Bill,
They're starting to come around. I dug the container plants up at the end of August, they've had a rough time adjusting but I should get some produce.
I'm going to use the Comfrey to both add to the compost pile and make teas. I have a feeling they won't die back here unless we have a really hard freeze. The weather here can be crazy hot or cold. I remember Christmas Eve 1989, a high of 15° that day. Of course I had to work, we had just bought the house and it didn't have central heat yet. We had an airtight wood burning stove, and my brother, who was visiting loaded it up with Mesquite, an Oxygen hog. So everyone was freezing, I did get out of work early and loaded it with Live Oak.
PaulG said:
Looks like Grow Season II happening there, buddy!
 Thanks Paul,
I'm contemplating on starting some late peppers next season and letting them grow until the frost. I get so much better production in the fall, as the heat cranks up too soon in their growth cycle.
Seacowboy said:
Are those red pods on your bahamian goat?
Nope, that plant puts out a true "goat" pepper in color and shape. I'm hoping the green pods grow to normal size. It's one of the few plants that put on pods all summer despite the heat, although the summer pods were smaller and more Habby looking.
Didn't even hit 80° here today, wind is out of the North @ 20mph. Slated for 54° in the morning, things change back by Wednesday to mid to high 80's. Hopefully no more 90's ;)
I planted Onion seeds last weekend and they're already up and running.. two packs of seeds in each container. Onions are notoriously slow to get to a decent size to put in the ground (Jan 15th here). If I'm ahead of the game I can hold them, like the stores do until the time is right.
Crappy pic, the sun is low already..

Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for the info on the Comfrey.  I might have to cut some of the older leaves and save them for a ferment for other plants this year.  My compost pile is getting so large, it might need a lot more than I can grow from the Comfrey anytime soon.
We will have to compare notes about how much this helps the grows next year!
bpwilly said:
Thanks for the info on the Comfrey.  I might have to cut some of the older leaves and save them for a ferment for other plants this year.  My compost pile is getting so large, it might need a lot more than I can grow from the Comfrey anytime soon.
We will have to compare notes about how much this helps the grows next year!
 You're most welcome!
I'm hoping mine grow through the winter ;)
I've seen others just laying the leaves down as a mulch around the plant. One thing I wasn't happy about was the amount of roots cut off the 2 year old crowns. I paid extra for 2 year olds, and as much as they were cut back I probably won't notice a real difference, and haven't yet from the 1 year old crowns. Now buying root cuttings is another story. They won't do much until the second season for sure. They were freebees, (probably cut from my 2 year olds) and are sooo tiny.
In any case I can pull up a plant next September and start more plants by either separating the crown or root cuttings.  I wound up with 2 volunteers from the medium they were shipped in. All I did was work the plants over a 5 galllon bucket, and poof 2 more sprouted.
In any case with the size of my garden, I'll need many to make a difference. So I'll use the edges.