• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
yup... definitely a good day's work done, and and a tasty reward at the end of it! Did you lay down black plastic mulch before you set up the low row cover? You might want to invest in a min/max thermometer to put inside to monitor the temps. Good luck with the experiment, I'll be keeping an eye on it!
HillBilly Jeff said:
Need a love button instead of a like button for that post.  Great bunch of plants, awesome splitting of the manzanos, and love the food.
Thanks Jeff!
It felt good to put in a full days work today. Tomorrow is a wind day:(
stickman said:
yup... definitely a good day's work done, and and a tasty reward at the end of it! Did you lay down black plastic mulch before you set up the low row cover? You might want to invest in a min/max thermometer to put inside to monitor the temps. Good luck with the experiment, I'll be keeping an eye on it!
Today was a good day! And dinner went down like a fine wine!
That (setting it up) was the last thing we did before I had to water and then bring in all the plants this evening. A min-max thermometer is a great idea. All I have is a basic one. Tomorrow, weather permitting, I will make a shelf of some sort so I can raise the south side for access, so I don't have to crawl inside to work things. Today was a roughing in type day with the hoop house. It's going to get really windy, so I'll see where that goes. It's one of my concerns here.
Wow, that was a busy day! But gastronomically well rewarded it appears. :)
Temporary hoop house is a great idea to transition to plant out.
Do have any plans on a small space heater if temps down into  the twenties with wind?
Or just move 'em back in on an emergency?
JJJessee said:
Wow, that was a busy day! But gastronomically well rewarded it appears. :)
Temporary hoop house is a great idea to transition to plant out.
Do have any plans on a small space heater if temps down into  the twenties with wind?
Or just move 'em back in on an emergency?
Here, normally, 20's is a rare thing. But not his year. After a week of checking temps, I'm going to put a few tomato and pepper plants in there to see how they do. The main thing is combating frost. I've already survived 25° with the aid of sprinklers, I had a full garden planted, corn, squash, tom's, peppers, you name it, 3 or 4 year ago. I was lucky it was on a weekend and I was home.I only lost 1 pepper plant that year.
HillBilly Jeff said:
That is a good move on the hoop house.  I have had bad dreams of moving plants out and waking up to them all dead.
It's an experiment for me this season, hope it turns out good!
Devv said:
It felt good to put in a full days work today. Tomorrow is a wind day:(
That (setting it up) was the last thing we did before I had to water and then bring in all the plants this evening. A min-max thermometer is a great idea. All I have is a basic one. Tomorrow, weather permitting, I will make a shelf of some sort so I can raise the south side for access, so I don't have to crawl inside to work things. Today was a roughing in type day with the hoop house. It's going to get really windy, so I'll see where that goes. It's one of my concerns here.
Ah yes... wind... I noticed with the low row cover that the edges of the poly sheeting need to be held down well so the wind can't get underneath it. If you do that, the structure is low enough that it won't have anything to grab onto. You could bury the edges of the plastic on 3 sides, but then you'd have to get down on your hands and knees with a garden hose or watering can unless you had a soaker hose or drip irrigation set up inside. That's what I'm aiming for as soon as we get a water line laid out to our community garden. If you have to hand-water, I'd recommend putting at least a 14 pound weight on top of the edges of the plastic at either end of each of the hoops. That way you can move the weights aside on one side of the row cover and pull the plastic over to the other side. That'll give you access without having to crawl around inside. When you're done, just pull the plastic back across and put the weights back. My first year I used sandbags, but the plastic fabric they were made from deteriorated in the sun and they fell apart. Last year I used flat stones instead.
stickman said:
Ah yes... wind... I noticed with the low row cover that the edges of the poly sheeting need to be held down well so the wind can't get underneath it. If you do that, the structure is low enough that it won't have anything to grab onto. You could bury the edges of the plastic on 3 sides, but then you'd have to get down on your hands and knees with a garden hose or watering can unless you had a soaker hose or drip irrigation set up inside. That's what I'm aiming for as soon as we get a water line laid out to our community garden. If you have to hand-water, I'd recommend putting at least a 14 pound weight on top of the edges of the plastic at either end of each of the hoops. That way you can move the weights aside on one side of the row cover and pull the plastic over to the other side. That'll give you access without having to crawl around inside. When you're done, just pull the plastic back across and put the weights back. My first year I used sandbags, but the plastic fabric they were made from deteriorated in the sun and they fell apart. Last year I used flat stones instead.
Right now I have a treated 12' 2x4 on the long sides, and a 5gal bucket filled with dirt on each end. This is test week, several fronts blowing in. I want to watch how it behaves with wind and monitor the temps. The goal with the 2x4's is so I can lift the whole side. I want a way to prop up the side.
Wow what a busy day Scott.

Love the hoop housese. Pepper plants outside in Feb. Must admit, I'm a little jealous , but that will be short lived once it hits 100 down there.

Foodie pics are great too.
Jeff H said:
Wow what a busy day Scott.

Love the hoop housese. Pepper plants outside in Feb. Must admit, I'm a little jealous , but that will be short lived once it hits 100 down there.

Foodie pics are great too.
Thanks Jeff!
You will definitely hear me whine when we get the 100's...LOL keep some cheese on hand!
Had some more babies arrive.
BB7 Stefan (Meatfreak)

Funky Reaper my seeds.

Manzano's! These seeds from Scarecrw.

Manzano from Jamison, these are a full week behind the ones above.

Just a few left that need to break the soil.
Devv said:
Right now I have a treated 12' 2x4 on the long sides, and a 5gal bucket filled with dirt on each end. This is test week, several fronts blowing in. I want to watch how it behaves with wind and monitor the temps. The goal with the 2x4's is so I can lift the whole side. I want a way to prop up the side.
The way Greg did it last year might be what you're looking for... http://thehotpepper.com/topic/37019-pic-1spod-ography2013/page-20#entry815058 ... Just page down a little bit and you'll see his method.
Way to go on the new babies... looks like you're all set for Manzanos this season! :dance:
Wow fantastic update! I want to hear more about how you set up the hoop house. Just bent PCV? What kind of cloth do you have over it?
Plants are looking vigorous as always. I am going to discuss this more in a couple of months, but how do you go about actively hardening off your plants? That was my biggest disaster last year. Sadly I am in a community garden, so I can't really place them in direct sunlight for increasing hours of the day. Best I can think of is to move them to the shaded porch for a couple days, then move them to the plot, perhaps rigging a sunshade for a couple of days. Not going to be easy to step up the time they're in the sun slowly.
stickman said:
The way Greg did it last year might be what you're looking for... http://thehotpepper.com/topic/37019-pic-1spod-ography2013/page-20#entry815058 ... Just page down a little bit and you'll see his method.
Way to go on the new babies... looks like you're all set for Manzanos this season! :dance:
I like how he has the board tied to the PVC and can just hang the side on it, worth a shot!
Pretty dang windy out there today! It's hanging in there!
Nick08* said:
Great hoop house, I want one myself! Plants are looking good too!
Thanks Nick!
The hoop house is not that expensive. All I need for a second one is the PVC, so about 40 bucks each..
HillBilly Jeff said:
Love the new peppers popping.  It will be warm before we know it.
Thanks Jeff!
Just a month from now and most goes in the ground...can't wait!
outa likes again :tear:
maximumcapsicum said:
Wow fantastic update! I want to hear more about how you set up the hoop house. Just bent PCV? What kind of cloth do you have over it?
Plants are looking vigorous as always. I am going to discuss this more in a couple of months, but how do you go about actively hardening off your plants? That was my biggest disaster last year. Sadly I am in a community garden, so I can't really place them in direct sunlight for increasing hours of the day. Best I can think of is to move them to the shaded porch for a couple days, then move them to the plot, perhaps rigging a sunshade for a couple of days. Not going to be easy to step up the time they're in the sun slowly.
Thanks Adam!
I wanted more pics of the peppers but it was getting to close to supper and I had to double time it. I speed bottom watered them, just 10 mins, but deeper in the water.
Hoop house is 3/4 schedule 40 PVC, I hammered 14" 1.5" pieces to push them into. Plastic is 4 mil thick clear stuff.
I'm a bit rough with the hardening off, I get some sunburn, but it doesn't hurt the plant if it's got some size. I feel the wind and sun are good for the plants. I too have the time issues with the short intro to outside. It's all or nothing. Sunburn won't damage the new growth that occurs after being outside.
meatfreak said:
Congrats on the new baby's, Scott. Things are going very well for you, beautiful plants and lots of more to come :D
Thanks Stefan!
The seeds have been germing really well!
I almost forgot to bring the older gals inside this morning. A front arrived, I got them when it was just at 40°. They're a hangin'!
i see more hooks coming for ya.. :fireball: :fireball:
your OW ladies looking good and that naked lady has some big stems, shes gonna be a monster