• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
OCD Chilehead said:
Nice pics Scott. Tasty looking peppers you got there. The wings are probably tastier. Enjoy your day and that Bock as well.
 Thanks Chuck!
The wings get a sauce made from BBQ sauce, Honey, and Hab heat range hot sauce, equal parts in the mix. My bad for no pics. But they were good!
HillBilly Jeff said:
Everything is looking just amazing man.  You have them plants kicking it and soon will be over run with poddage.  Salsa looked great as well.
Keep it green!!!
Thanks Jeff!
This has been an exceptional year for the garden. Much better weather conditions for sure.
maximumcapsicum said:
I'll say! Amazing plants and pods! Are those white Habs on the bottom left?
 Thanks Adam!
Those are the first pods from the second White Bhut, the next round has larger pods. Bhut I don't think any will get a large as the other Bhut colors out there. They are a tasty pod for sure, sweeter than any I've had so far. And the heat is milder too...
Jeff H said:
Pod shots and harvest shots look great Scott. The beer too.
Hope you had a great Father's day.
 Thanks Jeff!
The day was good, as well as the Shiners ;)
stickman said:
Beauty on the pod porn Scott... you've got some real monsters goin' there! Hope you had a great father's day chillin' at home
Thanks Rick!
Yesterday was great, a nice quiet day, hope yours was wonderful!
meatfreak said:
Love the growth, Scott. Those bonnets look tasty, got the seeds from Greg. Nice harvest already!
Thanks Stefan!
Things are getting going here! The fall will be nuts!
'Yall have a great week!
capsidadburn said:
Looking real nice Scott!  Great harvest!
Can't go wrong with the Shiner!
Thanks Mike!
It's Friday eve.!
jedisushi06 said:
of course.  
Well I've been slacking here this week, trying to keep up with all the glogs and working maters. They're producing like crazy. We're usually done by July1st, but this season I don't see an end in sight. I see some color out there on the peppers, and a pick is due Sunday. As well as pics in the AM. We got some unexpected rain last night .7" ! The bad thing is I didn't know it was coming and wasn't setup for collection. But I don't have to water either!
Here' a pic of my favorite, she didn't want me on the tractor :D

Jeff H said:
Hahaha. :rofl: My wife won't even drive my truck or the golf cart we have :shh: , much less a tractor. Good for your wife. she looks comfortable up there.
Well, I taught her to drive a stick shift back in the '70's so the tractor is NP for her. The first experience was with a '71 Pinto...LOL remember those? Might be before your time. But they were really good cars for a young couple back then. Anyways I was teaching upshifting and downshifting. She did great upshifting; mind you this was the first ride. We were doing 60mph, and it was time to slow down. She went through the gears from 4th to 1st rather quick never letting the clutch out and when she did we were still at around 60mph and now in 1st gear. Poor Pinto, I'm surprised to this day the engine handled it, and glad she did too! The rear tires locked up and I screamed "step on the clutch"!
Well I'm here to tell the story so ;)
After that she understood completely, and of course, to this day it was my fault.
I'll raise my hand! I could have explained it better. But I guess it's easy for one to expect someone else to understand what we already know...
 Looking good  Scotty . No looking superb. Your garden is so kick ass . Before long you will need a panoramic to get a full view of your harvests.  :party:
I have been fighting the same curled leaves syndrome that you have for years . Somedays I think maybe too much nitrogen or something to that  nature . But I treat all my plants the same (in terms of feeding) so deep down I know that is not the case . This year as soon as I see the curling I strip the plant of infected leaves and spray the shiat out of it with wettable sulfur. Fingers crossed it has worked so far . 
 Keep it green my brethren and have a great weekend. Ice that knee up dailey  ;)
OCD Chilehead said:
Drove a station wagon pinto. Haven't seen one in years. A lot of them crushed or circle track chops I suppose. Cool tractor! Congrats on the tomatoes and thanks for the pics.
I had two, both had 1600cc engines with a 4 speed. That combination ran forever; the larger engines ate timing belts and the cams seized a lot.
The tractor: My son works for John Deere, him and the wife talked me into buying it 7 years ago. It's a life saver as one gets older, I use it for everything! Even moving appliances from the driveway to the front door.
Sawyer said:
"...she didn't want me on the tractor"
Are you sure she wasn't just looking for an excuse to drive it?
Things are finally start to kick in here.  I need to update my glog soon.
I'm trying to let the knee heal, and getting on it right now won't help things. She putts around in low range 1st gear ;)
Glad to hear things are taking off and looking forward to an update!
Some Windows help here:
Two things about uploading pics can be a challenge and time consuming. Resizing and renaming.
I have Office on my PC and use Outlook for email.
I resize by highlighting a group of pics and then right click, choose send to, then mail recipient. A box opens and you can resize in batch.
Renaming has always been something I hate to do. The pics come out of the camera in names like DSCN2482.jpg, my preference is to name them in order starting with one. When I take a 40 image load and have to rename them all, I say boring! This way when I post images I know what number to start with and copy the URL of the first, and then I can increment by one as I enter info about the pic.
So after some research I found a cool script which I edited to serve my renaming issue.
Open "run" and type powershell.
Once in powershell CD to where the pics are. Mine are in c:\2014 and I have a folder there for every date I upload. So today's pics are in C:\2014\6-20
So cd C:\2014\6-20 puts me in the correct folder. You can verify the place you're at by typing pwd. And of course powershell shows the path in the prompt. So today my first pic is 1007.
So I enter:
$i = 1007
To set the variable of the first filename. The command below will rename all the files in that folder. So make sure you use a dedicated folder with just the files you want to rename.

Get-ChildItem *.jpg | %{Rename-Item $_ -NewName ('{0:D1}.jpg' -f $i++)}
I had 15 pics in the folder and they were renamed 1007.jpg through 1021.jpg, it's just too easy ;)
OK here's a few:

Jigsaw getting huge and showing some color. The seeds were sent by Dale when he setup the Jigsaw Community Grow.

Jigsaw pods are getting mean looking!

Being I'm too lazy...I never repositioned the labels stuck in the ground after I discovered I had entered them upside down in the spread sheet. So this is NOT a Yellow Brain. Solving that fixed a ton of "mysteries" :shh:
It's a Bonda, seeds harvested from pods Annie sent last season. And it's like Ron White says "Looooaaaaded" :D

A not so clear Bonda close up.

Another blurry pic, TS Moruga Bhut from seeds Charles sent. My knee won't let me get low to get proper focus, good thing it's on the mend.

Another one of Charles' amazing crosses. These plants are very robust and simply loaded up with gnarly pods. Thanks Charles!
This is a Bhut Yellow 7 x Bhut Douglah

Group shot of the jungle, I guess next year 5' spacing is in order :shh:

Giant Yellow 7 looks to be growing true. Seeds from one of Annie's pods.

Yet another one of Charles' mad crosses Bhut Yellow 7 Plant is huge and loaded!

A few pods (same plant) are ripening, this branch is on the ground, just too much weight!
romy6 said:
 Looking good  Scotty . No looking superb. Your garden is so kick ass . Before long you will need a panoramic to get a full view of your harvests.  :party:
I have been fighting the same curled leaves syndrome that you have for years . Somedays I think maybe too much nitrogen or something to that  nature . But I treat all my plants the same (in terms of feeding) so deep down I know that is not the case . This year as soon as I see the curling I strip the plant of infected leaves and spray the shiat out of it with wettable sulfur. Fingers crossed it has worked so far . 
 Keep it green my brethren and have a great weekend. Ice that knee up dailey  ;)
Thanks Jamie!
The pods are starting to roll in!
I've been doing the same, hit them twice a week with the Bonide wettable sulfur. Now where did I get that idea from? They're finally getting to where I'm not embarrassed to take pis of them ;)
I've been keeping it iced and have been taking Aleve for the anti-inflamatory in it. As well as resting it and doing rehab exercises. It's finally getting better, but of course I'm afraid to use it much right now. 3 flights in July for family visits, so I need it to work ;)
Hey man,
what's the purpose of renaming ?
I can understand the need to keep the files in somewhat ordered state, but after taking lilke 10k or 100k pictures I do not see the point in doing that.
Do you use the new name for sort of indexing? In theory your camera should spit rather unique DSCNXXXX filenames - provided it increments the numbers.
On the other hand I experienced a few duplicate names from the camera.
Take a couple of pictures, shut the camera off, take out the card, put it in the reader, move files from the card (last one was DSCN1234), eject the card.
Put it in the camera, take new pictures, first one starts with DSCN1234. Obviously when I moved the files, I was asked for overwrite and the files were different.
lucilanga said:
Hey man,
what's the purpose of renaming ?
I can understand the need to keep the files in somewhat ordered state, but after taking lilke 10k or 100k pictures I do not see the point in doing that.
Do you use the new name for sort of indexing? In theory your camera should spit rather unique DSCNXXXX filenames - provided it increments the numbers.
On the other hand I experienced a few duplicate names from the camera.
Take a couple of pictures, shut the camera off, take out the card, put it in the reader, move files from the card (last one was DSCN1234), eject the card.
Put it in the camera, take new pictures, first one starts with DSCN1234. Obviously when I moved the files, I was asked for overwrite and the files were different.
I use ftp to upload versus a cloud pic site, and I like to have sequential numbers. I can bring a clipboard with me and shoot x amount of pics write down my shots and come back and look at them. I usually take several pod shots hoping for a nice sharp one. If I take 4 and one is a good one I delete the other three before sending them to my server, without renaming I would have to track the image file names...I just like doing it this way...